2. The Configuration module

Kamaki CLI offers a configuration module named config. It features:

  • The global dict DEFAULTS with all the configuration settings and default

    values for running a kamaki CLI

  • The class Config is a ConfigParser extension adjusted to offer

    kamaki-specific functionalities (e.g., cloud management)

Instances of kamaki.cli.config.Config always store data at a local file, the path of which, is usually given by user as a constructor parameter. If the path of the configuration file is not specified explicitly, the value at kamaki.cli.config.CONFIG_PATH is used instead.

2.1. Types of configuration options

There are at least two sections of configuration options i.e., the global and the cloud. The global section is not special, but is used as the default kamaki section by convention. The Config class is semantically aware of the cloud types and handles them in a special way. Other configuration types can also be created and managed in the same fashion as the global ones.

Kamaki preset global options, as they appear in the configuration file:


A cloud configuration is required to make kamaki run. The setup guide can help when setting one or more cloud configurations.

Suppose that a cloud service is available with https://main.example.com as the authentication URL and s0m3-t0k3n as the user token. In this example, the user has already configured kamaki to refer to the service by the name “main”:

[cloud "main"]

Suppose that a different cloud service is also available with https://alternative.example.com as the authentication URL and s0m3-0th3r-t0k3n as the user token. Again, the user configured kamaki to refer to this service as “alternative”:

[cloud "alternative"]

If the user picks one of these clouds to be the default, the configuration file will contain the following:

    ... <omitted for clarity>

[cloud "main"]

[cloud "alternative"]

2.2. The Config class

The kamaki.cli.config.Config class (extends RawConfigParser which extends ConfigParser ) offers the methods of the RawConfigParser class (e.g., get, set), as well as some default settings for kamaki and some additional functionality for managing cloud configurations.

# Initialize two Config instances. Only the first will contain kamaki
# default values

from kamaki.cli.config import Config

my_config = Config('/some/local/file.cnf')
config_without_default_values = Config(with_defaults=False)


If no file path is given, the Config instance is initialized


The with_defaults flag can be used to omit all default settings from a kamaki Config instance e.g., in case of an external application that does not need any of the kamaki globals.

Here are the general purpose accessors offered by Config:

  • get(section, option): get the value of an option in the specified

    section e.g.,

    # Example: get the default cloud (global.default_cloud option)
    thread_limit = my_config.get('global', 'default_cloud')
  • set(section, option, value): set the value for an option in the specified

    section e.g.,

    # Example: set the default_cloud to "main"
    my_config.set('global', 'default_cloud', 'main')
  • remove_option(section, option): remove an option from a section e.g.,

    # Example: remove the default_cloud option - Config will resort to the
    # default value for this option
    my_config.remove_option('global', 'default_cloud')

2.3. Global options

The global options are used to specify the kamaki CLI and client behavior. A detailed catalog can be found at the setup section .

In the Config context, the global options are just the options under the global section.

2.4. Cloud options

Cloud options are used to configure one or more cloud services.

The following methods are cloud-specific:

  • get_cloud(cloud, option): Get the value of a cloud option e.g.,

    # Get the Auth URL and token for the cloud "main"
    auth_url = my_config.get_cloud('main', 'url')
    auth_token = my_config.get_cloud('main', 'token')
  • set_cloud(cloud, option, value): Set the value of a cloud option e.g.,

    # Example: set a new authenticate URL and token for cloud "main"
    my_config.set_cloud('main', 'url', 'https://new.example.com')
    my_config.set_cloud('main', 'token', 'n3e-t0k3n-f0r-m41n')
  • remove_from_cloud(cloud, option): Remove an option from the specified cloud


    # Example: remove the token of the main cloud, for safety reasons
    my_config.remove_from_cloud('main', 'url')


A get/set/remove_option with a “cloud” section is not valid. There is a way of using the general purpose accessors for cloud configuration, and it is presented bellow, but programmers are discouraged from using it:

my_config.get('cloud.main', 'url')
my_config.set('cloud.main', 'url', 'https://new.example.com')
my_config.remove_option('cloud.main', 'url')

2.5. Examples

2.5.1. Get the default cloud values from a configuration file

from kamaki.cli.config import Config

CONFIG_FILE_PATH = '/home/user/my.cnf'

cnf = Config(CONFIG_FILE_PATH)
    CLOUD_NAME = cnf.get('global', 'default_cloud')
    AUTH_URL = cnf.get_cloud(CLOUD_NAME, 'url')
    AUTH_TOKEN = cnf.get_cloud(CLOUD_NAME, 'token')
except KeyError:
    print 'Error: no valid configuration of a default cloud'

2.5.2. Set a new cloud, name it “new_cloud” and set it as default

from kamaki.cli.config import Config

CONFIG_FILE_PATH = '/home/user/my.cnf'
CLOUD_NAME = 'new_cloud'
AUTH_URL = 'https://new.cloud.example.com'
AUTH_TOKEN = 'n3w-cl0ud-t0k3n'

cnf = Config(CONFIG_FILE_PATH)
cnf.set_cloud(CLOUD_NAME, 'url', AUTH_URL)
cnf.set_cloud(CLOUD_NAME, 'token', AUTH_TOKEN)
cnf.set('global', 'default_cloud', CLOUD_NAME)

# Push the changes to the configuration file

2.5.3. List all clouds with their URLs, let the user pick one

from kamaki.cli.config import Config

cnf = Config()
for name, cloud in cnf.items('cloud'):
    print 'Cloud', name, cloud['url']

choice = raw_input('Type your cloud name, pls: ')
if choice in cnf.keys('cloud'):
    cnf.set('global', 'default_cloud', choice)
    print 'No such cloud configured'