

The zc.async package provides a way to schedule jobs to be performed out-of-band from your current thread. The job might be done in another thread or another process, possibly on another machine. Here are some example core use cases.

  • You want to let users do something that requires a lot of system resources from your application, such as creating a large PDF. Naively done, six or seven simultaneous PDF requests will consume your application thread pool and could make your application unresponsive to any other users.
  • You want to let users spider a web site; communicate with a credit card company; query a large, slow LDAP database on another machine; or do some other action that generates network requests from the server. System resources might not be a problem, but, again, if something goes wrong, several requests could make your application unresponsive.
  • Perhaps because of resource contention, you want to serialize work that can be done asynchronously, such as updating a single data structure like a catalog index.
  • You want to decompose and parallelize a single job across many machines so it can be finished faster.
  • You have an application job that you discover is taking longer than users can handle, even after you optimize it. You want a quick fix to move the work out-of-band.

Many of these core use cases involve end-users being able to start potentially expensive processes, on demand. Basic scheduled tasks are also provided by this package, though recurrence must be something you arrange.


This is a second-generation design. The first generation was zasync, a mission-critical and successful Zope 2 product in use for a number of high-volume Zope 2 installations. [1] It’s worthwhile noting that zc.async has absolutely no backwards compatibility with zasync and zc.async does not require Zope (although it can be used in conjunction with it).

Design Overview

Overview: Usage

Looking at the design from the perspective of regular usage, your code obtains a queue, which is a place to register jobs to be performed asynchronously.

Your application calls put on the queue to register a job. The job must be a pickleable, callable object. A global function, a callable persistent object, a method of a persistent object, or a special zc.async.job.Job object (discussed later) are all examples of suitable objects. The job by default is registered to be performed as soon as possible, but can be registered to be called at a certain time.

The put call will return a zc.async.job.Job object. This object represents both the callable and its deferred result. It has information about the job requested, the current state of the job, and the result of performing the job.

An example spelling for registering a job might be self.pending_result = queue.put(self.performSpider). The returned object can be stored and polled to see when the job is complete; or the job can be configured to do additional work when it completes (such as storing the result in a data structure).

Overview: Mechanism

Multiple processes, typically spread across multiple machines, can connect to the queue and claim and perform work. As with other collections of processes that share pickled objects, these processes generally should share the same software (though some variations on this constraint should be possible).

A process that should claim and perform work, in addition to a database connection and the necessary software, needs a dispatcher with a reactor to provide a heartbeat. The dispatcher will rely on one or more persistent agents in the queue (in the database) to determine which jobs it should perform.

A dispatcher is in charge of dispatching queued work for a given process to worker threads. It works with one or more queues and a single reactor. It has a universally unique identifier (UUID), which is usually an identifier of the application instance in which it is running. The dispatcher starts jobs in dedicated threads.

A reactor is something that can provide an eternal loop, or heartbeat, to power the dispatcher. It can be the main twisted reactor (in the main thread); another instance of a twisted reactor (in a child thread); or any object that implements a small subset of the twisted reactor interface (see discussion in dispatcher.txt, and example testing reactor in, used below).

An agent is a persistent object in a queue that is associated with a dispatcher and is responsible for picking jobs and keeping track of them. Zero or more agents within a queue can be associated with a dispatcher. Each agent for a given dispatcher in a given queue is identified uniquely with a name [2].

Generally, these work together as follows. The reactor calls the dispatcher. The dispatcher tries to find the mapping of queues in the database root under a key of zc.async (see constant zc.async.interfaces.KEY). If it finds the mapping, it iterates over the queues (the mapping’s values) and asks each queue for the agents associated with the dispatcher’s UUID. The dispatcher then is responsible for seeing what jobs its agents want to do from the queue, and providing threads and connections for the work to be done. The dispatcher then asks the reactor to call itself again in a few seconds.



The first generation, zasync, had the following goals:

  • be scalable, so that another process or machine could do the asynchronous work;
  • support lengthy jobs outside of the ZODB;
  • support lengthy jobs inside the ZODB;
  • be recoverable, so that crashes would not lose work;
  • be discoverable, so that logs and web interfaces give a view into the work being done asynchronously;
  • be easily extendible, to do new jobs; and
  • support graceful job expiration and cancellation.

It met its goals well in some areas and adequately in others.

Based on experience with the first generation, this second generation identifies several areas of improvement from the first design, and adds several goals.

  • Improvements

    • More carefully delineate the roles of the comprising components.

      The zc.async design has three main components, as divided by their roles: persistent deferreds, now called jobs; job queues (the original zasync’s “asynchronous call manager”); and dispatchers (the original zasync ZEO client). The zasync 1.x design blurred the lines between the three components such that the component parts could only be replaced with difficulty, if at all. A goal for the 2.x design is to clearly define the role for each of three components such that, for instance, a user of a queue does not need to know about the dispatcher or the agents.

    • Improve scalability of asynchronous workers.

      The 1.x line was initially designed for a single asynchronous worker, which could be put on another machine thanks to ZEO. Tarek Ziade of Nuxeo wrote zasyncdispatcher, which allowed multiple asynchronous workers to accept work, allowing multiple processes and multiple machines to divide and conquer. It worked around the limitations of the original zasync design to provide even more scalability. However, it was forced to divide up work well before a given worker looks at the queue.

      While dividing work earlier allows guesses and heuristics a chance to predict what worker might be more free in the future, a more reliable approach is to let the worker gauge whether it should take a job at the time the job is taken. Perhaps the worker will choose based on the worker’s load, or other concurrent jobs in the process, or other details. A goal for the 2.x line is to more directly support this type of scalability.

    • Improve scalability of registering jobs.

      The 1.x line initially wasn’t concerned about very many concurrent asynchronous requests. When this situation was encountered, it caused ConflictErrors between the worker process reading the deferred queue and the code that was adding the deferreds. Thanks to Nuxeo, this problem was addressed in the 1.x line. A goal for the new version is to include and improve upon the 1.x solution.

    • Make it even simpler to provide new jobs.

      In the first version, plugins performed jobs. They had a specific API and they had to be configured. A goal for the new version is to require no specific API for jobs, and to not require any configuration.

    • Improve report information, especially through the web.

      The component that the first version of zasync provided to do the asynchronous work, the zasync client, provided very verbose logs of the jobs done, but they were hard to read and also did not have a through- the-web parallel. Two goals for the new version are to improve the usefulness of the filesystem logs and to include more complete visibility of the status of the provided asynchronous clients.

    • Make it easier to configure and start, especially for small deployments.

      A significant barrier to experimentation and deployment of the 1.x line was the difficulty in configuration. The 1.x line relied on ZConfig for zasync client configuration, demanding non-extensible similar-yet-subtly-different .conf files like the Zope conf files. The 2.x line provides code that Zope 3 can configure to run in the same process as a standard Zope 3 application. This means that development instances can start a zasync quickly and easily. It also means that processes can be reallocated on the fly during production use, so that a machine being used as a zasync process can quickly be converted to a web server, if needed, and vice versa.

  • New goals

    • Support intermediate return calls so that jobs can report back how they are doing.

      A frequent request from users of zasync 1.x was the ability for a long- running asynchronous process to report back progress to the original requester. The 2.x line addresses this with three changes:

      • jobs are annotatable;
      • jobs should not be modified in an asynchronous worker that does work (though they may be read);
      • jobs can request another job in a synchronous process that annotates the job with progress status or other information.

      Because of relatively recent changes in ZODB–multi version concurrency control–this simple pattern should not generate conflict errors.

    • Support time-delayed calls.

      Retries and other use cases make time-delayed deferred calls desirable. The new design supports these sort of calls.

[2]The combination of a queue name plus a dispatcher UUID plus an agent name uniquely identifies an agent.

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