Map of the Deliverance Code

This document will help you navigate your way around the Deliverance code base. You don’t need to know this level of detail if you are just using Deliverance – you’ll only need this information if you want to contribute to Deliverance development, or integrate Deliverance in another product.

Startup Path with deliverance-proxy

This describes what happens when you run deliverance-proxy.

  1. deliverance-proxy calls deliverance.proxycommand.main()
  2. main() parses the options and does some minor validation, then calls deliverance.proxycommand.run_command()
  3. The configuration file is parsed for the server and proxy settings by deliverance.proxy.ProxySettings
  4. The rule configuration is loaded by a wrapper class deliverance.proxycommand.ReloadingApp. This is a class that wrap deliverance.proxy.ProxySet and applies the middleware from ProxySettings. It checks the modification time of the configuration file on each request in case you edit the file.
  5. deliverance.proxy.ProxySet represents all the <proxy> elements, which define how requests are mapped to remote hosts.
  6. deliverance.proxy.ProxySettings represents <server-settings>, which defines things like the port to serve on, and developer console login methods.
  7. The actual WSGI application is deliverance.proxy.ProxySet.application() and is wrapped by the authentication built by deliverance.proxy.ProxySettings.middleware(). The authentication is implemented with devauth.DevAuth.
  8. run_command applies an interactive debugger if you gave the option --interactive-debugger. This is to debug problems with Deliverance itself. Alternately if you just gave --debug it applies a non-interactive debugger. (The interactive debugger allows arbitrary code execution.)
  9. run_command also applies wsgifilter.proxyapp.DebugHeaders if you give --debug-headers. This prints out incoming and outgoing headers, and if you provide --debug-headers --debug-headers it will show request and response bodies as well.
  10. Finally the server is started with the constructed application. It uses paste.httpserver, a threaded server.

Request Path

This describes what happens when a request comes in.

  1. We’ll ignoring some of the debugging middleware applied by run_command, though it does get entered first.
  2. The request goes to devauth.DevAuth, which checks IP addresses and cookies to see if you’ve logged in via /.deliverance/login. If you are logged in it sets environ['x-wsgiorg.developer_user']
  3. The request then goes through which instantiates an instance of and puts it in environ['deliverance.security_context']. This security context is used later to allow or disallow pyref, viewing files, and whether ?deliv_log will show the developer console.
  4. Now we enter deliverance.proxy.ProxySet.application(). This sets up deliverance.log.SavingLogger which accepts log messages so we can display them later in the request. Log messages are all per-request. We then pass the request on to an instance of deliverance.middleware.DeliveranceMiddleware – it is instantiated with a callback into deliverance.proxy.ProxySet.proxy_app() and a callback to get the rules.
  5. Deliverance really starts doing something in deliverance.middleware.DeliveranceMiddleware.__call__(). Here it checks if the request should be unthemed (because of ?deliv_notheme). It also dispatches /.deliverance to deliverance.middleware.DeliveranceMiddleware.internal_app() (which itself is fairly simple, and just implements some stuff like viewing files, logging in, etc).
  6. The request is passed on to, which deliverance.proxy.ProxySet.proxy_app(). This goes through all the instances of deliverance.proxy.Proxy (each of which represent one <proxy>) and tries to match them against the request. If none matches it returns a 404.
  7. Assuming something matches, the request goes to deliverance.proxy.Proxy.forward_request(). This fixes up the path based on the rules (possibly stripping some of the leading text). It applies any <request> modifications, forwards the request, and then applies any <response> modifications, including link rewriting.
  8. The request is forwarded to deliverance.proxy.Proxy.proxy_to_dest(). If it sees the destination is a file:/// URL then it passes the request to deliverance.proxy.Proxy.proxy_to_file() (which itself is not very interesting). The method sets up some headers: X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Scheme, X-Forwarded-Server, and X-Forwarded-Path. It then actually forwards the request via wsgiproxy.exactproxy.proxy_exact_request().
  9. The response is now complete, and we are back in deliverance.middleware.DeliveranceMiddleware.__call__(). If the response wasn’t of Content-Type text/html, then the request is passed back without any modification.
  10. The rule set is retrieved from Proxy – an instance of deliverance.ruleset.RuleSet (that was parsed directly from the configuration file). The response is mostly modified in-place by deliverance.ruleset.RuleSet.apply_rules(). Finally deliverance.log.SavingLogger.finish_request() is called to display the developer console if appropriate.
  11. deliverance.ruleset.RuleSet.apply_rules() determines the response headers, which also includes headers declared in the body with <meta http-equiv>.
  12. The classes are determined by calling deliverance.pagematch.run_matches(), which calls all the <match> elements that can add classes to the request. Also classes from the response header X-Deliverance-Page-Class are added, and any classes in the request in environ['deliverance.page_classes'] (these last classes are set when you use <proxy class="...">, since <proxy> was handled earlier). If no classes are declared, then the single class default is used.
  13. The applicable rules are determined – that is, all the classes from the previous step are used to select the rules. Also, a theme is determined from the <theme> element in a rule, or defaulting to the <theme> element inside <ruleset>. The theme is also resolved as it can be a URI Template.
  14. The document and theme are parsed. All of the rules are run against the document and theme in order. Because rules can contain match attributes, some rules may be skipped.
  15. If none of the rules has suppress-standard="1" then the “standard” rules are also applied. These are located in deliverance.ruleset.standard_rule.
  16. Any of the rules can raise deliverance.exceptions.AbortTheme, which will cause the entire request to be unthemed.
  17. The request is serialized and returned. But we didn’t describe how the rules work internally yet...
  18. Each <rule> tag is an instance of deliverance.rules.Rule. This is just a container for actions, which are applied in-order.
  1. Each action tag is a class: <replace> is deliverance.rules.Replace, <append> is deliverance.rules.Append, <prepend> is deliverance.rules.Prepend`, and <drop> is deliverance.rules.Drop.
  2. The main method is deliverance.rules.TransformAction.apply() (or for <drop> it is deliverance.rules.Drop.apply()<drop> is a little different from the other actions). This method does some selection tasks that are common across the selections, as well as some error checking. It then calls the method self.apply_transformation which is implemented per-action. The implementation performs the actions (which isn’t that hard) and tries to make good context-sensitive log messages.

That summarizes pretty much everything involved. Hopefully this helps you poke into the code more easily. There’s still lots of ancilliary methods and modules, but this is the core of the request path.

Parsing the Configuration

The Deliverance configuration is XML, and in most cases an element in the configuration maps to a class, and that class has a method .parse_xml(element, source_location)

Here’s a run through the elements and their classes:

deliverance.proxy.ProxySettings – all the sub-elements are packaged into this one instance.
deliverance.proxy.Proxy (all the Proxy instances are packaged in one deliverance.proxy.ProxySet). <transform> element information is stored in Proxy.
deliverance.ruleset.RuleSet – except <server-settings> and <proxy> elements, which are contained separately (as noted above).
<theme> (and <rule><theme>):

Also many classes support request and response matching. These are defined with a common set of attributes on an arbitrary element. The parsing for these is done with deliverance.pagematch.AbstractMatch.