- Unit testing

This test bench exercises the CodeToRest module. First, set up for development (see To package). To run, execute py.test from the command line. Note the period in this command – pytest does NOT work (it is a completely different program).


These are listed in the order prescribed by PEP 8.

Library imports

from io import StringIO
import re

Third-party imports

Used to run docutils.

from docutils import core
from pygments.token import Token
from pygments import lex
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name

Local application imports

from CodeChat.CodeToRest import code_to_rest_string, code_to_html_file
from CodeChat.CodeToRest import _remove_comment_delim, _group_lexer_tokens, \
  _gather_groups_on_newlines, _is_rest_comment, _classify_groups, \
  _generate_rest, _is_space_indented_line, _is_delim_indented_line, _GROUP
from CodeChat.CommentDelimiterInfo import COMMENT_DELIMITER_INFO

Define some commonly-used strings to make testing less verbose. Per the Summary and implementation, “Code blocks must be preceeded and followed by a removed marker (fences).” These two functions (begin fence == bf, end fence == ef) contain the fence strings _generate_rest produces.

bf = ('\n'
      '.. fenced-code::\n'
      ' Beginning fence\n')
ef = (' Ending fence\n'

_generate_rest inserts a <div> to format indented comments followed by a set-line directive to show line numbers of the comments correctly. This function generates the same string.

def div(

The size of the indent, in em. Each space = 0.5 em, so a 3-space indent would be size=1.5.


The line number passed to sl below.


    return ('\n'
            '.. raw:: html\n'
            '\n <div style="margin-left:{}em;">\n'
            '\n').format(size) + sl(line)

After a <div>, _generate_rest inserts a set-line directive. This function provides that directive as a string.

def sl(

The line number for the set-line directive, which is comment_line - 4. For example, for a comment in the first line of the file, implying comment_line == 1, use sl(-3).

    return ('\n'
            '.. set-line:: {}\n'

The standard string which marks the end of a <div>.

div_end = ('\n'
           '.. raw:: html\n'
           ' </div>\n'

This acutally tests using code_to_rest_string, since that makes code_to_rest easy to call.

class TestCodeToRest(object):

C-like language tests

multi-test: Check that the given code’s output is correct over several C-like languages.

    def mt(self, code_str, expected_rest_str, alias_seq=('C', 'C', 'C++',
      'Java', 'ActionScript', 'C#', 'D', 'Go', 'JavaScript', 'Objective-C',
      'Rust', 'Scala', 'Swift', 'verilog', 'systemverilog')):

        for alias in alias_seq:
            rest = code_to_rest_string(code_str, alias=alias)
            assert rest == expected_rest_str

A single line of code.

    def test_1(self):'testing',
                bf +
                ' testing\n' +

A single line of code, with an ending \n.

    def test_2(self):'testing\n',
                bf +
                ' testing\n' +

Several lines of code, with arbitrary indents.

    def test_3(self):'testing\n'
                '  test 1\n'
                ' test 2\n'
                '   test 3',
                bf +
                ' testing\n'
                '   test 1\n'
                '  test 2\n'
                '    test 3\n' +

A single line comment, no trailing \n.

    def test_4(self):'// testing',
                sl(-3) +

A single line comment, trailing \n.

    def test_5(self):'// testing\n',
                sl(-3) +

A multi-line comment.

    def test_5a(self):'// testing\n'
                '// more testing',
                sl(-3) +
                'more testing\n')

A single line comment with no space after the comment should be treated like code.

    def test_6(self):'//testing',
                bf +
                ' //testing\n' +

A singly indented single-line comment.

    def test_7(self):' // testing',
                div(0.5, -3) +
                'testing\n' +

A doubly indented single-line comment.

    def test_8(self):'  // testing',
                div(1.0, -3) +
                'testing\n' +

A doubly indented multi-line comment.

    def test_9(self):'  // testing\n'
                '  // more testing',
                div(1.0, -3) +
                'more testing\n' +

Code to comment transition.

    def test_9a(self):'testing\n'
                '// test',
                bf +
                ' testing\n' +
                ef +
                sl(-2) +

A line with just the comment char, but no trailing space.

    def test_10(self):'//',
                sl(-3) +

Make sure an empty string works.

    def test_12(self):'',
                bf +
                ' \n' +

Make sure Unicode works.

    def test_13(self):'ю',
                bf +
                ' ю\n' +

Code to comment transition.

    def test_14(self):'testing\n'
                '// Comparing',
                bf +
                ' testing\n' +
                ef +
                sl(-2) +

Code to comment transition, with leading blank code lines.

    def test_15(self):' \n'
                '// Comparing',
                bf + '  \n'
                ' testing\n' +
                ef +
                sl(-1) +

Code to comment transition, with trailing blank code lines.

    def test_16(self):'testing\n'
                '// Comparing',
                bf + ' testing\n'
                ' \n' +
                ef +
                sl(-1) +

Comment to code transition.

    def test_17(self):'// testing\n'
                sl(-3) +
                'testing\n' +
                bf +
                ' Comparing\n' +

Comment to code transition, with leading blank code lines.

    def test_18(self):'// testing\n'
                sl(-3) +
                'testing\n' +
                bf +
                ' \n'
                ' Comparing\n' +

Comment to code transition, with trailing blank code lines.

    def test_19(self):'// testing\n'
                sl(-3) +
                'testing\n' +
                bf +
                ' Comparing\n' +

Block comments.

    def test_19_1(self):'/* multi-\n'
                'comment */\n',
                sl(-3) +
                'comment \n')

Comments with headings.

    def test_19_a(self):'  // Heading\n'
                '  // =======\n'
                '  // Body.\n',
                div(1.0, -3) +
                'Body.\n' +

Indented comments following code.

    def test_19_b(self):'Code\n'
                '//  Comment\n',
                bf +
                ' Code\n' +
                ef +
                sl(-2) +
                ' Comment\n')

Block comment indent removal: indents with spaces

Removal of leading whitespace in block comments.

    def test_19_1_1(self):'/* multi-\n'
                '   line\n'
                '   comment\n'
                ' */\n',
                sl(-3) +
                ' \n')

Inconsistent whitespace – no removal.

    def test_19_1_2(self):'/* multi-\n'
                ' line\n'
                '   comment\n'
                ' */\n',
                sl(-3) +
                ' line\n'
                '   comment\n'
                ' \n')

Too little whitespace to line up with initial comment.

    def test_19_1_3(self):'/* multi-\n'
                ' line\n'
                ' comment */\n',
                sl(-3) +
                ' line\n'
                ' comment \n')

Indented block comments with whitespace removal.

    def test_19_1_4(self):' /* multi-\n'
                '    line\n'
                '    comment\n'
                '  */\n',
                div(0.5, -3) +
                '  \n' +

Block comment indent removal: indents with delimiters

Removal of leading whitespace in block comments.

    def test_19_1_5(self):'/* multi-\n'
                ' * line\n'
                ' * comment\n'
                ' */\n',
                sl(-3) +
                ' \n')

Inconsistent whitespace – no removal.

    def test_19_1_6(self):'/* multi-\n'
                ' * comment\n'
                ' */\n',
                sl(-3) +
                ' * comment\n'
                ' \n')

Too little whitespace to line up with initial comment.

    def test_19_1_7(self):'/* multi-\n'
                '*comment */\n',
                sl(-3) +
                '*comment \n')

Indented block comments with whitespace removal.

    def test_19_1_8(self):' /* multi-\n'
                '  * line\n'
                '  * comment\n'
                '  */\n',
                div(0.5, -3) +
                '  \n' +

Other block comment testing

    def test_19_2(self):'/*multi-\n'
                'comment */\n',
                bf +
                ' /*multi-\n'
                ' line\n'
                ' comment */\n' +

    def test_19_3(self):'/* block */ //inline\n',
                sl(-3) +
                'block  inline\n')

    def test_19_4(self):'/* block */ /**/\n',
                sl(-3) +
                'block  \n')

    def test_19_5(self):'/* multi-\n'
                'comment */ //inline\n',
                sl(-3) +
                'comment  inline\n')

Other languages

A bit of Python testing.

    def test_20(self):'# testing\n'
                '# Trying\n',
                sl(-3) +
                ('Python', 'Python3'))

    def test_21(self):'#\n',
                sl(-3) +
                '\n', ('Python', 'Python3'))

    def test_22(self):' \n'
                '# bar\n',
                bf +
                '  \n'
                ' foo()\n'
                ' \n' +
                ef +
                sl(0) +
                ('Python', 'Python3'))

Some CSS.

    def test_23(self):' \n'
                'div {}\n'
                '/* comment */\n',
                bf +
                '  \n'
                ' div {}\n'
                ' \n' +
                ef +
                sl(0) +
                'comment \n', ['CSS'])

    def test_24(self):'/* multi-\n'
                'comment */\n',
                sl(-3) +
                'comment \n', ['CSS'])

Assembly (NASM).

    def test_25(self):'; Comment\n'
                ' \n'
                'start: bra start\n'
                ' \n',
                sl(-3) +
                'Comment\n' +
                bf +
                '  \n'
                ' start: bra start\n'
                '  \n' +
                ef, ['NASM'])


    def test_26(self):'# Comment\n'
                ' \n'
                'echo "hello world"\n'
                ' \n',
                sl(-3) +
                'Comment\n' +
                bf +
                '  \n'
                ' echo "hello world"\n'
                '  \n' +
                ef, ['Bash'])

PHP. While the PHP manual confirms support for // inline comments, Pygments doesn’t appear to support these; they are output as code.

    def test_27(self):"<?php\n"
                "echo 'Hello world'\n"
                "// Comment1\n"
                "# Comment2\n"
                "/* Comment3 */\n",
                bf +
                " <?php\n"
                " echo 'Hello world'\n" +
                " // Comment1\n" +
                ef +
                sl(0) +
                "Comment3 \n", ['PHP'])

Batch file.

    def test_28(self):'echo Hello\n'
                'rem Comment\n',
                bf +
                ' echo Hello\n' +
                ef +
                sl(-2) +
                'Comment\n', ['Batch'])


    def test_29(self):'a = [1 2 3 4];\n'
                '% Hello\n'
                '  %{\n'
                '     to the\n'
                '     world\n'
                '  %}\n',
                bf +
                ' a = [1 2 3 4];\n' +
                ef +
                sl(-2) +
                'Hello\n' +
                div(1.0, -1) +
                'to the\n'
                '  \n' +
                div_end, ['Matlab'])


    def test_30(self):'puts "Hello World!"\n'
                '# Comment here\n',
                bf +
                ' puts "Hello World!"\n' +
                ef +
                sl(-2) +
                'Comment here\n', ['Ruby'])

    def test_31(self):'puts "Hello World!"\n',
                bf +
                ' puts "Hello World!"\n' +
                ef, ['Ruby'])


    def test_32(self):'SELECT column0,column1\n'
                'FROM table\n',
                bf +
                ' SELECT column0,column1\n' +
                ' FROM table\n' +
                ef, ['SQL'])

    def test_33(self):'SELECT aBetter, example\n'
                '-- with interlaced comments\n'
                'FROM ourTestUnit\n',
                bf +
                ' SELECT aBetter, example\n' +
                ef +
                sl(-2) +
                'with interlaced comments\n' +
                bf +
                ' FROM ourTestUnit\n' +
                ef, ['SQL'])


    def test_34(self):'Write-Host "Hello World!"\n'
                '# comment here\n',
                bf +
                ' Write-Host "Hello World!"\n' +
                ef +
                sl(-2) +
                'comment here\n', ['Powershell'])

    def test_35(self):'<# testing block comment beginning here\n'
                ' continuing on this line\n'
                'and ending on this line #>\n',
                sl(-3) +
                'testing block comment beginning here\n'
                ' continuing on this line\n'
                'and ending on this line \n', ['Powershell'])

Fenced code block testing

Use docutils to test converting a fenced code block to HTML.

class TestRestToHtml(object):

Use docutils to convert reST to HTML, then look at the resulting string.

    def t(self, rest):
        html = core.publish_string(rest, writer_name='html').decode('utf-8')

Snip out just the body. Note that . needs the re.DOTALL flag so that it can match newlines.

        bodyMo ='<body>\n'
                           '(.*)</body>', html, re.DOTALL)
        body =

docutils wraps the resulting HTML in a <div>. Strip that out as well.

        divMo ='<div class="document"[^>]*>\n'
                          '</div>', body,
        div =
        return div

Test the harness – can we pass a simple string through properly?

    def test_1(self):
        assert self.t('testing') == '<p>testing</p>'

Test the harness – can we pass some code through properly?

    def test_2(self):
        assert (self.t('.. code::\n'
                       '\n testing') ==
                       '<pre class="code literal-block">\n'

See if a fenced code block that’s too short produces an error.

    def test_3(self):
        assert ('Fenced code block must contain at least two lines.' in
                self.t('.. fenced-code::') )
    def test_4(self):
        assert ('Fenced code block must contain at least two lines.' in
                self.t('.. fenced-code::\n'
                       ' First fence') )

Verify that a fenced code block with just fences complains about empty output.

    def test_5(self):
        assert ('Content block expected for the '
        in self.t('.. fenced-code::\n'
                  ' First fence\n'
                  ' Second fence\n') )

Check newline preservation without syntax highlighting

Check output of a one-line code block surrounded by fences.

    def test_6(self):
        assert (self.t('.. fenced-code::\n'
                       '\n First fence'
                       '\n testing'
                       ' Second fence\n') ==
                       '<pre class="code literal-block">\n'

Check that leading newlines are preserved.

    def test_7(self):
        assert (self.t('.. fenced-code::\n'
                       ' First fence\n'
                       '\n testing'
                       ' Second fence\n') ==
                       '<pre class="code literal-block">\n'
                       ' \n'

Check that trailing newlines are preserved.

    def test_8(self):
        assert (self.t('.. fenced-code::\n'
                       ' First fence\n'
                       ' testing\n'
                       ' Second fence\n') ==
                       '<pre class="code literal-block">\n'
                       ' \n'

Check newline preservation with syntax highlighting

Check output of a one-line syntax-highlighted code block surrounded by fences.

    def test_9(self):
        assert (self.t('.. fenced-code:: python\n'
                       ' First fence\n'
                       ' testing\n'
                       ' Second fence\n') ==
                       '<pre class="code python literal-block">\n'
                       '<span class="name">testing</span>\n'

Check that leading newlines are preserved with syntax highlighting.

    def test_10(self):
        assert (self.t('.. fenced-code:: python\n'
                       ' First fence\n'
                       ' testing\n'
                       ' Second fence\n') ==
                       '<pre class="code python literal-block">\n'
                       ' \n'
                       '<span class="name">testing</span>\n'

Check that trailing newlines are preserved with syntax highlighting.

    def test_11(self):
        assert (self.t('.. fenced-code:: python\n'
                       ' First fence\n'
                       ' testing\n'
                       ' Second fence\n') ==
                       '<pre class="code python literal-block">\n'
                       '<span class="name">testing</span>\n'
                       ' \n'

Test translation of indented headings. Note that the enclosing <div>, which surrounds the heading in reST, is moved to only surround the body in the resulting HTML.

    def test_12(self):
        assert (self.t(div(1.0, -3) +
                       'Body.\n' +
                       div_end) ==
                       '<h1 class="title">Heading</h1>\n'
                       '<div style="margin-left:1.0em;"><!--  -->\n'
                       '</div><!--  -->')

Test translation of an indented comment following code.

    def test_13(self):
        assert (self.t(bf +
                       ' Code\n' +
                       ef +
                       sl(-2) +
                       ' Comment\n') ==
                       '<pre class="code literal-block">\n'
                       '<!--  -->\n'
                       '<!--  -->\n'

Poor coverage of code_to_html_file

class TestCodeToHtmlFile(object):
    def test_1(self):

Tests of lexer_to_code and subroutines

c_lexer = COMMENT_DELIMITER_INFO[get_lexer_by_name('C').name]
py_lexer = COMMENT_DELIMITER_INFO[get_lexer_by_name('Python').name]
class TestCodeToRestNew(object):

Check that a simple file or string is tokenized correctly.

    def test_1(self):
        test_py_code = '# A comment\nan_identifier\n'
        test_token_list = [(Token.Comment.Single, '# A comment'),
                           (Token.Text, '\n'),
                           (Token.Name, 'an_identifier'),
                           (Token.Text, '\n')]

        lexer = get_lexer_by_name('python')
        token_list = list( lex(test_py_code, lexer) )
        assert token_list == test_token_list

    test_c_code = \
"""#include <stdio.h>

/* A multi-
   comment */

  // Empty.

Check grouping of a list of tokens.

    def test_2(self):
        lexer = get_lexer_by_name('c')
        token_iter = lex(self.test_c_code, lexer)

Capture both group and string for help in debugging.

        token_group = list(_group_lexer_tokens(token_iter, False, False))

But split the two into separate lists for unit tests.

        group_list, string_list = list(zip(*token_group))
        assert group_list == (
          _GROUP.other,               # The #include.
          _GROUP.whitespace,          # The space after #include.
          _GROUP.other,               # <stdio.h>\n
          _GROUP.whitespace,          # \n
          _GROUP.block_comment,       # The /* comment */.
          _GROUP.whitespace,          # Up to the code.
          _GROUP.other,               # main(){.
          _GROUP.whitespace,          # Up to the // comment.
          _GROUP.inline_comment, # // commnet.
          _GROUP.other,               # Closing }.
          _GROUP.whitespace, )        # Final \n.

Check grouping of an empty string.

    def test_3(self):

Note that this will add a newline to the lexed output, since the ensurenl option is True by default.

        lexer = get_lexer_by_name('python')
        token_iter = lex('', lexer)

Capture both group and string for help in debugging.

        token_group = list(_group_lexer_tokens(token_iter, True, False))
        assert token_group == [(_GROUP.whitespace, '\n')]

Check gathering of groups by newlines.

    def test_4(self):
        lexer = get_lexer_by_name('c')
        token_iter = lex(self.test_c_code, lexer)
        token_group = _group_lexer_tokens(token_iter, False, False)
        gathered_group = list(_gather_groups_on_newlines(token_group,
                                                         (1, 2, 2)))
        expected_group = [
          [(_GROUP.other, 0, '#include'),
            (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, ' '),
            (_GROUP.other, 0, '<stdio.h>\n')],
          [(_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '\n')],
          [(_GROUP.block_comment_start, 3, '/* A multi-\n')],
          [(_GROUP.block_comment_body,  3, '   line\n')],
          [(_GROUP.block_comment_end,   3, '   comment */'),
           (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '\n')],
          [(_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '\n')],
          [(_GROUP.other, 0, 'main(){'), (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '\n')],
          [(_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '  '),
           (_GROUP.inline_comment, 0, '// Empty.\n')],
          [(_GROUP.other, 0, '}'), (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '\n')] ]
        assert gathered_group == expected_group

remove_comment_chars tests

    def test_4a(self):
        assert _remove_comment_delim(_GROUP.whitespace,
          '    ', c_lexer) == '    '

    def test_4b(self):
        assert ( _remove_comment_delim(_GROUP.other, 'an_identifier', c_lexer)
                == 'an_identifier' )

    def test_4c(self):
        assert _remove_comment_delim(_GROUP.inline_comment,
          '// comment\n', c_lexer) == ' comment\n'

    def test_4d(self):
        assert _remove_comment_delim(_GROUP.block_comment,
          '/* comment */', c_lexer) == ' comment '

    def test_4e(self):
        assert _remove_comment_delim(_GROUP.block_comment_start,
          '/* comment\n', c_lexer) == ' comment\n'

    def test_4f(self):
        assert _remove_comment_delim(_GROUP.block_comment_body,
          'comment\n', c_lexer) == 'comment\n'

    def test_4g(self):
        assert _remove_comment_delim(_GROUP.block_comment_end,
          'comment */', c_lexer) == 'comment '

Newlines should be preserved.

    def test_4h(self):
        assert _remove_comment_delim(_GROUP.inline_comment,
          '//\n', c_lexer) == '\n'

    def test_4i(self):
        assert _remove_comment_delim(_GROUP.block_comment_start,
          '/*\n', c_lexer) == '\n'

    def test_4j(self):
        assert _remove_comment_delim(_GROUP.block_comment_body,
          '\n', c_lexer) == '\n'

    def test_4k(self):
        assert _remove_comment_delim(_GROUP.block_comment_end,
          '*/', c_lexer) == ''

_is_space_indented_line tests

Tests of block comment body indentation using spaces.

    def test_4_1(self):
        assert _is_space_indented_line('comment\n',
                                       3, '*', False, (2, 2, 2)) == False
        assert _is_space_indented_line('  comment\n',
                                       3, '*', False, (2, 2, 2)) == False
        assert _is_space_indented_line('   comment\n',
                                       3, '*', False, (2, 2, 2)) == True

Tests of block comment end indentation using spaces.

    def test_4_2(self):
        assert _is_space_indented_line('*/',
                                       3, '*', True, (2, 2, 2)) == True
        assert _is_space_indented_line(' */',
                                       3, '*', True, (2, 2, 2)) == True

Tests of block comment body indentation using spaces.

    def test_4_3(self):
        assert _is_delim_indented_line('comment\n',
                                       3, '*', False, (2, 2, 2)) == False
        assert _is_delim_indented_line(' *comment\n',
                                       3, '*', False, (2, 2, 2)) == False
        assert _is_delim_indented_line(' * comment\n',
                                       3, '*', False, (2, 2, 2)) == True
        assert _is_delim_indented_line(' *\n',
                                       3, '*', False, (2, 2, 2)) == True

Tests of block comment end indentation using spaces.

    def test_4_4(self):
        assert _is_delim_indented_line('*/',
                                       3, '*', True, (2, 2, 2)) == False
        assert _is_delim_indented_line(' */',
                                       3, '*', True, (2, 2, 2)) == True

_is_rest_comment tests

newline only

    def test_4aa1(self):
        assert not _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '\n')], False, c_lexer)

// comments with and without preceeding whitespace.

    def test_4aa(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.inline_comment, 0, '// comment\n')], False, c_lexer)

    def test_4ab(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.inline_comment, 0, '//\n')], False, c_lexer)

    def test_4ac(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '  '),
          (_GROUP.inline_comment, 0, '// comment\n')], False, c_lexer)

    def test_4ad(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '  '),
          (_GROUP.inline_comment, 0, '//\n')], False, c_lexer)

//comments with and without preceeding whitespace.

    def test_4ae(self):
        assert not _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.inline_comment, 0, '//comment\n')], False, c_lexer)

    def test_4af(self):
        assert not _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '  '),
          (_GROUP.inline_comment, 0, '//comment\n')], False, c_lexer)

    ## A /**/ comment.
    def test_4ag1(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.block_comment, 0, '/**/')], False, c_lexer)

    ## A /* */ comment.
    def test_4ag2(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.block_comment, 0, '/* */')], False, c_lexer)

    ## /* comments */ with and without preceeding whitespace.
    def test_4ag(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.block_comment, 0, '/* comment */')], False, c_lexer)

    def test_4ah(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '  '),
          (_GROUP.block_comment, 0, '/* comment */')], False, c_lexer)

    ## /*comments */ with and without preceeding whitespace.
    def test_4ai(self):
        assert not _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.block_comment, 0, '/*comment */')], False, c_lexer)

    def test_4aj(self):
        assert not _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '  '),
          (_GROUP.block_comment, 0, '/*comment */')], False, c_lexer)

    ## /* comments with and without preceeding whitespace.
    def test_4ak(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.block_comment_start, 0, '/* comment\n')], False, c_lexer)

    def test_4al(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '  '),
          (_GROUP.block_comment_start, 0, '/* comment\n')], False, c_lexer)

    ## /*comments with and without preceeding whitespace.
    def test_4am(self):
        assert not _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.block_comment_start, 0, '/*comment\n')], False, c_lexer)

    def test_4an(self):
        assert not _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '  '),
          (_GROUP.block_comment_start, 0, '/*comment\n')], False, c_lexer)

multi-line body and end comments.

    def test_4ao(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.block_comment_body, 0, 'comment\n')], True, c_lexer)

    def test_4ao1(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.block_comment_body, 0, '\n')], True, c_lexer)

    def test_4ap(self):
        assert not _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.block_comment_body, 0, 'comment\n')], False, c_lexer)

    def test_4aq(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.block_comment_end, 0, 'comment */')], True, c_lexer)

    def test_4ar(self):
        assert not _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.block_comment_end, 0, 'comment */')], False, c_lexer)

    ## Multiple /* comments */ on a line.
    def test_4as(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.block_comment, 0, '/* comment1 */'),
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '  '),
          (_GROUP.block_comment, 0, '/*comment2 */')], False, c_lexer)

    def test_4at(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '  '),
          (_GROUP.block_comment, 0, '/* comment1 */'),
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '  '),
          (_GROUP.block_comment, 0, '/*comment2 */')], False, c_lexer)

Mixed comments and code.

    def test_4au(self):
        assert not _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '  '),
          (_GROUP.block_comment, 0, '/* comment */'),
          (_GROUP.other, 0, 'foo();')], False, c_lexer)

    def test_4av(self):
        assert not _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.block_comment_end, 0, 'comment */'),
          (_GROUP.other, 0, 'foo();')], True, c_lexer)

    def test_4aw(self):
        assert _is_rest_comment([
          (_GROUP.inline_comment, 0, '#'),
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '\n')], True, py_lexer)

Classifier tests

Test comment.

    def test_5(self):
        cg = list( _classify_groups([[
          (_GROUP.inline_comment, 0, '// comment\n')]], c_lexer) )
        assert cg == [(0, 'comment\n')]

Test whitespace comment.

    def test_6(self):
        cg = list( _classify_groups([[
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '  '),
          (_GROUP.inline_comment, 0, '// comment\n')]], c_lexer) )
        assert cg == [(2, 'comment\n')]

Test code.

    def test_7(self):
        cg = list( _classify_groups([[
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '  '),
          (_GROUP.other, 0, 'foo();'),
          (_GROUP.whitespace, 0, '\n')]], c_lexer) )
        assert cg == [(-1, '  foo();\n')]

Test multi-line comments.

    def test_8(self):
        cg = list( _classify_groups([
          [(_GROUP.block_comment_start, 0, '/* multi-\n')],
          [(_GROUP.block_comment_body,  3, '   line\n')],
          [(_GROUP.block_comment_end,   3, '   comment */')]], c_lexer) )
        assert cg == [(0, 'multi-\n'),
                      (0, 'line\n'),
                      (0, 'comment ')]

    def test_9(self):
        cg = list( _classify_groups([
          [(_GROUP.block_comment_start, 2, '/*multi-\n')],
          [(_GROUP.block_comment_body,  2, '  line\n')],
          [(_GROUP.block_comment_end,   2, '  comment*/')]], c_lexer) )
        assert cg == [(-1, '/*multi-\n'),
                      (-1, '  line\n'),
                      (-1, '  comment*/')]

From code to classification.

    def test_10(self):
        lexer = get_lexer_by_name('c')
        token_iter = lex(self.test_c_code, lexer)
        token_group = _group_lexer_tokens(token_iter, False, False)
        gathered_group = _gather_groups_on_newlines(token_group, (2, 2, 2))
        classified_group = list( _classify_groups(gathered_group, c_lexer) )
        assert classified_group == [(-1, '#include <stdio.h>\n'),
                                    (-1, '\n'),
                                    ( 0, 'A multi-\n'),
                                    ( 0, 'line\n'),
                                    ( 0, 'comment \n'),
                                    (-1, '\n'),
                                    (-1, 'main(){\n'),
                                    ( 2,   'Empty.\n'),
                                    (-1, '}\n')]

reST generation tests

    def test_11(self):
        out_stringio = StringIO()
        generated_rest = _generate_rest(
          [(-1, '\n'),
           (-1, 'code\n'),
           (-1, '\n')], out_stringio)
        assert (out_stringio.getvalue() ==

Note: Not using a “”” string, since the string trailing whitespace option in Enki would remove some of the one-space lines.

          bf +
          ' \n'
          ' code\n' +
          ' \n' +

    def test_12(self):
        out_stringio = StringIO()
        generated_rest = _generate_rest(
          [(0, '\n'),
           (0, 'comment\n'),
           (0, '\n')], out_stringio)
        assert (out_stringio.getvalue() == sl(-3) +

    def test_13(self):
        out_stringio = StringIO()
        generated_rest = _generate_rest(
          [(3, '\n'),
           (3, 'comment\n'),
           (3, '\n')], out_stringio)
        assert (out_stringio.getvalue() == div(1.5, -3) + '\ncomment\n\n' + div_end)