Package winappdbg :: Module crash :: Class CrashDictionary
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Class CrashDictionary

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Dictionary-like persistence interface for Crash objects.

Currently the only implementation is through sql.CrashDAO.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, url, creator=None, allowRepeatedKeys=True)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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add(self, crash)
Adds a new crash to the container.
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Crash object.
get(self, key)
Retrieves a crash from the container.
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Returns: Iterator of the contained Crash objects.
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Returns: Iterator of the contained Crash objects.
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Returns: Iterator of the contained Crash heuristic signatures.
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__contains__(self, crash)
Returns: True if the Crash object is in the container.
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has_key(self, key)
Returns: True if a matching Crash object is in the container.
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Returns: Count of Crash elements in the container.
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Returns: False if the container is empty.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, url, creator=None, allowRepeatedKeys=True)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

  • url (str) - Connection URL of the crash database. See sql.CrashDAO.__init__ for more details.
  • creator (callable) - (Optional) Callback function that creates the SQL database connection.

    Normally it's not necessary to use this argument. However in some odd cases you may need to customize the database connection, for example when using the integrated authentication in MSSQL.

  • allowRepeatedKeys (bool) - If True all Crash objects are stored.

    If False any Crash object with the same signature as a previously existing object will be ignored.

Overrides: object.__init__

add(self, crash)

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Adds a new crash to the container.

  • crash (Crash) - Crash object to add.

Note: When the allowRepeatedKeys parameter of the constructor is set to False, duplicated crashes are ignored.

See Also: Crash.key

get(self, key)

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Retrieves a crash from the container.

  • key (Crash signature.) - Heuristic signature of the crash to get.
Returns: Crash object.
Crash matching the given signature. If more than one is found, retrieve the newest one.

See Also: iterkeys

Warning: A copy of each object is returned, so any changes made to them will be lost.

To preserve changes do the following:

  1. Keep a reference to the object.
  2. Delete the object from the set.
  3. Modify the object and add it again.


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Returns: iterator
Iterator of the contained Crash objects.


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Returns: iterator
Iterator of the contained Crash objects.


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Returns: iterator
Iterator of the contained Crash heuristic signatures.

__contains__(self, crash)
(In operator)

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  • crash (Crash) - Crash object.
Returns: bool
True if the Crash object is in the container.

has_key(self, key)

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  • key (Crash signature.) - Heuristic signature of the crash to get.
Returns: bool
True if a matching Crash object is in the container.

(Length operator)

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Returns: int
Count of Crash elements in the container.


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Returns: bool
False if the container is empty.