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Classes usage

In this guide we are going to use the geometry created in the tutorial 1 (Building by aggregation). As we saw there, the most direct way to initinialize it is:

import numpy as np
import pyny3d.geoms as pyny

# Declaring the geometry
## Surface
poly_surf_0 = [np.array([[0,0,0], [7,0,0], [7,10,2], [0,10,2]]),
               np.array([[0,10,2], [7,10,2], [3,15,3.5]]),
               np.array([[0,10,2], [3,15,3.5], [0,15,3.5]]),
               np.array([[7,10,2], [15,10,2], [15,15,3.5], [3,15,3.5]])]
poly_surf_1 = [np.array([[8,0,0], [15,0,0], [15,9,0], [8,9,0]])]

## Obstacles
wall_1 = np.array([[0,0,4], [0.25,0,4], [0.25,15,4], [0,15,4]])
wall_2 = np.array([[0,14.7,5], [15,14.7,5], [15,15,5], [0,15,5]])
chimney = np.array([[4,0,7], [7,0,5], [7,3,5], [4,3,7]])

# Building the solution
place_0 = pyny.Place(poly_surf_0, melt=True)
place_0.add_extruded_obstacles([wall_1, wall_2, chimney])
place_1 = pyny.Place(poly_surf_1)
space = pyny.Space([place_0, place_1])

To check that everything is correct we can visualize the whole Space:


Iterability and indexability

An important issue to consider is that all classes but Place are iterable and indexable:

class indexes its...
Polygon ... points
Surface ... Polygons
Polyhedron ... Polygons
Space ... Places

The Place class is not indexable because it is formed by a heterogeneous mix of objects (Surface, Polyhedra and Points). By the way, the holes in a Surface are stored in the attribute Surface.holes.

Thanks to this it is quite easy accessing to any object:

# Single step calls
## Extracting from a Space
place = space[0]
## Extracting from a Place
surface = place.surface
polyhedra = place.polyhedra
set_of_points = place.set_of_points
## Extracting from a Surface
surf_poly = surface[1]
## Extracting from a Polyhedron
polyhedron = polyhedra[3]   # Remember there are multiple obstacles
polyhedron_poly = polyhedron[2]
## Extracting from a Polygon
point = polyhedron_poly[-1]

# Multiple steps calls (clean)
point = space[0].polyhedra[3][2][-1]

# Alternative way (verbose)
point = space.places[0].polyhedra[3].polygons[2].points[-1]

The three point above are exactly the same: array([7, 3, 0.6]). You may think that the “clean” version is not the clearest. And you are probably right. The key here is to be comfortable with one type of indexing.

In my personal case, if I have doubts, I always take a look to the scheme at the top of the Modules scheme section and think of it backwards: A Space holds Places. A Place holds Polyhedra, Points and a Surface. Both, Polyhedron and Surface hold Polygons. And, a Polygon holds Points.

The only thing that you have to remember is that place.polyhedra is a list. If you want to take just one Polyhedron, you have to index it just like we did before:

polyhedron = polyhedra[3]   # Remember there are multiple obstacles

Also, this structure makes easy working with loops (specially list comprehensions) and, in general, makes the code clearer. Here we can see some examples in an IPython interactive session:

In [1]: # Getting the parametric equations of all faces in a Polyhedron
   ...: eq = [face.get_parametric() for face in polyhedron]
   ...: eq
[array([-21, 0, 0, 84]),
 array([0, 21, 0, 0]),
 array([-15, 0,  0, 105]),
 array([0, 19.2, 0, -57.6]),
 array([0,  1.8, -9, 0]),
 array([-6, 0, -9, 87])]

In [2]: # Getting the area of all surfaces in a space
   ...: areas = [place.surface.get_area() for place in space]
   ...: areas
Out[2]: [131.95765088324114, 63.0]

In [3]: # Getting the shapely.Polygon object of all holes in a Surface
   ...: holes_shapely = [hole.get_shapely() for hole in surface.holes]
   ...: holes_shapely
[<shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon at 0x53d2cd78d0>,
 <shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon at 0x53d2cd71d0>,
 <shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon at 0x53d2cd7208>,
 <shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon at 0x53d2cd7128>]


In pyny3d a seed is dict/list structure which can be used to clone an instance of a class by giving the enough information in a ***kwargs* form. Every class can generate seeds.

Seeds are extremely useful because they contain well-structured data of the geometries. As it gains complexity, methods use seeds more and more. Even, if you are going to write some functions to control and/or generate information from pyny3d objects you will want to know what seeds are.

In [4]: # Polygon
   ...: surf_poly.get_seed()
{'points': array([[0, 10, 2],
                  [15, 10, 2],
                  [15, 15, 3.5],
                  [0, 15, 3.5]])}

In [5]: # Place
    ...: place.get_seed()
{'polyhedra': [[array([[0, 10, 4],
                       [0, 0, 4],
                       [0, 0, 0],
                       [0, 10, 2]]),
                array([[0.25, 0, 4],
                       [0, 0, 4],
                       [0, 0, 0],
                       [0.25, 0, 0]]),
                array([[0.25, 10, 4],
                       [0.25, 0, 4],
                       [0.25, 0, 0],
                       [0.25, 10, 2]]),
                array([[0.25, 10, 4],
                       [0, 10, 4],
                       [0, 10, 2],
                       [0.25, 10, 2]]),
                array([[0, 0, 0],
                       [0.25, 0, 0],
                       [0.25, 10, 2],
                       [0, 10, 2]]),
                array([[0, 0, 4],
                       [0.25, 0, 4],
                       [0.25, 10, 4],
                       [0, 10, 4]])],
               [array([[0, 15, 4],
                       [0, 10, 4],
                       [0, 10, 2],
                       [0, 15, 3.5]]),
                array([[0.25, 10, 4],
                       [0, 10, 4],
                       [0, 10, 2],
                       [0.25, 10, 2]]),
                array([[0.25, 15, 4],
                       [0.25, 10, 4],
                       [0.25, 10, 2],
                       [0.25, 15, 3.5]]),
                array([[0.25, 15, 4],
                       [0, 15, 4],
                       [0, 15, 3.5],
                       [0.25, 15, 3.5]]),
                array([[0, 10, 2],
                       [0.25, 10, 2],
                       [0.25, 15, 3.5],
                       [0, 15, 3.5]]),
                array([[0, 10, 4],
                       [0.25, 10, 4],
                       [0.25, 15, 4],
                       [0, 15, 4]])],
               [array([[0, 15, 5],
                       [0, 14.7 , 5],
                       [0, 14.7 , 3.41],
                       [0, 15, 3.5]]),
                array([[15, 14.7 , 5],
                       [0, 14.7 , 5],
                       [0, 14.7 , 3.41],
                       [15, 14.7 , 3.41]]),
                array([[15, 15, 5],
                       [15, 14.7 , 5],
                       [15, 14.7 , 3.41],
                       [15, 15, 3.5]]),
                array([[15, 15, 5],
                       [0, 15, 5],
                       [0, 15, 3.5],
                       [15, 15, 3.5]]),
                array([[0, 14.7 , 3.41],
                       [15, 14.7 , 3.41],
                       [15, 15, 3.5],
                       [0, 15, 3.5]]),
                array([[0, 14.7, 5],
                       [15, 14.7, 5],
                       [15, 15, 5],
                       [0, 15, 5]])],
               [array([[4, 3, 7],
                       [4, 0, 7],
                       [4, 0, 0],
                       [4, 3, 0.6]]),
                array([[7, 0, 5],
                       [4, 0, 7],
                       [4, 0., 0],
                       [7, 0., 0]]),
                array([[7, 3, 5],
                       [7, 0, 5],
                       [7, 0, 0],
                       [7, 3, 0.6]]),
                array([[7, 3, 5],
                       [4, 3, 7],
                       [4, 3, 0.6],
                       [7, 3, 0.6]]),
                array([[4, 0, 0],
                       [7, 0, 0],
                       [7, 3, 0.6],
                       [4, 3, 0.6]]),
                array([[4, 0, 7],
                       [7, 0, 5],
                       [7, 3, 5],
                       [4, 3, 7]])]],
 'set_of_points': array([[0.5, 0, 0.1],
                         [1, 0, 0.1],
                         [1.5, 0, 0.1],
                         [14, 14.5, 3.45],
                         [14.5, 14.5, 3.45],
                         [15, 14.5, 3.45]]),
 'surface': {'holes': [array([[0, 0, 0],
                              [0.25, 0, 0],
                              [0.25, 10, 2],
                              [0, 10, 2]]),
                       array([[0, 10, 2],
                              [0.25, 10, 2],
                              [0.25, 15, 3.5],
                              [0, 15, 3.5]]),
                       array([[0, 14.7, 3.41],
                              [15, 14.7, 3.41],
                              [15, 15, 3.5],
                              [0, 15, 3.5]]),
                       array([[4, 0, 0],
                              [7, 0, 0],
                              [7, 3, 0.6],
                              [4, 3, 0.6]])],
             'polygons': [array([[0, 0, 0],
                                 [7, 0, 0],
                                 [7, 10, 2],
                                 [0, 10, 2]]),
                          array([[0, 10, 2],
                                 [15, 10, 2],
                                 [15, 15, 3.5],
                                 [0, 15, 3.5]])]}}

As we can see in the last output, the seed contains all the information about the Place’s polyhedra, set_of_points and surface (distinguishing between polygons and holes in this). We can use the next syntax to clone an instance:

In [6]: seed = place.get_seed()
   ...: place_clone = pyny.Place(**seed)

Or you can directly use the method created for that:

In [7]: place_clone = place.seed2pyny(seed)

place_clone are identical between them and completely equivalent to place.

Copy, Save and Restore

Making use of seeds, .copy(), .save() and .restore() global methods are available to manage all the classes in pyny3d. It is possible to use them on any class at any time and anywhere.

In [8]: place_clone = place.copy()

.save() and .restore() are used the following way:

In [9]:

In [10]: # ... some modifications ... #

In [11]: place = place.restore()

These global methods are extremely useful for interactive sessions where the user is approaching a problem for the first time because they make possible to stop worrying about models’ fragility. It is trivial to create as many backup copies and saves as desired.

See also

Space tutorial

Space class have another kind of seed called map. It is exactly the same but all the information is arranged in a single ndarray what makes a lot easier performing transformations like traslations or rotations.

Other get global methods

You will find several getters and some setters in pyny3d. They make the interaction between the user and the objects easier and clearer. Two global getters are .get_domain() and .get_centroid(), both widely used internally. Its usage is, again, trivial:

In [12]: place = place.restore()

In [13]: place.get_domain()
array([[0, 0, 0],
       [15, 15, 7]])

In [14]: place.get_centroid()
Out[14]: array([7.5, 7.5, 3.5])

Next tutorial: Visualization