Package winappdbg :: Module thread :: Class _ThreadContainer
[hide private]
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Class _ThreadContainer

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Encapsulates the capability to contain Thread objects.

Instance Methods [hide private]
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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Private method to automatically initialize the snapshot when you try to use it without calling any of the scan_* methods first.
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__contains__(self, anObject)
Returns: True if the snapshot contains a Thread object with the same ID.
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Returns: Iterator of Thread objects in this snapshot.
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Returns: Count of Thread objects in this snapshot.
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_add_thread(self, aThread)
Private method to add a thread object to the snapshot.
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_del_thread(self, dwThreadId)
Private method to remove a thread object from the snapshot.
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_has_thread_id(self, dwThreadId)
Private method to test for a thread in the snapshot without triggering an automatic scan.
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Private method to get the list of thread IDs currently in the snapshot without triggering an automatic scan.
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__add_created_thread(self, event)
Private method to automatically add new thread objects from debug events.
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_notify_create_process(self, event)
Notify the creation of the main thread of this process.
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_notify_create_thread(self, event)
Notify the creation of a new thread in this process.
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_notify_exit_thread(self, event)
Notify the termination of a thread.
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_ThreadContainer__add_created_thread(self, event)
Private method to automatically add new thread objects from debug events.
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Private method to automatically initialize the snapshot when you try to use it without calling any of the scan_* methods first.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

start_thread(self, lpStartAddress, lpParameter=0, bSuspended=False)
Remotely creates a new thread in the process.
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    Threads snapshot
has_thread(self, dwThreadId)
Returns: True if the snapshot contains a Thread object with the given global ID.
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get_thread(self, dwThreadId)
Returns: Thread object with the given global ID.
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Returns: Iterator of global thread IDs in this snapshot.
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Returns: Iterator of Thread objects in this snapshot.
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list( int )
Returns: List of global thread IDs in this snapshot.
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Returns: Count of Thread objects in this snapshot.
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list( Thread )
find_threads_by_name(self, name, bExactMatch=True)
Find threads by name, using different search methods.
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list of Window
Returns: Returns a list of windows handled by this process.
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Populates the snapshot with running threads.
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Remove Thread objects from the snapshot referring to threads no longer running.
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Clears the threads snapshot.
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Closes all open handles to threads in the snapshot.
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Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)


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Private method to automatically initialize the snapshot when you try to use it without calling any of the scan_* methods first. You don't need to call this yourself.

__contains__(self, anObject)
(In operator)

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  • anObject (Thread, int) -
    • int: Global ID of the thread to look for.
    • Thread: Thread object to look for.
Returns: bool
True if the snapshot contains a Thread object with the same ID.


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Returns: dictionary-valueiterator
Iterator of Thread objects in this snapshot.

See Also: iter_threads

(Length operator)

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Returns: int
Count of Thread objects in this snapshot.

See Also: get_thread_count

has_thread(self, dwThreadId)

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  • dwThreadId (int) - Global ID of the thread to look for.
Returns: bool
True if the snapshot contains a Thread object with the given global ID.

get_thread(self, dwThreadId)

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  • dwThreadId (int) - Global ID of the thread to look for.
Returns: Thread
Thread object with the given global ID.


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Returns: dictionary-keyiterator
Iterator of global thread IDs in this snapshot.

See Also: iter_threads


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Returns: dictionary-valueiterator
Iterator of Thread objects in this snapshot.

See Also: iter_thread_ids


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Returns: list( int )
List of global thread IDs in this snapshot.


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Returns: int
Count of Thread objects in this snapshot.

find_threads_by_name(self, name, bExactMatch=True)

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Find threads by name, using different search methods.

  • name (str, None) - Name to look for. Use None to find nameless threads.
  • bExactMatch (bool) - True if the name must be exactly as given, False if the name can be loosely matched.

    This parameter is ignored when name is None.

Returns: list( Thread )
All threads matching the given name.


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Returns: list of Window
Returns a list of windows handled by this process.

start_thread(self, lpStartAddress, lpParameter=0, bSuspended=False)

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Remotely creates a new thread in the process.

  • lpStartAddress (int) - Start address for the new thread.
  • lpParameter (int) - Optional argument for the new thread.
  • bSuspended (bool) - True if the new thread should be suspended. In that case use Thread.resume to start execution.

_add_thread(self, aThread)

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Private method to add a thread object to the snapshot.

  • aThread (Thread) - Thread object.

_del_thread(self, dwThreadId)

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Private method to remove a thread object from the snapshot.

  • dwThreadId (int) - Global thread ID.

__add_created_thread(self, event)

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Private method to automatically add new thread objects from debug events.

  • event (Event) - Event object.

_notify_create_process(self, event)

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Notify the creation of the main thread of this process.

This is done automatically by the Debug class, you shouldn't need to call it yourself.

Returns: bool
True to call the user-defined handle, False otherwise.

_notify_create_thread(self, event)

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Notify the creation of a new thread in this process.

This is done automatically by the Debug class, you shouldn't need to call it yourself.

Returns: bool
True to call the user-defined handle, False otherwise.

_notify_exit_thread(self, event)

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Notify the termination of a thread.

This is done automatically by the Debug class, you shouldn't need to call it yourself.

Returns: bool
True to call the user-defined handle, False otherwise.

_ThreadContainer__add_created_thread(self, event)

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Private method to automatically add new thread objects from debug events.

  • event (Event) - Event object.


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Private method to automatically initialize the snapshot when you try to use it without calling any of the scan_* methods first. You don't need to call this yourself.