
Flask-Bootstrap comes with macros to make your life easier. These need to be imported like in this example:

{% extends "bootstrap/base.html" %}
{% import "bootstrap/wtf.html" as wtf %}

This would import the wtf.html macros with the name-prefix of wtf (these are discussed below at WTForms support).

In addition to the small macros on this page, broad support for other libraries is also available; see WTForms support and Flask-SQLAlchemy support for details.


Cross-browser fixes (specifically for Internet Explorer < 9) are usually included, but not shipped with Flask-Bootstrap. You can download html5shiv and Respond.js, put them in your applications static folder and include them like in this example:

{% import "bootstrap/fixes.html" as fixes %}
{% block head %}
{% endblock %}

While the scripts are not included, links to them on CDNs are, so if you do not use BOOTSTRAP_SERVE_LOCAL, they will work out of the box. See CDN support for more details on how CDN-delivery works with Flask-Bootstrap.

Google Analytics

The Google Analytics API has changed fairly quickly recently, currently analytics.js is best supported, using the uanalytics(id, options='auto') macro:

{% import "bootstrap/google.html" as google %}

{% block scripts %}
{% endblock %}

It is possible to pass through options to the ga() js function call, for example to utilize the User ID feature:

{{google.uanalytics('U-XXXX-YY', {'userId': 'myUser'})}}

If you want the analytics account to be configurable from the outside, you can use something like this instead:



Please make sure you at least pseudomize user ids properly.

The officially deprecated ga.js API support is also available supported through a similarly named macro analytics(account):



A few extra template macros are available in the bootstrap/utils.html file. Like the form macros, these are intended to aid rapid application development, until they are replaced with custom solutions in more mature applications.

flashed_messages(messages=None, container=True, transform=..., default_category=None, dismissible=False)

Renders Flask’s flash() messages. Maps commonly used categories to the slightly uncommon bootstrap css classes (i.e. error -> danger).

  • messages – A list of messages. If not given, will use get_flashed_messages() to retrieve them.
  • container – If true, will output a complete <div class="container"> element, otherwise just the messages each wrapped in a <div>.
  • transform – A dictionary of mappings for categories. Will be looked up case-insensitively. Default maps all Python loglevel names to bootstrap CSS classes.
  • default_category – If a category does not has a mapping in transform, it is passed through unchanged. If default_category is set, it is replaced with this instead.
  • dismissible – If true, will output a button to close an alert. For fully functioning, dismissible alerts, you must use the alerts JavaScript plugin.

Note that for this functionality to work properly, flashing messages must be categorized with a valid bootstrap alert category (one of success, info, warning, danger).


flash('Operation failed', 'danger')

Versions of Flask-Bootstrap pre- did not escape the content of flashed_messages to allow HTML to be used. This behaviour has changed, the preferred way to utilize HTML inside messages now is by using the Markup-wrapper:

from flask import flash
from markupsafe import Markup

# ...

flash(Markup('Flashed message with <b>bold</b> statements'), 'success')

user_name = '<b>ad username'
flash(Markup('<u>You</u> are our favorite user, <i>'
             + user_name
             + Markup('</i>!'),
icon(type, extra_classes, **kwargs)

Renders a Glyphicon in a <span> element.

  • messages – The short name for the icon, e.g. remove.
  • extra_classes – A list of additional classes to add to the class attribute.
  • kwargs – Additional html attributes.
form_button(url, content, method='post', class='btn-link', **kwargs)

Renders a button/link wrapped in a form.

  • url – The endpoint to submit to.
  • content – The inner contents of the button element.
  • methodmethod-attribute of the surrounding form.
  • classclass-attribute of the button element.
  • kwargs – Extra html attributes for the button element.

A handy little method to create things like delete-buttons without using GET requests. An example:

{{form_button(url_for('remove_entry', id=entry_id),
              icon('remove') + ' Remove entry')}}