- Info on comment delimiters for many languages.

CodeChat relies on knowledge of the comment delimiters for each supported language. This file consists of a large table which provides this information.


These are listed in the order prescribed by PEP 8.

Third-party imports

from pygments.lexers import get_all_lexers

Supported languages

Based on the unique name for each lexer, provide some additional information on comment delimiters that Pygments doesn’t explicitly define. This data was mostly taken from the Wikipedia page.


These languages have unit tests which pass

See - Unit testing for the tests.

  ## Language name: inline, block opening, block closing
  ##                 //,     /*,            */
  'C':              ( 2,      2,            2),
  'C++':            ( 2,      2,            2),
  'Java':           ( 2,      2,            2),
  'ActionScript':   ( 2,      2,            2),
  'ActionScript 3': ( 2,      2,            2),
  'C#':             ( 2,      2,            2),

Note: also has /+ ~ +/ for nested block comments.

  'D':              ( 2,      2,            2),
  'Go':             ( 2,      2,            2),
  'JavaScript':     ( 2,      2,            2),
  'Objective-C':    ( 2,      2,            2),
  'Rust':           ( 2,      2,            2),
  'Scala':          ( 2,      2,            2),
  'Swift':          ( 2,      2,            2),
  'verilog':        ( 2,      2,            2),
  'systemverilog':  ( 2,      2,            2),

Note: PHP allows # or // as an inline comment. We only support #.

  ##                  #,     /*,            */
  'PHP':            ( 1,      2,            2),
  ##                  ;, %comment\n, %endcomment  -- block comments not tested.
  'NASM':           ( 1,      9,           11),
  ##                  #,    N/A,          N/A
  'Python':         ( 1,   None,         None),
  'Python 3':       ( 1,   None,         None),
  ##                         /*,            */
  'CSS':            (None,    2,            2),

This covers csh and sh as well. Wikipedia claims that <# ~ #> are block comments, but I don’t see this anywhere in man bash. These aren’t supported.

  ##                  #
  'Bash':           ( 1,   None,         None),
  'Tcsh':           ( 1,   None,         None),

The only valid comment type is REM. Neither : or :: are classified as a comment.

  ##                REM
  'Batchfile':      ( 3,   None,         None),
  ##                  %,     %{,            %}
  'Matlab':         ( 1,      2,            2),
  ##                 --,     /*,            */
  'SQL':            ( 2,      2,            2),
  ##                  #,     <#,            #>
  'PowerShell':     ( 1,      2,            2),

These languages have failing unit tests

  ##                 //,     /*,            */
  'Sass':           ( 2,      2,            2),

These langauges have NOT been tested.

  ##                  #,     /*,            */
  'GAS':            ( 1,      2,            2),
  ##                  ;,     /*,            */
  'autohotkey':     ( 1,      2,            2),
  ##                  %,     /*,            */
  'Prolog':         ( 1,      2,            2),
  ##                  ;,    #cs,           #ce
  'AutoIt':         ( 1,      3,            3),
  ##                  #, =begin,          =cut
  'Perl':           ( 1,      6,            4),

Or #`[ ~ ], or any other pair.

  ##                  #,    #'(,             )
  'Perl6':          ( 1,      3,            1),
  ##                  #, =begin,          =end
  'Ruby':           ( 1,      6,            4),
  ##                  #, #iffalse,      #endif
  'S':              ( 1,      8,            6),

Bird style is not supported.

  ##                 --,     {-,            -}
  'Haskell':        ( 2,      2,            2),

(* ~ *) not supported.

  ##                 //,      {,             }
  'Delphi':         ( 2,      1,            1),
  ##                 //,     (*,            *)
  'AppleScript':    ( 2,      2,            2),
  ##                  ;,     #|,            |#
  'Common Lisp':    ( 1,      2,            2),

--[=[ ~ ]=] not supported.

  ##                 --,   --[[,            ]]
  'Lua':            ( 2,      4,            2),
  ##                  ;, (comment,           )
  'Clojure':        ( 1,      8,            1),
  ##                  ;,
  'Scheme':         ( 1,   None,         None),
  ##                       <!--,           -->
  'HTML':           (None,    4,            3),
  ##                  C or !
  'Fortran':        ( 1,   None,         None),
  ##                  ⍝
  'APL':            ( 1,   None,         None),
  ##                  #
  'Makefile':       ( 1,   None,         None),
  'RPMSpec':        ( 1,   None,         None),
  'Nimrod':         ( 1,   None,         None),
  ##                  ; or #
  'NSIS':           ( 1,   None,         None),
  ##                  %
  'TeX':            ( 1,   None,         None),
  ##                  %
  'Erlang':         ( 1,   None,         None),
  ##                  '
  'QBasic':         ( 1,   None,         None),
  '':         ( 1,   None,         None),
  ##                  ;
  'REBOL':          ( 1,   None,         None),
  'LLVM':           ( 1,   None,         None),
  ##                 --
  'Ada':            ( 2,   None,         None),
  'Eiffel':         ( 2,   None,         None),
  'Vhdl':           ( 2,   None,         None),

*> as an inline comment is not supported.

  ##                  * or /
  'COBOL':          ( 1,   None,         None),
  ##                  ;
  'INI':            ( 1,   None,         None),
  ##                  #
  'YAML':           ( 1,   None,         None),

Supported extensions

Compute a list of supported filename globs: supported by the lexer and by CodeChat (inline / block comment info in COMMENT_DELIMITER_INFO).


Per get_all_lexers, we get a tuple. Pick out only the filename and examine it.

for longname, aliases, filename_patterns, mimetypes in get_all_lexers():

Pick only filenames we have comment info for.

    if longname in COMMENT_DELIMITER_INFO:

Apply normcase to each glob, so it will match on this OS.

        SUPPORTED_GLOBS |= set(filename_patterns)