4. Adding Commands

Kamaki commands are implemented as python classes, decorated with a special decorator called command. This decorator is a method of kamaki.cli that adds a new command in a CommandTree structure. A CommandTree (package kamaki.cli.commant_tree) is a data structure used by kamaki to manage command namespaces.

For demonstration purposes, the following set of kamaki commands will be implemented in this document:

mygrp1 list all                         //show a list
mygrp1 list details [--match=<>]        //show list of details
mygrp2 list all [regular expression] [-l]       //list all subjects
mygrp2 info <id> [name]      //get information for subject with id

There are two command groups to implement i.e., mygrp1 and mygrp2, containing two commands each (list_all, list_details and list_all, info respectively). To avoid ambiguities, command names are prefixed with the command group they belong to, e.g., mygrp1_list_all and mygrp2_list_all. The underscore is used to separate command namespaces.

The first command (mygrp1_list_all) has the simplest possible syntax: no parameters, no runtime arguments. The second accepts an optional runtime argument with a value. The third features an optional parameter and an optional runtime flag argument. The last is an example of a command with an obligatory and an optional parameter.

Examples of the expected behavior in one-command mode:

$kamaki mygrp1
    mygrp1 description

     - - - -
$ kamaki mygrp1 list

     - - - -
    all        show a list
    details     show a list of details
$ kamaki mygrp1 list all
    ... (a mygrp1_list_all instance runs) ...
$ kamaki mygrp2 list all 'Z[.]' -l
    ... (a mygrp2_list_all instance runs) ...

4.1. The CommandTree structure

CommandTree manages a command by its namespace. Each command is stored in a tree path, where each node is a name. A leaf is the end term of a namespace and contains a pointer to the command class to be executed.

Here is an example from the actual kamaki command structure, where the commands file upload, file list and file info are represented as shown bellow:

- file
''''''''|- info
        |- list
        |- upload

Now, let’s load the showcase example on CommandTrees:

- mygrp1
''''''''|- list
        '''''''|- all
               |- details

- mygrp2
''''''''|- list
        '''''''|- all
        |- info

Each command group should be stored on a different CommandTree.

For that reason, command specification modules should contain a list of CommandTree objects, named _commands. This mechanism allows any interface application to load the list of commands from the _commands array.

The first name of the command path and a description (name, description) are needed to initializeg a CommandTree:

_mygrp1_commands = CommandTree('mygrp', 'mygrp1 description')
_mygrp2_commands = CommandTree('mygrp', 'mygrp2 description')

_commands = [_mygrp1_commands, _mygrp2_commands]

4.2. The command decorator

All commands are specified by subclasses of kamaki.cli.commands._command_init These classes are called “command specifications”.

The command decorator mines all the information needed to build a namespace from a command specification:

class code  --->  command()  -->  updated CommandTree structure

Kamaki interfaces make use of the CommandTree structure. Optimizations are possible by using special parameters on the command decorator method.

def command(cmd_tree, prefix='', descedants_depth=None):
"""Load a class as a command

    :param cmd_tree: is the CommandTree to be updated with a new command

    :param prefix: of the commands allowed to be inserted ('' for all)

    :param descedants_depth: is the depth of the tree descendants of the
        prefix command.

4.3. Creating a new command specification set

A command specification developer should create a new module (python file) with one command specification class per command. Each class should be decorated with command.

_commands = [_mygrp1_commands, _mygrp2_commands]

class mygrp1_list_all():


A list of CommandTree structures must exist in the module scope, with the name _commands. Different CommandTree objects correspond to different command groups.

4.4. Set command description

The description of each command is the first line of the class commend. The following declaration of mygrp2-info command has a “get information for subject with id” description.

class mygrp2_info():
    """get information for subject with id
    Anything from this point and bellow constitutes the long description
    Please, mind the indentation, pep8 is not forgiving.

4.5. Description placeholders

There is possible to create an empty command, that can act as a description placeholder. For example, the mygrp1_list namespace does not correspond to an executable command, but it can have a helpful description. In that case, create a command specification class with a command and no code:

class mygrp1_list():
    """List mygrp1 objects.
    There are two versions: short and detailed


A command specification class with no description is invalid and will cause an error.

4.6. Declare run-time argument

A special argument mechanism allows the definition of run-time arguments. This mechanism is based on argparse and is designed to simplify argument definitions when specifying commands.

Some basic argument types are defined at the argument module, but it is not a bad idea to extent these classes in order to achieve specialized type checking and syntax control. Still, in most cases, the argument types of the argument package are enough for most cases.

To declare a run-time argument on a specific command, the specification class should contain a dict called arguments , where Argument objects are stored. Each argument object is a run-time argument. Syntax checking happens at client level, while the type checking is implemented in the Argument code (e.g., IntArgument checks if the value is an int).

from kamaki.cli.argument import ValueArgument

class mygrp1_list_details():
    """list of details"""

    def __init__(self, global_args={}):
        global_args['match'] = ValueArgument(
            'Filter results to match string',
            ('-m', '--match'))
        self.arguments = global_args

or more usually and elegantly:

from kamaki.cli.argument import ValueArgument

class mygrp1_list_details():
"""List of details"""

    arguments = dict(
            'Filter output to match string', ('-m', --match'))

4.7. Accessing run-time arguments

To access run-time arguments, users can use the _command_init interface, which implements __item__ accessors to handle run-time argument values. In other words, one may get the value of an argument with self[<argument>].

from kamaki.cli.argument import ValueArgument
from kamaki.cli.commands import _command_init

class mygrp1_list_details(_command_init):
    """List of details"""

    arguments = dict(
            'Filter output to match string', ('-m', --match'))

    def check_runtime_arguments(self):
        assert self['match'] == self.arguments['match'].value

4.8. The main method and command parameters

The command behavior for each command class is coded in main. The parameters of main method affect the syntax of the command. In specific:

main(self, param)                   - obligatory parameter <param>
main(self, param=None)              - optional parameter [param]
main(self, param1, param2=42)       - <param1> [param2]
main(self, param1____param2)        - <param1:param2>
main(self, param1____param2=[])     - [param1:param2]
main(self, param1____param2__)      - <param1[:param2]>
main(self, param1____param2__='')   - [param1[:param2]]
main(self, *args)                   - arbitary number of params [...]
main(self, param1____param2, *args) - <param1:param2> [...]

Let’s have a look at the command specification class again, and highlight the parts that affect the command syntax:

from kamaki.cli.argument import FlagArgument

_commands = [_mygrp1_commands, _mygrp2_commands]

class mygrp2_list_all():
    """List all subjects
    Refers to the subject accessible by current user

    arguments = dict(FlagArgument('detailed list', '-l'))

    def main(self, reg_exp=None):

The above lines contain the following information:

  • Namespace and name (line 8): mygrp2 list all
  • Short (line 9) and long (line 10) description
  • Parameters (line 15): [reg exp]
  • Runtime arguments (line 13): [-l]
  • Runtime arguments help (line 13): detailed list


It is suggested to code the main functionality in a member method called _run. This allows the separation between syntax and logic. For example, an external library may need to call a command without caring about its command line behavior.

4.9. Letting kamaki know

Kamaki will load a command specification only if it is set as a configurable option. To demonstrate this, let the command specifications coded above be stored in a file named grps.py.

The developer should move the file grps.py to kamaki/cli/commands, the default place for command specifications

These lines should be contained in the kamaki configuration file for a new command specification module to work:

mygrp1_cli = grps
mygrp2_cli = grps

or equivalently:

$ kamaki config set mygrp1_cli grps
$ kamaki config set mygrp2_cli grps


running a command specification from a different path is supported. To achieve this, add a <group>_cli = </path/to/module> line in the configure file under the global section

An example:

mygrp_cli = /another/path/grps.py

4.10. Summary: create a command set

#  File: grps.py

from kamaki.cli.commands import _command_init
from kamaki.cli.command_tree import CommandTree
from kamaki.cli.argument import ValueArgument, FlagArgument

#  Initiallize command trees

_mygrp1_commands = CommandTree('mygrp', 'mygrp1 description')
_mygrp2_commands = CommandTree('mygrp', 'mygrp2 description')

_commands = [_mygrp1_commands, _mygrp2_commands]

#  Define command specifications

class mygrp1_list(_command_init):
    """List mygrp1 objects.
    There are two versions: short and detailed

class mygrp1_list_all(_command_init):
    """show a list"""

    def _run():

    def main(self):

class mygrp1_list_details(_command_init):
    """show list of details"""

    arguments = dict(
            'Filter output to match string', ('-m', --match'))

    def _run(self):
        match_value = self['match']

    def main(self):

#The following will also create a mygrp2_list command with no description

class mygrp2_list_all(_command_init):
    """list all subjects"""

    arguments = dict(
        list=FlagArgument('detailed listing', '-l')

    def _run(self, regexp):
        if self['list']:

    def main(self, regular_expression=None):

class mygrp2_info(_command_init):
    """get information for subject with id"""

    def _run(self, grp_id, grp_name):

    def main(self, id, name=''):
        self._run(id, name)