Source code for

import vindinium as vin
from import HeapQueue

__all__ = ['AStar']

DIR_NEIGHBORS = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]

[docs]class AStar(object): '''A* algorithm specialized for vindinium. The A* algorithm receives an instance of ``vindinium.models.Map``` and compute the best path when necessary. Attributes: cost_avoid (float): cost to walk over an avoidable tile (consult the avoid_tiles attribute). Defaults to 4. cost_move (float): cost to walk over an empty tile. Defaults to 1. obstacle_tiles (list): a list of obstacles tile VALUES. avoid_tiles (list): a list of avoidable tile VALUES. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, map): '''Constructor. Args: map (vindinium.models.Map): the map instance. ''' self.cost_avoid = 4 self.cost_move = 1 self.obstacle_tiles = [vin.TILE_WALL, vin.TILE_TAVERN, vin.TILE_MINE] self.avoid_tiles = [vin.TILE_SPAWN] self._map = map
[docs] def find(self, x0, y0, x1, y1): '''Find a path between (x0, y0) and (x1, y1). Args: x0 (int): initial position in X. y0 (int): initial position in Y. x1 (int): goal position in X. y1 (int): goal position in Y. Returns: (list) if the path has been found, e.g. ``[(0, 1), (0, 2), ...]``. Notice that, it does not include the initial position, but include the goal. (None) otherwise. ''' # To avoid access on the dot cost_move = self.cost_move cost_avoid = self.cost_avoid map = self._map adjacent = False # If obstacle, cancel search if map[x1, y1] in self.obstacle_tiles: adjacent = True # State x, y, g, parent start = (x0, y0, 0, None) queue = HeapQueue() visited = [(x0, y0)] state = None queue.push(start, 0) while not queue.is_empty(): state = queue.pop() x, y, g, parent = state # Goal if (x==x1 and y==y1) or (adjacent and (abs(x-x1)+abs(y-y1))==1): break # Children for x_, y_ in self.__neighbors(x, y, visited): tile = map[x_, y_] g_ = g + (cost_avoid if tile in self.avoid_tiles else cost_move) h_ = abs(x_-x1)+abs(y_-y1) queue.push((x_, y_, g_, state), g_+h_) # If while does not break, it means that it didn't found any path else: return None # Prepare result result = [] while state: result.insert(0, (state[0], state[1])) state = state[3] result.pop(0) return result
def __neighbors(self, x, y, visited): '''Get the valid neighbors of a tile.''' m = self._map s = m.size for dx, dy in DIR_NEIGHBORS: tx, ty = x+dx, y+dy if not(-1<tx<s and -1<ty<s): continue tile = m[tx, ty] if tile not in self.obstacle_tiles and (tx, ty) not in visited: visited.append((tx, ty)) yield tx, ty