Package winappdbg :: Module textio :: Class HexOutput
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class HexOutput

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Static functions for user output parsing. The counterparts for each method are in the HexInput class.

Instance Methods [hide private]

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
integer(cls, integer, bits=None)
Returns: Text output.
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address(cls, address, bits=None)
Returns: Text output.
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integer_list_file(cls, filename, values, bits=None)
Write a list of integers to a file.
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string_list_file(cls, filename, values)
Write a list of strings to a file.
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mixed_list_file(cls, filename, values, bits)
Write a list of mixed values to a file.
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Static Methods [hide private]
Convert binary data to a string of hexadecimal numbers.
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a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__new__(cls, *argv, **argd)
Don't try to instance this class, just use the static methods. (Inherited from winappdbg.util.StaticClass)
Class Variables [hide private]
int integer_size = 10
Default size in characters of an outputted integer.
int address_size = 10
Default Number of bits of the target architecture.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

integer(cls, integer, bits=None)
Class Method

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  • integer (int) - Integer.
  • bits (int) - (Optional) Number of bits of the target architecture. The default is platform dependent. See: HexOutput.integer_size
Returns: str
Text output.

address(cls, address, bits=None)
Class Method

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  • address (int) - Memory address.
  • bits (int) - (Optional) Number of bits of the target architecture. The default is platform dependent. See: HexOutput.address_size
Returns: str
Text output.

Static Method

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Convert binary data to a string of hexadecimal numbers.

  • data (str) - Binary data.
Returns: str
Hexadecimal representation.

integer_list_file(cls, filename, values, bits=None)
Class Method

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Write a list of integers to a file. If a file of the same name exists, it's contents are replaced.

See HexInput.integer_list_file for a description of the file format.

  • filename (str) - Name of the file to write.
  • values (list( int )) - List of integers to write to the file.
  • bits (int) - (Optional) Number of bits of the target architecture. The default is platform dependent. See: HexOutput.integer_size

string_list_file(cls, filename, values)
Class Method

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Write a list of strings to a file. If a file of the same name exists, it's contents are replaced.

See HexInput.string_list_file for a description of the file format.

  • filename (str) - Name of the file to write.
  • values (list( int )) - List of strings to write to the file.

mixed_list_file(cls, filename, values, bits)
Class Method

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Write a list of mixed values to a file. If a file of the same name exists, it's contents are replaced.

See HexInput.mixed_list_file for a description of the file format.

  • filename (str) - Name of the file to write.
  • values (list( int )) - List of mixed values to write to the file.
  • bits (int) - (Optional) Number of bits of the target architecture. The default is platform dependent. See: HexOutput.integer_size

Class Variable Details [hide private]


Default size in characters of an outputted integer. This value is platform dependent.


Default Number of bits of the target architecture. This value is platform dependent.