Source code for MotorController

# Motor Controller
# Example application for using motors.
# Copyright (c) 2014 Charles Weir.  Shared under the MIT Licence.

import sys, os # Python path kludge - omit these 2 lines if BrickPython is installed.
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))))

from BrickPython.TkApplication import TkApplication
from BrickPython.Motor import PIDSetting
from BrickPython.Sensor import Sensor
import logging

[docs]class MotorControllerApp(TkApplication): '''Application to control a lego NXT motor on port A as a servo motor. Type keystrokes into the application window to make the motor move: Numbers 0-9 make it move forward the corresponding number of quarter-turns. Lower case letters a-p make it go backward the corresponding number of quarter turns. Capital letter A stops the motor. Capital letters B-G make it go forward at a constant speed. B is a quarter turn per second, C a half turn, and so on. Letters xyz and XYZ adjust the settings for the PID Servo Motor algorithm: * X,x increase and decrease the 'distance multiplier' - the P setting. * Y,y increase and decrease the 'speed multiplier' - the D setting (I think). * Z,z increase and decrease the 'Integrated distance multimplier' - the I setting. ''' def __init__(self): TkApplication.__init__(self, {'1': Sensor.ULTRASONIC_CONT }) self.pidSetting = PIDSetting()
[docs] def rotate(self, degrees): 'Rotate motor A through *degrees*' self.stopAllCoroutines() motor = self.motor('A') "Rotating motor A %d degrees" % degrees ) co = motor.moveTo( motor.position() + degrees*2 ) self.addActionCoroutine( co )
[docs] def setSpeed(self, speed): 'Set the speed of motor A' self.stopAllCoroutines() motor = self.motor('A') "Speed for motor A %.2f" % speed ) co = motor.runAtConstantSpeed( speed ) self.addActionCoroutine( co )
[docs] def onKeyPress(self, event): 'Handle user keystroke' if TkApplication.onKeyPress(self, event): return char = event.char if char in "0123456789": # rotate forwards: self.rotate(90 * (ord(char) - ord("0"))) elif char in "abcdefghijklmnop": # rotate reverse: self.rotate(-90 * (ord(char) - ord("a") + 1)) elif char in "ABCDEFG": self.setSpeed(180 * (ord(char) - ord("A") )) # Adjust PID settings: elif char in "xyzXYZ": if char == 'x': self.pidSetting.distanceMultiplier *= 1.1 elif char == 'X': self.pidSetting.distanceMultiplier /= 1.1 elif char == 'y': self.pidSetting.speedMultiplier *= 1.1 elif char == 'Y': self.pidSetting.speedMultiplier /= 1.1 elif char == 'z': self.pidSetting.integratedDistanceMultiplier *= 1.1 elif char == 'Z': self.pidSetting.integratedDistanceMultiplier /= 1.1 "%r" % (self.pidSetting) ) self.motor('A').setPIDSetting( self.pidSetting )
if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.INFO) # Logging is a simple print "Starting" ) app = MotorControllerApp() app.mainloop()