Package mrv :: Package maya :: Package nt :: Module base
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Module base

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Contains some basic classes that are required to run the nodes system

All classes defined here can replace classes in the node type hierarachy if the name matches. This allows to create hand-implemented types.

Classes [hide private]
Common base for all maya nodes, providing access to the maya internal object representation Use this class to directly create a maya node of the required type
Virtual Constructor, producing nodes as the Node does, but it will only accept MObjects or dagpaths which are expected to be valid.
Virtual constructor similar to NodeFromObj, but it will only accept strings to produce a wrapped node as fast as possible.
Implements access to dependency nodes
Implements access to DAG nodes
Utility Class returning True or False on call, latter one if the passed object does not match the filter
Represents an attribute in general - this is the base class Use this general class to create attribute wraps - it will return a class of the respective type
Represents an data in general - this is the base class Use this general class to create data wrap objects - it will return a class of the respective type
Wraps plugin data as received by a plug.
Wraps geometry data providing additional convenience methods
Improves the default wrap by adding some required methods to deal with component lists
Represents a shape component - its derivates can be used to handle component lists to be used in object sets and shading engines
precreated class for ease-of-use
Fixes some functions that would not work usually
precreated class for ease-of-use
    Basic Types
Performs operations on MDagPaths which are hard or inconvenient to do otherwise
    Default Types
Implements additional utilities to work with references
Precreated class to allow isinstance checking against their types and to add undo support to MFnTransform functions, as well as for usability
Interface providing common methods to all geometry shapes as they can be shaded.
Functions [hide private]
_checkedInstanceCreationDagPathSupport(mobject_or_mdagpath, clsToBeCreated, basecls)
Same purpose and attribtues as _checkedInstanceCreation, but supports dagPaths as input as well
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_checkedInstanceCreation(apiobj, typeName, clsToBeCreated, basecls)
Utiliy method creating a new class instance according to additional type information Its used by __new__ constructors to finalize class creation
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_setupDagNodeDelayedMethods(dagnode, mobject, mdagpath)
Setup the given dagnode with the instance methods it needs to handle the gven mobject OR mdagpath accordingly, one of them may be None
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_createInstByPredicate(apiobj, cls, basecls, predicate)
Allows to wrap objects around MObjects where the actual compatabilty cannot be determined by some nodetypename, but by the function set itself.
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Create a unique name based on the given dagpath by appending numbers
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nodeTypeToNodeTypeCls(nodeTypeName, apiobj)
Convert the given node type (str) to the respective python node type class
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_makeAbsolutePath(nodename) source code
isAbsolutePath(nodename) source code
Find ONE valid dag path to the given dag api object
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Convert the given nodename to the respective MObject
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Convert the given nodename to the respective MObject or MDagPath
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toSelectionList(nodeList, mergeWithExisting=False)
Convert an iterable filled with Nodes to a selection list
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toComponentSelectionList(nodeCompList, mergeWithExisting=False)
As above, but only works on DagNodes having components - the components can be a nullObject though to add the whole object after all.
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Convert the given iterable of nodenames to a selection list
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fromSelectionList(sellist, handlePlugs=1, **kwargs)
Returns: list of Nodes and MPlugs stored in the given selection list
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toNodesFromNames(nodenames, **kwargs)
Returns: list of wrapped nodes from the given list of node names
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findByName(name, **kwargs)
Returns: list of node matching name, whereas simple regex using * can be used to describe a pattern
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Returns: True if given object exists, false otherwise
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delete(*args, **kwargs)
Delete the given nodes
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selection(filterType=api.MFn.kInvalid, **kwargs)
Returns: list of Nodes from the current selection
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Returns: MSelectionList of the current selection list
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iterSelection(filterType=api.MFn.kInvalid, **kwargs)
Returns: iterator over current scene selection
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select(*nodesOrSelectionList, **kwargs)
Select the given list of wrapped nodes or selection list in maya
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createNode(nodename, nodetype, autocreateNamespace=True, renameOnClash=True, forceNewLeaf=True, maxShapesPerTransform=0)
Create a new node of nodetype with given nodename
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Returns: node type name of the given MObject or MDagPath
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_new_mixin(cls, *args, **kwargs)
Constructor for MObject derived types which only differ in a few parameters.
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Variables [hide private]
  log = logging.getLogger("mrv.maya.nt.base")
  _nodesdict = None
  _nameToApiSelList = api.MSelectionList()
  _mfndep = api.MFnDependencyNode()
  _mfndag = api.MFnDagNode()
  _mfndep_setobject = _mfndep.setObject
  _mfndag_setObject = _mfndag.setObject
  _mfndep_typename = _mfndep.typeName
  _mfndag_typename = _mfndag.typeName
  _mfndep_name =
  _api_mdagpath_node = MDagPath.node
  _apitype_to_name = dict()
  _plugin_type_ids = api.MFn.kPluginDeformerNode, api.MFn.kPlugi...
  _plugin_type_ids_lut = set(_plugin_type_ids)
  _plugin_type_to_node_type_name = dict(zip((_plugin_type_ids), ...
  _api_type_tuple = MObject, MDagPath
Function Details [hide private]

nodeTypeToNodeTypeCls(nodeTypeName, apiobj)

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Convert the given node type (str) to the respective python node type class
  • nodeTypeName - the type name you which to have the actual class for
  • apiobj - source api object, its apiType is used as fallback in case we don't know the node


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Convert the given nodename to the respective MObject
  • uses unique names only, and will fail if a non-unique path is given, which is as selection lists do not work properly with partial names !
  • even dag objects will end up as MObject
  • code repeats partly in toApiobjOrDagPath as its supposed to be as fast as possible - this method gets called quite a few times in benchmarks


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Convert the given nodename to the respective MObject or MDagPath

Note: we treat "nodename" and "|nodename" as the same objects as they occupy the same namespace - one time a dep node is meant, the other time a dag node. If querying a dag node, the dep node with the same name is not found, although it is in the same freaking namespace ! IMHO this is a big bug !

toSelectionList(nodeList, mergeWithExisting=False)

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Convert an iterable filled with Nodes to a selection list
  • nodeList - iterable filled with dg and dag nodes as well as plugs, dagpaths or mobjects or strings
  • mergeWithExisting - if true, the selection list will not allow dupliacates , but adding objects also takes (much) longer, depending on the size of the list
selection list filled with objects from node list

toComponentSelectionList(nodeCompList, mergeWithExisting=False)

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As above, but only works on DagNodes having components - the components can be a nullObject though to add the whole object after all.
  • nodeCompList - list of tuple(DagNode, Component), Component can be filled component or null MObject


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Convert the given iterable of nodenames to a selection list
MSelectionList, use iterSelectionList to retrieve the objects

fromSelectionList(sellist, handlePlugs=1, **kwargs)

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  • kwargs - passed to selectionListIterator
list of Nodes and MPlugs stored in the given selection list

toNodesFromNames(nodenames, **kwargs)

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list of wrapped nodes from the given list of node names

Note: this function is supposed to be faster for multiple nodes compared to just creating a Node directly as we optimize the process due to the intermediate selection list getting the api objects for the given names

findByName(name, **kwargs)

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  • name - string like pcube, or pcube*, or pcube*|*Shape
  • kwargs - passed to fromSelectionList
list of node matching name, whereas simple regex using * can be used to describe a pattern


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  • objectname - we always use absolute paths to have a unique name
True if given object exists, false otherwise

Note: perfer this method over mel as the API is used directly as we have some special handling to assure we get the right nodes

delete(*args, **kwargs)

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Delete the given nodes
  • args - Node instances, MObjects, MDagPaths or strings to delete
  • kwargs -
    • presort:

      if True, default False, will do alot of pre-work to actually make the deletion work properly using the UI, thus we sort dag nodes by dag path token length to delete top level ones first and individually, to finally delete all dependency nodes in a bunch

    Using this flag will be slower, but yields much better results if deleting complex dag and dependency trees with locked attributes, conversion nodes, transforms and shapes

  • @undoable
  • in general , no matter which options have been chosen , api deletion does not work well as the used algorithm is totally different and inferior to the mel implementaiton
  • will not raise in case of an error, but print a notification message
  • all deletions will be stored on one undo operation

selection(filterType=api.MFn.kInvalid, **kwargs)

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  • filterType - The type of nodes to return exclusively. Defaults to returning all nodes.
  • kwargs - passed to fromSelectionList
list of Nodes from the current selection


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MSelectionList of the current selection list

iterSelection(filterType=api.MFn.kInvalid, **kwargs)

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  • filterType - MFn type specifying the node type to iterate upon. Defaults to all node types.
  • kwargs - passed to it.iterSelectionList
iterator over current scene selection

Note: This iterator will always return Nodes

select(*nodesOrSelectionList, **kwargs)

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Select the given list of wrapped nodes or selection list in maya
  • nodesOrSelectionList - single selection list or multiple wrapped nodes , or multiple names
  • kwargs -
    • listAdjustment: default api.MGlobal.kReplaceList
  • as this is a convenience function that is not required by the api itself, but for interactive sessions, it will be undoable
  • Components are only supported if a selection list is given
  • This method is implicitly undoable

createNode(nodename, nodetype, autocreateNamespace=True, renameOnClash=True, forceNewLeaf=True, maxShapesPerTransform=0)

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Create a new node of nodetype with given nodename
  • nodename - like mynode``or ``namespace:mynode or |parent|mynode or |ns1:parent|ns1:ns2:parent|ns3:mynode. The name may contain any amount of parents and/or namespaces.
  • nodetype - a nodetype known to maya to be created accordingly
  • autocreateNamespace - if True, namespaces given in the nodename will be created if required
  • renameOnClash - if True, nameclashes will automatcially be resolved by creating a unique name - this only happens if a dependency node has the same name as a dag node
  • forceNewLeaf - if True, nodes will be created anyway if a node with the same name already exists - this will recreate the leaf portion of the given paths. Implies renameOnClash If False, you will receive an already existing node if the name and type matches.
  • maxShapesPerTransform - only used when renameOnClash is True, defining the number of shapes you may have below a transform. If the number would be exeeded by the creation of a shape below a given transform, a new auto-renamed transform will be created automatically. This transform is garantueed to be new and will be used as new parent for the shape.
the newly create Node
  • @undoable
  • RuntimeError - If nodename contains namespaces or parents that may not be created
  • NameError - If name of desired node clashes as existing node has different type
  • For reasons of safety, dag nodes must use absolute paths like |parent|child - otherwise names might be ambiguous ! This method will assume absolute paths !
  • As this method is checking a lot and tries to be smart, its relatively slow (creates ~1200 nodes / s)

_checkedInstanceCreation(apiobj, typeName, clsToBeCreated, basecls)

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Utiliy method creating a new class instance according to additional type information Its used by __new__ constructors to finalize class creation
  • apiobj - the MObject or MDagPath of object to wrap
  • typeName - the name of the node type to be created
  • clsToBeCreated - the cls object as passed in to __new__
  • basecls - the class of the caller containing the __new__ method
create clsinstance if the proper type (according to nodeTypeTree)

_createInstByPredicate(apiobj, cls, basecls, predicate)

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Allows to wrap objects around MObjects where the actual compatabilty cannot be determined by some nodetypename, but by the function set itself. Thus it uses the nodeTypeToMfnClsMap to get mfn cls for testing
  • cls - the class to be created
  • basecls - the class where __new__ has actually been called
  • predicate - returns true if the given nodetypename is valid, and its mfn should be taken for tests
new class instance, or None if no mfn matched the apiobject


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node type name of the given MObject or MDagPath

Note: if we have a plugin type, we must use the 'slow' way as the type is the same for all plugin nodes

_new_mixin(cls, *args, **kwargs)

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Constructor for MObject derived types which only differ in a few parameters. Requires _base_cls_ and _mfn_suffix_ to be set on the respective class

return an attribute class of the respective type for given MObject

  • args - arg[0] is attribute's MObject to be wrapped.

Note: Custom constructors are not possible as __init__ is automatically called afterwards - MObject does not support anything but no args or another MObject.

Variables Details [hide private]


api.MFn.kPluginDeformerNode, api.MFn.kPluginDependNode, api.MFn.kPlugi\
nEmitterNode, api.MFn.kPluginFieldNode, api.MFn.kPluginHwShaderNode, a\
pi.MFn.kPluginIkSolver, api.MFn.kPluginImagePlaneNode, api.MFn.kPlugin\
LocatorNode, api.MFn.kPluginManipContainer, api.MFn.kPluginObjectSet, \
api.MFn.kPluginParticleAttributeMapperNode, api.MFn.kPluginShape, api.\
MFn.kPluginSpringNode, api.MFn.kPluginTransformNode


dict(zip((_plugin_type_ids), ("UnknownPluginDeformerNode", "UnknownPlu\
ginDependNode", "UnknownPluginEmitterNode", "UnknownPluginFieldNode", \
"UnknownPluginHwShaderNode", "UnknownPluginIkSolver", "UnknownPluginIm\
agePlaneNode", "UnknownPluginLocatorNode", "UnknownPluginManipContaine\
r", "UnknownPluginObjectSet", "UnknownPluginParticleAttributeMapperNod\
e", "UnknownPluginShape", "UnknownPluginSpringNode", "UnknownPluginTra\