Package winappdbg :: Module registry :: Class Registry
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Class Registry

source code

Exposes the Windows Registry as a Python container.

Nested Classes [hide private]
  _RegistryContainer__EmptyArgument (Inherited from winappdbg.registry._RegistryContainer)
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, machine=None)
Opens a local or remote registry.
source code
tuple( int, str )
_split_path(self, path)
Splits a Registry path and returns the hive and key.
source code
tuple( int, str )
_parse_path(self, path)
Parses a Registry path and returns the hive and key.
source code
_join_path(self, hive, subkey)
Joins the hive and key to make a Registry path.
source code
_sanitize_path(self, path)
Sanitizes the given Registry path.
source code
_connect_hive(self, hive)
Connect to the specified hive of a remote Registry.
source code
Closes all open connections to the remote Registry.
source code
__enter__(self) source code
__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) source code
source code
__contains__(self, path) source code
__getitem__(self, path) source code
__setitem__(self, path, value) source code
__delitem__(self, path) source code
create(self, path)
Creates a new Registry key.
source code
subkeys(self, path)
Returns a list of subkeys for the given Registry key.
source code
iterate(self, path)
Returns a recursive iterator on the specified key and its subkeys.
source code
Returns an iterator that crawls the entire Windows Registry.
source code
__iterate(self, stack) source code
__iter__(self) (Inherited from winappdbg.registry._RegistryContainer) source code
get(self, name, default=__emptyArgument) (Inherited from winappdbg.registry._RegistryContainer) source code
has_key(self, name) (Inherited from winappdbg.registry._RegistryContainer) source code
setdefault(self, default) (Inherited from winappdbg.registry._RegistryContainer) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  _hives_by_name = {'HKCC': 2147483653, 'HKCR': 2147483648, 'HKC...
  _hives_by_value = {2147483648: 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT', 2147483649...
  _RegistryContainer__emptyArgument = __emptyArgument (Inherited from winappdbg.registry._RegistryContainer)
Instance Variables [hide private]
str or None machine
For a remote Registry, the machine name.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, machine=None)

source code 

Opens a local or remote registry.

  • machine (str) - Optional machine name. If None it opens the local registry.
Overrides: object.__init__

_split_path(self, path)

source code 

Splits a Registry path and returns the hive and key.

  • path (str) - Registry path.
Returns: tuple( int, str )
Tuple containing the hive handle and the subkey path. The hive handle is always one of the following integer constants:

_parse_path(self, path)

source code 

Parses a Registry path and returns the hive and key.

  • path (str) - Registry path.
Returns: tuple( int, str )
Tuple containing the hive handle and the subkey path. For a local Registry, the hive handle is an integer. For a remote Registry, the hive handle is a RegistryKeyHandle.

_join_path(self, hive, subkey)

source code 

Joins the hive and key to make a Registry path.

Returns: str
Registry path.

_sanitize_path(self, path)

source code 

Sanitizes the given Registry path.

  • path (str) - Registry path.
Returns: str
Registry path.

_connect_hive(self, hive)

source code 

Connect to the specified hive of a remote Registry.

  • hive (int) - Hive to connect to.
Returns: win32.RegistryKeyHandle
Open handle to the remote Registry hive.

Note: The connection will be cached, to close all connections and erase this cache call the close method.


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Closes all open connections to the remote Registry.

No exceptions are raised, even if an error occurs.

This method has no effect when opening the local Registry.

The remote Registry will still be accessible after calling this method (new connections will be opened automatically on access).

(Representation operator)

source code 


Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

create(self, path)

source code 

Creates a new Registry key.

  • path (str) - Registry key path.
Returns: RegistryKey
The newly created Registry key.

subkeys(self, path)

source code 

Returns a list of subkeys for the given Registry key.

  • path (str) - Registry key path.
Returns: list(str)
List of subkey names.

iterate(self, path)

source code 

Returns a recursive iterator on the specified key and its subkeys.

  • path (str) - Registry key path.
Returns: iterator
Recursive iterator that returns Registry key paths.
  • KeyError - The specified path does not exist.

Class Variable Details [hide private]


{'HKCC': 2147483653,
 'HKCR': 2147483648,
 'HKCU': 2147483649,
 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT': 2147483648,
 'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG': 2147483653,
 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER': 2147483649,
 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE': 2147483650,


{2147483648: 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT',
 2147483649: 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER',
 2147483650: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
 2147483651: 'HKEY_USERS',
 2147483653: 'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG'}



Instance Variable Details [hide private]


For a remote Registry, the machine name. For a local Registry, the value is None.
Get Method: