Source code for vindinium.client

import logging
import webbrowser
import requests

__all__ = ['Client']

[docs]class Client(object): '''Base client for Vindinium. Example: Pass the configuration within constructor:: client = vindinium.Client('<botskey>', mode='training') Or manually set the client attributes:: client = vindinium.Client() client.key = '<botskey>' client.mode = 'training' Finally, run the bot passing it as parameter to the ``run`` method:: Attributes: key (str): the bot's key, you must create a key in the site. mode (str): the game mode ('training' or 'arena'), defaults to 'training'. n_turns (int): number of turns in a game. Only valid in training mode; arena is fixed to 300. Defaults to 300. server (str): the address of the server. Defaults to ''. open_browser (bool): if True, the client will open the default browser to show the current game. Defaults to False. timeout_move (int): movement timeout in seconds. Defaults to 15 seconds. timeout_connection (int): connection timeout in seconds. Defaults to 10 minutes. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, key, mode='training', n_turns=300, server='', open_browser=False): '''Constructor. Args: key (str): the bot's key, you must create a key in the site. mode (str): the game mode ('training' or 'arena'), defaults to 'training'. n_turns (int): number of turns in a game. Only valid in training mode; arena is fixed to 300. Defaults to 300. server (str): the address of the server. Defaults to ''. open_browser (bool): if True, the client will open the default browser to show the current game. Defaults to False. ''' self.key = key self.mode = mode self.n_turns = n_turns self.server = server self.open_browser = open_browser self.timeout_move = 15 self.timeout_connection = 10*60 self.__session = None
[docs] def run(self, bot): '''Connects to the server waiting for a game. Args: bot (instance): the bot object. Returns: A url to watch the game replay. ''' try: # Connect state = self.__connect() bot._start(state) play_url = state['playUrl'] # Move finished = False while not finished: action = bot._move(state) state = self.__move(play_url, action) finished = state['game']['finished'] return state['viewUrl'] finally: # End bot._end() self.__disconnect()
def __connect(self): '''Connects to the server. Returns: A data from the server Raises: IOError if connection is aborted. ''' # Create requests session self.__session = requests.session() # Set up parameters server = self.server if self.mode=='arena': params = {'key': self.key} endpoint = '/api/arena' else: params = {'key':self.key, 'turns':self.n_turns, 'map':'m1'} endpoint = '/api/training' # Connect'Trying to connect to %s%s', server, endpoint) r = + endpoint, params, timeout=10*60) # Get response if r.status_code == 200: state = r.json()'Connected! Playing game at: %s', state['viewUrl']) # Open browser if ``open_browser`` is True if self.open_browser:['viewUrl']) return state else: logging.error('Error when connecting to server, message: "%s"', r.text) raise IOError('Connection error, check log for the message.') def __move(self, url, action): '''Sends a movement command to the server. Returns: A data from the server Raises: IOError if connection is aborted. ''' r =, {'dir':action}, timeout=self.timeout_move) if r.status_code == 200: return r.json() else: logging.error('Connection error during game, message: "(%d) %s"', r.status_code, r.text) raise IOError('Connection error, check log for the message.') def __disconnect(self): '''Close the session.''' if (self.__session): self.__session.close()