Package mrv :: Package maya :: Package nt :: Module base :: Class Node
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Class Node

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object --+

Common base for all maya nodes, providing access to the maya internal object representation Use this class to directly create a maya node of the required type
Instance Methods [hide private]
a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
return the proper class for the given object
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Returns: hash of our object using MObjectHandle functionlity
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __init__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

    Overridden Methods
__eq__(self, other)
compare the nodes according to their api object.
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__ne__(self, other) source code
Returns: hash of our object using MObjectHandle functionlity
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Returns: the highest qualified api object of the actual superclass, usually either MObject or MDagPath
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Returns: the MFn Type id of the wrapped object
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hasFn(self, mfntype)
Returns: True if our object supports the given function set type
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Class Methods [hide private]
Returns: list of all function set classes this node supports, most derived function set comes first
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Class Variables [hide private]
  __metaclass__ = MetaClassCreatorNodes
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)

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return the proper class for the given object
  • args - arg[0] is the node to be wrapped

    • string: wrap the API object with the respective name
    • MObject
    • MObjectHandle
    • MDagPath

    If args is empty, a new node of the given type will be created within maya. Shapes will automatically receive a parent transform. kwargs will be passed to createNode in that case.

Returns: a new object with type S, a subtype of T
Overrides: object.__new__

Note: This multi-purpose constructor is not perfectly optimized for speed, consider using NodeFromObj instead

__eq__(self, other)
(Equality operator)

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compare the nodes according to their api object. Valid inputs are other Node, MObject or MDagPath instances


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hash of our object using MObjectHandle functionlity

(Hashing function)

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hash of our object using MObjectHandle functionlity
Overrides: object.__hash__


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the highest qualified api object of the actual superclass, usually either MObject or MDagPath

Class Method

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list of all function set classes this node supports, most derived function set comes first


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the MFn Type id of the wrapped object

hasFn(self, mfntype)

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True if our object supports the given function set type