Exceptions for use throughout Deliverance
exception deliverance.exceptions.DeliveranceError(msg=None, request=None, element=None, source_location=None)
Superclass for all deliverance exceptions
In addition to a message, this can have a request and element
attached to it. Elements are the objects (maybe XML, or maybe
not) that is applicable.
exception deliverance.exceptions.DeliveranceSyntaxError(msg=None, request=None, element=None, source_location=None)
Exception raised when there is a syntax error in some file
exception deliverance.exceptions.AbortTheme
Raised (and caught) when the theming of a request should be
exception deliverance.exceptions.AbortProxy
Raised (and caught) when a proxy rule should be ignored
deliverance.exceptions.add_exception_info(info, exc_info=None)
Add the given information to the exception (typically context information)