3. Logging

Kamaki uses the standard Python logger package to log some of its functionality.

All kamaki loggers are named or prefixed after the package they log, e.g., a logger at kamaki/cli/argument/__init__.py should be called kamaki.cli.argument whereas a logger at kamaki/clients/conf.py should be named kamaki.clients.conf. In kamaki/clients/__init__.py there are two loggers that use the package name as prefix, and they detailed bellow.

3.1. Monitor requests and responses

The kamaki.clients logger contains two subloggers that monitor the HTTP API calls:

kamaki.clients.send   for kamaki requests to the server
kamaki.clients.recv   for server responses to kamaki

These are the only loggers used for purposes other than mere debugging. Both loggers are defined in the CLI code and are used to (a) log HTTP communication to the log file as well as to (b) show users the HTTP requests and responses in “verbose” or “debug” modes.

3.2. Logger in external code

When a logger is known to be in kamaki code, the script developer may use this logger to log some needed information. This can be happen either by directly using the Python logger package, or the corresponding kamaki wraper kamaki.cli.logger which allows the definition, activation and deactivation of stream (usually console) or file loggers.

As an example, we will use this script that loads images from a set of image files already uploaded to Pithos+ images container.

First, we shall add a logger to keep HTTP communication in /tmp/my_kamaki.log To do this, append the following at the top of the file:

from kamaki.cli.logger import add_file_logger
add_file_logger('kamaki', filename='/tmp/my_kamaki.log')

After a run of the script, a new file will be created at /tmp/my_kamaki.log that will contain logs of the form:

> POST https://accounts.okeanos.grnet.gr/identity/v2.0/tokens
>   Content-Length: 74
>   Content-Type: application/json
> data size:74

< 200 OK
<   content-length: 2425
<   content-language: en-us
<   expires: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 14:27:47 GMT
<   vary: X-Auth-Token,Accept-Language
<   server: gunicorn/0.14.5
<   last-modified: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 14:27:47 GMT
<   connection: close
<   etag: "43af...36"
<   cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0
<   date: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 14:27:47 GMT
<   content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
< data size: 2425


user token and http body content are not logged by default. This can be switched on and off by modifing the kamaki.client.Client.LOG_TOKEN and kamaki.client.Client.LOG_DATA flags

As a second example, let’s suppose that we need to see only the http requests of the pithos.list_objects() method and print these to stdout. To achieve that goal, we should get a stream logger and deactivate it when we do not need it anymore.

#! /usr/bin/python


from kamaki.cli.logger import add_stream_logger, deactivate

for img in pithos.list_objects():

3.3. Logger in kamaki code

When implementing kamaki code, either as part of the main kamaki project or as an extension, it is often useful to use loggers. The suggested strategy is to use kamaki.cli.logger to create one logger per package, named after the package itself. Developers may also directly use the Python logger module, but they should respect the naming conventions.

In this example, we want to log the arguments of the register method found in kamaki/clients/image/__init__.py. We will use the Python logger module.

First, we should add a logger initializer at the top of the file.

from logging import getLogger

log = getLogger(__name__)

Now, we should use the log biding to actually log what we need.


def register(self, name, location, params={}, properties={}):
    log.debug('name: %s' % name)
    log.debug('location: %s' % location)
    log.debug('params: %s' % params)
    log.debug('properties: %s' % properties)

The logging module will not log anything by itself. It is the caller scripts responsibility to define the actual logger and set the logging destination. We are going to use the same script as in the previous examples, but we need to define logger for kamaki.clients.image.

#! /usr/bin/python

from kamaki.cli.logger import add_file_logger

add_file_logger('kamaki.clients.image', filename='/tmp/kamaki_image.log')


a logger named as kamaki will grab everything logged with a name prefixed as kamaki, so if we have two loggers, one named kamaki and another one named kamaki.clients.image, they will both grab the register logs.

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