The Linkbot Class

This class allows you to control all major peripherals on the Linkbot, such as the built-in buzzer, multi-color, LED, motors, and more.

class linkbot.Linkbot(serialId='LOCL')

Bases: linkbot._linkbot.Linkbot

The Linkbot class.

Create a new Linkbot object by specifying the robot’s Serial ID in the constructor. For instance:

import linkbot
myLinkbot = linkbot.Linkbot('ABCD')

The previous snippet of code creates a new variable called “myLinkbot” which is connected to a physical robot with the serial ID “ABCD”. Once a Linkbot is connected, you may use member functions to control the robot. For instance, to move motors 1 and 3 90 and -90 degrees, respectively:

myLinkbot.move(90, 0, -90)

Note: As of version 2.3.6, all of the method names in the Linkbot class have been modified from the old camelHump style names to PEP8 compliant names. For instance, the function:

myLinkbot.moveJointToNB(1, 90)

is now:

myLinkbot.move_joint_to_nb(1, 90)

The old function names still work for backwards compatibility, but are not included in the documentation.

class ButtonEvent

Bases: object

DOWN = 1
UP = 0
class Linkbot.FormFactor

Bases: object

I = 0
L = 1
T = 2
class Linkbot.JointStates

Bases: object

FAIL = 3
HOLD = 1
STOP = 0
set_state(index, state)
Linkbot.accelerometer_event_cb(x, y, z, timestamp)
Linkbot.button_event_cb(*args, **kwargs)

Connect to the robot. (DEPRECATED)

This function is no longer required to form a connection with a Linkbot. All connection now happens in __init__(). Calling this function does nothing, but it is kept here for backwards-compatability purposes.

Parameters:serialId (str) – (optional): The serial ID may be specified here or in the Linkbot constructor. If specified in both locations, the one specified here will override the one specified in the constructor.

Make the robot stop reporting accelerometer change events.


Make the robot stop reporting button change events.


Make the robot stop reporting encoder change events.


Make the robot stop reporting joint status change events., j2, j3, mask=7)

Move a robot’s motors using the on-board PID controller.

This is the fastest way to get a Linkbot’s motor to a particular angle position. The “speed” setting of the joint is ignored during this motion.

  • j1 (float) – Relative angle in degrees to move the joint. If a joint is currently at a position of 30 degrees and a 90 degree drive is issued, the final position of the joint will be at 120 degrees. Parameters j2 and j3 are similar for joints 2 and 3.
  • mask (int) – (optional) A bitmask to specify which joints to move. The robot will only move joints where (mask&(1<<(joint-1))) is true.
Linkbot.drive_joint(joint, angle)

Move a single motor using the on-board PID controller.

This is the fastest way to drive a single joint to a desired position. The “speed” setting of the joint is ignored during the motion. See also:

  • joint (int) – The joint to move.
  • angle (float) – A relative angle in degrees to move the joint.
Linkbot.drive_joint_nb(joint, angle)

Non-blocking version of Linkbot.drive_joint()

Linkbot.drive_joint_to(joint, angle)

Move a single motor using the on-board PID controller.

This is the fastest way to drive a single joint to a desired position. The “speed” setting of the joint is ignored during the motion. See also:

  • joint (int) – The joint to move.
  • angle (float) – An absolute angle in degrees to move the joint.


robot.driveJointTo(1, 20)
# Joint 1 is now at the 20 degree position.
# The next line of code will move joint 1 10 degrees in the negative
# direction.
robot.drive_joint_to(1, 10)
Linkbot.drive_joint_to_nb(joint, angle)

Non-blocking version of Linkbot.drive_joint_to()

Linkbot.drive_nb(j1, j2, j3, mask=7)

Non blocking version of

Linkbot.drive_to(j1, j2, j3, mask=7)

Move a robot’s motors using the on-board PID controller.

This is the fastest way to get a Linkbot’s motor to a particular angle position. The “speed” setting of the joint is ignored during this motion.

  • j1 (float) – Absolute angle in degrees to move the joint. If a joint is currently at a position of 30 degrees and a 90 degree drive is issued, the joint will move in the positive direction by 60 degrees. Parameters j2 and j3 are similar for joints 2 and 3.
  • mask (int) – (optional) A bitmask to specify which joints to move. The robot will only move joints where (mask&(1<<(joint-1))) is true.
Linkbot.drive_to_nb(j1, j2, j3, mask=7)

Non-blocking version of Linkbot.drive_to()


Make the robot begin reporting accelerometer change events. To handle these events, a callback function may be specified by the “cb” parameter, or the member function “accelerometer_event_cb()” may be overridden.

Parameters:cb (function(x, y, z, timestamp)) – (optional) A callback function that will be called when accelerometer events are received. The callback function prototype should be cb(x, y, z, timestamp)

Make the robot begin button events.

Make the robot begin reporting button events. To handle the events, a callback function may be specified by the “cb” parameter, or the member function “button_event_cb()” may be overridden.

Parameters:cb (function(buttonNo, buttonState, timestamp)) – (optional) A callback function with the prototype cb(ButtonNo, buttonState, timestamp)
Linkbot.enable_encoder_events(granularity=20.0, cb=None)

Make the robot begin reporting encoder events.

Make the robot begin reporting joint encoder events. To handle these events, a callback function may be specified by the “cb” parameter, or the member function “encoder_event_cb()” may be overridden.

  • granularity (float) – (optional) The granularity of the reported encoder events, in degrees. For example, setting the granularity to “10.0” means the robot will report an encoder event for every 10 degrees that a joint is rotated.
  • cb (function(joint, angle, timestamp)) – (optional) The callback function to handle the event. The function prototype should be cb(joint, angle, timestamp)
Linkbot.encoder_event_cb(joint, angle, timestamp)

Get the current accelerometer values for 3 primary axes

Return type:(number, number, number) Returned values are expressed in “G’s”, where one G is equivalent to one earth-gravity, or 9.81 m/s/s.

Get the robot’s current battery voltage


Get the robot’s form factor

Return type:linkbot.Linkbot.FormFactor.[I|L|T]

Get the current angle for a particular joint

Parameters:joint (int) – The joint number of robot.


# Get the joint angle for joint 1
angle = robot.get_joint_angle(1)

Get the current joint angles of the robot.

Return type:(number, number, number) Returned values are in degrees. The three values indicate the joint angles for joints 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Values for joints which are not movable (i.e. joint 2 on a Linkbot-I) are always zero.


j1, j2, j3 = robot.get_joint_angles()

Get the current speed for a joint

Parameters:joint (int) – A joint number.
Return type:float (degrees/second)


# Get the joint speed for joint 1
speed = robot.get_joint_speed(1)
Linkbot.joint_event_cb(joint, state, timestamp)

Joint event callback function.

This function is called when the state of joint changes. For instance, if a moving joint stops, this callback function is invoked.

This function is used internally by the move_wait() function and overriding this function is not recommended.

Linkbot.move(j1, j2, j3, mask=7)

Move the joints on a robot and wait until all movements are finished.

Move a robot’s joints at the constant velocity previously set by a call to Linkbot.set_joint_speed() or similar functions.

Parameters:j1 (float) – An angle in degrees. The joint moves this amount from wherever the joints are currently positioned.


robot.move(90, 0, -90) # Drives Linkbot-I forward by turning wheels
                       # 90 degrees.
Linkbot.move_continuous(dir1, dir2, dir3, mask=7)

This function makes the joints on a robot begin moving continuously, “forever”.

Parameters:dir1 (Linkbot.JointStates) –

These parameters should be members of the Linkbot.JointStates class. They should be one of

  • Linkbot.JointStates.STOP : Stop and relax the joint wherever it is.
  • Linkbot.JointStates.HOLD : Stop and make the joint stay at its current position.
  • Linkbot.JointStates.MOVING : Begin moving the joint at whatever speed the joint was last set to with the setJointSpeeds() function.
Linkbot.move_joint(joint, angle)

Move a single motor using the on-board constant velocity controller.

Move a single joint at the velocity last set by Linkbot.set_joint_speed() or other speed setting functions. See also: Linkbot.move()

  • joint (int) – The joint to move.
  • angle (float) – A relative angle in degrees to move the joint.


# The following code moves joint 1 90 degrees, and then moves joint
# 3 90 degrees after joint 1 has stopped moving.
robot.move_joint(1, 90)
robot.move_joint(3, 90)
Linkbot.move_joint_accel(joint, acceleration, angle)
Linkbot.move_joint_accel_nb(joint, acceleration, angle)
Linkbot.move_joint_nb(joint, angle)

Non-blocking version of Linkbot.move_joint()

Linkbot.move_joint_smooth(joint, angle)

Move a single joint using the “Smooth” motor controller.

See Linkbot.move_smooth()

Linkbot.move_joint_smooth_nb(joint, angle)

Non-blocking version of Linkbot.move_joint_smooth()

Linkbot.move_joint_to(joint, angle)

Move a single motor using the on-board constant velocity controller.

Move a single joint at the velocity last set by Linkbot.set_joint_speed() or other speed setting functions. The ‘angle’ parameter is the absolute position you want the motor to move to. See also: Linkbot.move()

  • joint (int) – The joint to move.
  • angle (float) – A relative angle in degrees to move the joint.


# The following code moves joint 1 to the 90 degree position, and 
# then moves joint3 to the 90 degree position after joint 1 has 
# stopped moving.
robot.move_joint_to(1, 90)
robot.move_joint_to(3, 90)
Linkbot.move_joint_to_nb(joint, angle)

Non-blocking version of Linkbot.move_joint_to()


Wait for a single joint to stop moving.

This function blocks until the joint specified by the parameter joint stops moving.

Parameters:joint (int) – The joint to wait for.
Linkbot.move_nb(j1, j2, j3, mask=7)

Non-blocking version of Linkbot.move()


# The following code makes a Linkbot-I change its LED color to red 
# and then blue while it is rolling forward.
robot.move_nb(90, 0, -90)
robot.set_led_color(255, 0, 0)
robot.set_led_color(0, 0, 255)
Linkbot.move_smooth(j1, j2, j3, mask=7)

Move joints with smooth acceleration and deceleration.

The acceleration and deceleration can be set with the functions Linkbot.set_joint_accelerations() and Linkbot.set_joint_decelerations(). The maximum velocity the joint will travel at during the motion can be set with the Linkbot.set_joint_speeds() family of functions.

Parameters:j1 (float) – Number of degrees to move joint 1. Similar for j2 and j3.


# Move joint 1 720 degrees, accelerating at 45 deg/sec, traveling at
# a maximum speed of 90 deg/sec, and decelerating at 120 deg/sec at
# the end of the motion.
robot.set_joint_accelerations(45, 45, 45)
robot.set_joint_speeds(90, 90, 90)
robot.set_joint_decelerations(120, 120, 120)
robot.move_smooth(720, 0, 0)
Linkbot.move_smooth_nb(j1, j2, j3, mask=7)

Non-blocking version of Linkbot.move_smooth()

Linkbot.move_smooth_to(j1, j2, j3, mask=7)

Move joints with smooth acceleration and deceleration.

The acceleration and deceleration can be set with the functions Linkbot.set_joint_accelerations() and Linkbot.set_joint_decelerations().

Parameters:j1 (float) – The position to move joint 1 to (in degrees).
Linkbot.move_smooth_to_nb(j1, j2, j3, mask=7)

Non-blocking version of move_smooth_to()

Linkbot.move_to(j1, j2, j3, mask=7)

Move a Linkbot’s joints to specified degree locations.

Linkbot.move_to_nb(j1, j2, j3, mask=7)

Non-blocking version of Linkbot.move_to()


Wait for all masked joints (all joints by default) to stop moving.


Begin recording a Linkbot’s joint angles.

This function tells the Linkbot to begin recording any changes to its joint angles. The recorded data can be retrieved with the function Linkbot.record_angles_end() .


Stop recording a Linkbot’s joint angles and return the results.

Return type:((times,), [[j1_angles,], [j2_angles,], [j3_angles,]])

Set the Linkbot’s buzzer frequency. Setting the frequency to zero turns off the buzzer.

Parameters:freq (int) – The frequency to set the buzzer, in Hertz.
Linkbot.set_joint_acceleration(joint, alpha)

Set a single joint’s acceleration value.

See Linkbot.set_joint_accelerations() and Linkbot.move_smooth() .

Linkbot.set_joint_accelerations(alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, mask=7)

Set the rate at which joints should accelerate during “smoothed” motions, such as “move_smooth”. Units are in deg/sec/sec.

Linkbot.set_joint_deceleration(joint, alpha)

Set a single joint’s deceleration value.

See Linkbot.set_joint_decelerations() and Linkbot.move_smooth() .

Linkbot.set_joint_decelerations(alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, mask=7)

Set the rate at which joints should decelerate during “smoothed” motions, such as “move_smooth”. Units are in deg/sec/sec.

Linkbot.set_joint_safety_angles(t1=10.0, t2=10.0, t3=10.0, mask=7)
Linkbot.set_joint_safety_thresholds(t1=100, t2=100, t3=100, mask=7)
Linkbot.set_joint_speed(joint, speed)

Set the speed for a single joint on the robot.

  • JointNo – The joint to set the speed. Should be 1, 2, or 3.
  • speed (float) – The new speed of the joint, in degrees/second.


# Set the joint speed for joint 3 to 100 degrees per second
robot.set_joint_speed(3, 100)
Linkbot.set_joint_speeds(s1, s2, s3, mask=7)

Set the joint speeds for all of the joints on a robot.

  • s1 (float) – The speed, in degrees/sec, to set the first joint. Parameters s2 and s3 are similar for joints 2 and 3.
  • mask (int) – (optional) A bitmask to specify which joints to modify the speed. The speed on the robot’s joint is only changed if (mask&(1<<(joint-1))).
Linkbot.set_led_color(r, g, b)

Set the LED color on the robot.

Linkbot.set_motor_power(joint, power)

Apply a direct power setting to a motor

  • joint (int (1,3)) – The joint to apply the power to
  • power (int (-255,255)) – The power to apply to the motor. 0 indicates no power

(full stop), negative number apply power to turn the motor in the negative direction.

Linkbot.set_motor_powers(power1, power2, power3)

Apply a direct power setting to all motors

Parameters:power (int (-255,255)) – The power to apply to the motor. 0 indicates no power

(full stop), negative number apply power to turn the motor in the negative direction.


Immediately stop and relax all joints on the Linkbot.


Stop a single joint on the robot, immediately making the joint coast.
