Bases: object
Communications library.
This class contains methods that can be used to interact with the vLabtool
Initialization does the following
Arguments | Description |
timeout | serial port read timeout. default = 1s |
>>> from vLabtool import interface
>>> I = interface.Interface(2.0)
>>> print I
<interface.Interface instance at 0xb6c0cac>
Once you have instantiated this class, its various methods will allow access to all the features built into the device.
Sub-Instance I2C of the Interface library contains methods to access devices connected to the I2C port.
>>> I.I2C.start(self.ADDRESS,0) #writing mode
>>> I.I2C.send(0x01)
>>> I.I2C.stop()
See also
I2C for complete documentation
Sub-Instance SPI of the Interface library contains methods to access devices connected to the SPI port.
>>> I=Interface()
>>> I.SPI.start('CS1')
>>> I.SPI.send16(0xAAFF)
>>> print I.SPI.send16(0xFFFF)
some number
See also
SPI for complete documentation
Sub-Instance NRF of the Interface library contains methods to access wireless sensor nodes via an NRF24L01+ module connnected to the SPI port
try out the wireless modules app by running vLabtool-experiments from the command line.
- example::
>>> I=interface.Interface() >>> I.NRF.start_token_manager() #Start listening to any nodes that may turn on >>> while 1: #Wait for at least one node to register itself >>> lst = I.NRF.get_nodelist() >>> print lst >>> time.sleep(0.5) >>> if(len(lst)>0):break >>> I.NRF.stop_token_manager() # Registrations closed! >>> LINK = I.newRadioLink(address=lst.keys()[0]) #lst = dictionary with node addresses as keys, and I2C sensors as values >>> print LINK.I2C_scan() #vLabtool automatically transmits stuff to LINK's address, and retrieves sensor info.
See also
NRF24L01 for complete documentation
Arguments | |
**Kwargs | |
address |
Returns: | RadioLink |
See also
Attempts to reconnect to the device in case of a commmunication error or accidental disconnect.
Blocking call that fetches an oscilloscope trace from the specified input channel
Arguments | |
ch | Channel to select as input. [‘CH1’..’CH9’,‘5V’,’PCS’,‘9V’,’IN1’,’SEN’] |
ns | Number of samples to fetch. Maximum 10000 |
tg | Timegap between samples in microseconds |
A sine wave captured and plotted.
>>> from pylab import *
>>> from Labtools import interface
>>> I=interface.Interface()
>>> x,y = I.capture1('CH1',3200,1)
>>> plot(x,y)
>>> show()
Returns: | Arrays X(timestamps),Y(Corresponding Voltage values) |
Blocking call that fetches oscilloscope traces from CH1,CH2
Arguments | |
ns | Number of samples to fetch. Maximum 5000 |
tg | Timegap between samples in microseconds |
Two sine waves captured and plotted.
>>> from pylab import *
>>> from Labtools import interface
>>> I=interface.Interface()
>>> x,y1,y2 = I.capture2(1600,1.25)
>>> plot(x,y1)
>>> plot(x,y2)
>>> show()
Returns: | Arrays X(timestamps),Y1(Voltage at CH1),Y2(Voltage at CH2) |
Blocking call that fetches oscilloscope traces from CH1,CH2,CH3,CH4
Arguments | |
ns | Number of samples to fetch. Maximum 2500 |
tg | Timegap between samples in microseconds. Minimum 1.75uS |
Four traces captured and plotted.
>>> from pylab import *
>>> I=interface.Interface()
>>> x,y1,y2,y3,y4 = I.capture4(800,1.75)
>>> plot(x,y1)
>>> plot(x,y2)
>>> plot(x,y3)
>>> plot(x,y4)
>>> show()
Returns: | Arrays X(timestamps),Y1(Voltage at CH1),Y2(Voltage at CH2),Y3(Voltage at CH3),Y4(Voltage at CH4) |
Instruct the ADC to start sampling. use fetch_trace to retrieve the data
Arguments | |
num | Channels to acquire. 1/2/4 |
samples | Total points to store per channel. Maximum 3200 total. |
tg | Timegap between two successive samples (in uSec) |
channel_one_input | map channel 1 to ‘CH1’ ... ‘CH9’ |
**kwargs | |
Whether or not to trigger the oscilloscope based on the voltage level set by configure_trigger |
Transient response of an Inductor and Capacitor in series
The following example demonstrates how to use this function to record active events.
- Connect a capacitor and an Inductor in series.
- Connect CH1 to the spare leg of the inductor. Also Connect OD1 to this point
- Connect CH2 to the junction between the capacitor and the inductor
- connect the spare leg of the capacitor to GND( ground )
- set OD1 initially high using set_state(OD1=1)
>>> I.set_state(OD1=1) #Turn on OD1 >>> time.sleep(0.5) #Arbitrary delay to wait for stabilization>>> I.capture_traces(2,800,2,trigger=False) #Start acquiring data (2 channels,800 samples, 2microsecond intervals) >>> I.set_state(OD1=0) #Turn off OD1. This must occur immediately after the previous line was executed. >>> time.sleep(800*2*1e-6) #Minimum interval to wait for completion of data acquisition. samples*timegap*(convert to Seconds) >>> x,CH1=I.fetch_trace(1) >>> x,CH2=I.fetch_trace(2) >>> plot(x,CH1-CH2) #Voltage across the inductor >>> plot(x,CH2) ##Voltage across the capacitor >>> show()The following events take place when the above snippet runs
- The oscilloscope starts storing voltages present at CH1 and CH2 every 2 microseconds
- The output OD1 was enabled, and this causes the voltage between the L and C to approach OD1 voltage. (It may or may not oscillate)
- The data from CH1 and CH2 was read into x,CH1,CH2
- Both traces were plotted in order to visualize the Transient response of series LC
Returns: | nothing |
See also
fetch_trace , oscilloscope_progress , capture1 , capture2 , capture4
Instruct the ADC to start sampling. use fetch_trace to retrieve the data
Arguments | |
channel | channel to acquire data from ‘CH1’ ... ‘CH9’ |
samples | Total points to store per channel. Maximum 3200 total. |
tg | Timegap between two successive samples (in uSec) |
**kwargs | |
Whether or not to trigger the oscilloscope based on the voltage level set by configure_trigger |
Returns: | nothing |
See also
fetch_trace , oscilloscope_progress , capture1 , capture2 , capture4
fetches a channel(1-4) captured by capture_traces called prior to this, and returns xaxis,yaxis
Arguments | |
channel_number | Any of the maximum of four channels that the oscilloscope captured. 1/2/3/4 |
Returns: | time array,voltage array |
See also
returns the number of samples acquired by the capture routines, and the conversion_done status
Returns: | conversion done(bool) ,samples acquired (number) |
>>> I.start_capture(1,3200,2)
>>> print I.oscilloscope_progress()
>>> time.sleep(3200*2e-6)
>>> print I.oscilloscope_progress()
See also
configure trigger parameters for 10-bit capture commands The capture routines will wait till a rising edge of the input signal crosses the specified level. The trigger will timeout within 8mS, and capture routines will start regardless.
These settings will not be used if the trigger option in the capture routines are set to False
Arguments | |
chan | channel . 0 or 1. corresponding to the channels being recorded by the capture routine(not the analog inputs) |
name | the name of the channel. ‘CH1’... ‘V+’ |
voltage | The voltage level that should trigger the capture sequence(in Volts) |
>>> I.configure_trigger(0,1.1)
>>> I.capture_traces(4,800,2)
>>> I.fetch_trace(1) #Unless a timeout occured, the first point of this channel will be close to 1.1Volts
>>> I.fetch_trace(2) #This channel was acquired simultaneously with channel 1, so it's triggered along with the first
See also
set the gain of the selected PGA
Arguments | |
channel | ‘CH1’,’CH2’,’CH3’,’CH4’,’CH5’,’CH6’,’CH7’,’CH8’,’CH9’,‘5V’,’PCS’,‘9V’ |
gain | (0-7) -> (1x,2x,4x,5x,8x,10x,16x,32x) |
The gain value applied to a channel will result in better resolution for small amplitude signals.
However, values read using functions like get_average_voltage or capture_traces will not be 2x, or 4x times the input signal. These are calibrated to return accurate values of the original input signal.
>>> I.set_gain('CH1',7) #gain set to 32x on CH1
Return the voltage on the selected channel
Arguments | Description |
channel_name | ‘CH1’,’CH2’,’CH3’,’CH4’,’CH5’,’CH6’,’CH7’,’CH8’,’CH9’,‘5V’,’PCS’,‘9V’,’IN1’,’SEN’,’TEMP’ |
sleep | read voltage in CPU sleep mode. not particularly useful. Also, Buggy. |
>>> print I.get_average_voltage('CH4')
retrieves the frequency of the signal connected to ID1. >10MHz also good for lower frequencies, but avoid using it since the ADC cannot be used simultaneously. It shares a TIMER with the ADC.
The input frequency is fed to a 32 bit counter for a period of 100mS. The value of the counter at the end of 100mS is used to calculate the frequency.
See also
Arguments | |
pin | The input pin to measure frequency from. ‘ID1’ , ‘ID2’, ‘ID3’, ‘ID4’, ‘LMETER’,’CH4’ |
Returns: | frequency |
Frequency measurement on IDx. Measures time taken for 16 rising edges of input signal. returns the frequency in Hertz
Arguments | |
channel | The input to measure frequency from. ‘ID1’ , ‘ID2’, ‘ID3’, ‘ID4’, ‘LMETER’,’CH4’ |
timeout | This is a blocking call which will wait for one full wavelength before returning the calculated frequency. Use the timeout option if you’re unsure of the input signal. returns 0 if timed out |
Return float: | frequency |
- connect SQR1 to ID1
>>> I.set_sqr1(2000,500,1) # TODO: edit this function >>> print I.get_freq('ID1') 4000.0 >>> print I.r2r_time('ID1') #time between successive rising edges 0.00025 >>> print I.f2f_time('ID1') #time between successive falling edges 0.00025 >>> print I.pulse_time('ID1') #may detect a low pulse, or a high pulse. Whichever comes first 6.25e-05 >>> I.duty_cycle('ID1') #returns wavelength, high time (0.00025,6.25e-05)
Returns the time interval between two rising edges of input signal on ID1
Arguments | |
channel | The input to measure time between two rising edges.’ID1’ , ‘ID2’, ‘ID3’, ‘ID4’, ‘LMETER’,’CH4’ |
timeout | Use the timeout option if you’re unsure of the input signal time period. returns 0 if timed out |
Return float: | time between two rising edges of input signal |
See also
Returns the time interval between two falling edges of input signal on ID1
Arguments | |
channel | The input to measure time between two falling edges. ‘ID1’ , ‘ID2’, ‘ID3’, ‘ID4’, ‘LMETER’,’CH4’ |
timeout | Use the timeout option if you’re unsure of the input signal time period. returns 0 if timed out |
Return float: | time between two falling edges of input signal |
See also
duty cycle measurement on channel
returns wavelength(seconds), and length of first half of pulse(high time)
low time = (wavelength - high time)
Arguments | |
channel | The input pin to measure wavelength and high time. ‘ID1’ , ‘ID2’, ‘ID3’, ‘ID4’, ‘LMETER’,’CH4’ |
timeout | Use the timeout option if you’re unsure of the input signal time period. returns 0 if timed out |
:return : wavelength,duty cycle
See also
Measures time intervals between two logic level changes on any two digital inputs(both can be the same)
For example, one can measure the time interval between the occurence of a rising edge on ID1, and a falling edge on ID3. If the returned time is negative, it simply means that the event corresponding to channel2 occurred first.
returns the calculated time
Arguments | |
channel1 | The input pin to measure first logic level change |
channel1 |
edge1 |
edge2 |
timeout | Use the timeout option if you’re unsure of the input signal time period. returns -1 if timed out |
:return : time
See also
pulse time measurement on ID1 returns pulse length(s) of high pulse or low pulse. whichever occurs first
Arguments | |
channel |
timeout |
Return float: | pulse width in seconds |
See also
setup the voltage level and filtering on the analog comparator linked to CH4. It can then be used to directly estimate the frequency and other timing details of input analog waveforms on CH4
Arguments | |
level | voltage level for + reference of comparator [0-15] |
digital_filter | Level changes faster than 3 * cpu freq / (1<<digital_filter) will be ignored |
See also
log timestamps of rising/falling edges on one digital input (ID1)
Arguments | |
waiting_time | Total time to allow the logic analyzer to collect data. This is implemented using a simple sleep routine, so if large delays will be involved, refer to start_one_channel_LA to start the acquisition, and fetch_LA_channels to retrieve data from the hardware after adequate time. The retrieved data is stored in the array self.dchans[0].timestamps. Divide each timestamp by 64e6 to convert to seconds. |
trigger |
Returns: | Bool initial_state Low/High, timestamp array in Seconds |
>>> I.LA_capture1(0.2,'rising')
start logging timestamps of rising/falling edges on ID1
Arguments | |
args | |
channel | ‘ID1’,...’LMETER’,’CH4’ |
trigger_channel | ‘ID1’,...’LMETER’,’CH4’ |
channnel_mode | acquisition mode. default value: 1 EVERY_SIXTEENTH_RISING_EDGE = 5 EVERY_FOURTH_RISING_EDGE = 4 EVERY_RISING_EDGE = 3 EVERY_FALLING_EDGE = 2 EVERY_EDGE = 1 DISABLED = 0 |
trigger_mode | same as channel_mode. default_value : 3 |
Returns: | Nothing |
start logging timestamps of rising/falling edges on ID1,AD2
Arguments | |
trigger | Bool . Enable rising edge trigger on ID1 |
maximum_time | Total time to sample. If total time exceeds 67 seconds, a prescaler will be used in the reference clock |
"fetch_long_data_from_dma(points to read,1)" to get data acquired from channel 1
"fetch_long_data_from_dma(points to read,2)" to get data acquired from channel 2
The read data can be accessed from self.dchans[0 or 1]
start logging timestamps of rising/falling edges on ID1,ID2,ID3
Arguments | |
args | |
trigger_channel | ‘ID1’,...’LMETER’,’CH4’ |
modes |
trigger_mode | same as modes(previously documented keyword argument) default_value : 3 |
Returns: | Nothing |
Four channel Logic Analyzer. start logging timestamps from a 64MHz counter to record level changes on ID1,ID2,ID3,ID4.
Arguments | |
trigger | Bool . Enable rising edge trigger on ID1 |
maximum_time | Maximum delay expected between two logic level changes. If total time exceeds 1 mS, a prescaler will be used in the reference clock However, this only refers to the maximum time between two successive level changes. If a delay larger than .26 S occurs, it will be truncated by modulo .26 S. If you need to record large intervals, try single channel/ two channel modes which use 32 bit counters capable of time interval up to 67 seconds. |
mode | modes for each channel. Array with four elements default values: [1,1,1,1] EVERY_SIXTEENTH_RISING_EDGE = 5 EVERY_FOURTH_RISING_EDGE = 4 EVERY_RISING_EDGE = 3 EVERY_FALLING_EDGE = 2 EVERY_EDGE = 1 DISABLED = 0 |
Returns: | Nothing |
See also
Use fetch_long_data_from_LA (points to read,x) to get data acquired from channel x. The read data can be accessed from dchans [x-1]
fetches the initial states before the logic analyser started
Returns: | chan1 progress,chan2 progress,chan3 progress,chan4 progress,[ID1,ID2,ID3,ID4]. eg. [1,0,1,1] |
fetches the data stored by DMA. integer address increments
Arguments | |
bytes: | number of readings(integers) to fetch |
chan: | channel number (1-4) |
fetches the data stored by DMA. long address increments
Arguments | |
bytes: | number of readings(long integers) to fetch |
chan: | channel number (1,2) |
reads and stores the channels in self.dchans.
Arguments | |
trigchan: |
gets the state of the digital inputs. returns dictionary with keys ‘ID1’,’ID2’,’ID3’,’ID4’
>>> print get_states()
{'ID1': True, 'ID2': True, 'ID3': True, 'ID4': False}
returns the logic level on the specified input (ID1,ID2,ID3, or ID4)
Arguments | Description |
input_id | the input channel
>>> print I.get_state(I.ID1)
set the logic level on digital outputs OD1,OD2,SQR1,SQR2 For newer units, OD1,OD2 have been renamed to SQR3,SQR4. Both mnemonics will work.
Arguments | |
**kwargs |
>>> I.set_state(OD1=1,OD2=0,SQR1=1)
sets OD1,SQR1 HIGH, OD2 LOw, but leave SQR2 untouched.
Charges a capacitor connected to IN1 via a 20K resistor from a 3.3V source for a fixed interval Returns the capacitance calculated using the formula Vc = Vs(1-exp(-t/RC)) This function allows an estimation of the parameters to be used with the get_capacitance function.
measures capacitance of component connected between IN1 and ground
Non standard arguments! Needs to be rewritten
Parameters: |
Returns: | Voltage,Charging current used,Charging time, Capacitance |
measure the value of the inductor connected to the Inductance measurement unit F_out must be connected to IN3 via a short wire :return: inductance
Reads 16 BYTES from the specified location
Arguments | |
page | page number. 20 pages with 2KBytes each |
location | The flash location(0 to 63) to read from . |
Returns: | a string of 16 characters read from the location |
Reads BYTES from the specified location
Arguments | |
page | Block number. 0-20. each block is 2kB. |
bytes | Total bytes to read |
Returns: | a string of 16 characters read from the location |
write a 16 BYTE string to the selected location (0-63)
Arguments | |
page | page number. 20 pages with 2KBytes each |
location | The flash location(0 to 63) to write to. |
string_to_write | a string of 16 characters can be written to each location |
write a byte array to the entire flash page. Erases any other data
Arguments | |
location | Block number. 0-20. each block is 2kB. |
bytearray | Array to dump onto flash. Max size 2048 bytes |
get_ctmu_voltage(5,2) will activate a constant current source of 5.5uA on IN1 and then measure the voltage at the output. If a diode is used to connect IN1 to ground, the forward voltage drop of the diode will be returned. e.g. .6V for a 4148diode.
If a resistor is connected, ohm’s law will be followed within reasonable limits
channel=5 for IN1
CRange=0 implies 550uA CRange=1 implies 0.55uA CRange=2 implies 5.5uA CRange=3 implies 55uA
Returns: | Voltage |
return the processor’s temperature
Returns: | Chip Temperature in degree Celcius |
DEPRECATED. PIC1572 waveform generators have been replaced with AD9833 based 28 bit wavegens.
Outputs an address through the second UART This is used to select which PIC1572 will listen to incoming data
Arguments | |
address | slave device address |
Returns: | nothing |
Set the frequency of wavegen
Arguments | |
frequency | Frequency to set on wave generator . 0MHz to 8MHz |
register |
Returns: | frequency |
set the output type of the waveform generator
Arguments | |
waveform | ‘sine’, ‘triangle’, or ‘square’ |
The waveform generator has two frequency registers. That is, you may store two different frequency values with distinct waveform shapes, and quickly toggle between them using this command. refer to set_sine
Arguments | |
register | 0 or 1 |
Set the voltage on PVS1 12-bit DAC... -5V to 5V
Arguments | |
val | Output voltage on PVS1. -5V to 5V |
Set the voltage on PVS2. 12-bit DAC... 0 - 3.3V
Arguments | |
val | Output voltage on PVS2. 0-3.3V |
Set the voltage on PVS3
Arguments | |
val | Output voltage on PVS3. 0V to 3.3V |
Returns: | Actual value set on pvs3 |
Set programmable current source
Arguments | |
val | Output current on PCS. 0 to 3.3mA. Subject to load resistance. Read voltage on PCS to check. |
Returns: | value attempted to set on pcs |
set shade of WS2182 LED on PIC1572 1 RA2
Arguments | |
R | brightness of red colour 0-255 |
G | brightness of green colour 0-255 |
B | brightness of blue colour 0-255 |
set shade of WS2182 LED on SQR1
Arguments | |
cols |
Instruct the ADC to start streaming 8-bit data. use stop_streaming to stop.
Arguments | |
tg | timegap. 250KHz clock |
channel | channel ‘CH1’... ‘CH9’,’IN1’,’SEN’ |
Set the frequency of sqr1
Arguments | |
frequency | Frequency |
duty_cycle | Percentage of high time |
Set the frequency of sqr2
Arguments | |
frequency | Frequency |
duty_cycle | Percentage of high time |
Set the frequency of sqr1,sqr2, with phase shift
Arguments | |
wavelength | Number of 64Mhz/prescaler clock cycles per wave |
phase | Clock cycles between rising edges of SQR1 and SQR2 |
high time1 | Clock cycles for which SQR1 must be HIGH |
high time2 | Clock cycles for which SQR2 must be HIGH |
prescaler | 0,1,2. Divides the 64Mhz clock by 8,64, or 256 |
Output one set of phase correlated square pulses on SQR1,SQR2,OD1,OD2 .
Arguments | |
freq | Frequency in Hertz |
h0 | Duty Cycle for SQR1 (0-1) |
p1 | Phase shift for SQR2 (0-1) |
h1 | Duty Cycle for SQR2 (0-1) |
p2 | Phase shift for OD1 (0-1) |
h2 | Duty Cycle for OD1 (0-1) |
p3 | Phase shift for OD2 (0-1) |
h3 | Duty Cycle for OD2 (0-1) |
Initialize continuously running phase correlated square waves on SQR1,SQR2,OD1,OD2
Arguments | |
freq | Frequency in Hertz |
h0 | Duty Cycle for SQR1 (0-1) |
p1 | Phase shift for SQR2 (0-1) |
h1 | Duty Cycle for SQR2 (0-1) |
p2 | Phase shift for OD1 (0-1) |
h2 | Duty Cycle for OD1 (0-1) |
p3 | Phase shift for OD2 (0-1) |
h3 | Duty Cycle for OD2 (0-1) |
UNSUPPORTED IN FIRMWARE. DO NOT USE Use Comparator on CH4 to triggger output pulses after precise intervals.
Arguments | |
**kwargs | |
h0 | High time for SQR1 (0-0xFFFF uS) |
p1 | Phase shift for SQR2 (0-0xFFFF uS) |
h1 | High time for SQR2 (0-0xFFFF uS) |
p2 | Phase shift for OD1 (0-0xFFFF uS) |
h2 | High time for OD1 (0-0xFFFF uS) |
p3 | Phase shift for OD2 (0-0xFFFF uS) |
h3 | High time for OD2 (0-0xFFFF uS) |
NOTE: hx+px must be less than 0xFFFF
Map the internal oscillator output to SQR1,SQR2,OD1 or OD2 The output frequency is 128/(1<<scaler) MHz
scaler [0-15]
- 0 -> 128MHz
- 1 -> 64MHz
- 2 -> 32MHz
- 3 -> 16MHz
- .
- .
- 15 ->128./32768 MHz
>>> I.map_reference_clock(2,'sqr1','sqr2')
outputs 32 MHz on sqr1, sqr2 pins
if you change the reference clock for ‘wavegen’ , the waveform generator resolution and range will also change. default frequency for ‘wavegen’ is 16MHz. Setting to 1MHz will give you 16 times better resolution, but a usable range of 0Hz to about 100KHz instead of the original 2MHz.
Reads and returns the value stored at the specified address in program memory
Arguments | |
address | Address to read from. Refer to PIC24EP64GP204 programming manual |
Reads and returns the value stored at the specified address in RAM
Arguments | |
address | Address to read from. Refer to PIC24EP64GP204 programming manual| |
Writes a value to the specified address in RAM
Arguments | |
address | Address to write to. Refer to PIC24EP64GP204 programming manual| |
Output A PWM waveform on SQR1/SQR2 corresponding to the angle specified in the arguments. This is used to operate servo motors. Tested with 9G SG-90 Servo motor.
Arguments | |
chan | 1 or 2. Whether to use SQ1 or SQ2 to output the PWM waveform used by the servo |
angle | 0-180. Angle corresponding to which the PWM waveform is generated. |
Operate Four servo motors independently using SQR1, SQR2, SQR3, SQR4. tested with SG-90 9G servos.
Arguments | |
a1 | Angle to set on Servo which uses SQR1 as PWM input. [0-180] |
a2 | Angle to set on Servo which uses SQR2 as PWM input. [0-180] |
a3 | Angle to set on Servo which uses SQR3 as PWM input. [0-180] |
a4 | Angle to set on Servo which uses SQR4 as PWM input. [0-180] |
All data received by the device is relayed to an external port(SCL[TX],SDA[RX]) after this function is called
If a period > .5 seconds elapses between two transmit/receive events, the device resets and resumes normal mode. This timeout feature has been implemented in lieu of a hard reset option. can be used to load programs into secondary microcontrollers with bootloaders such ATMEGA, and ESP8266
Arguments | |
baudrate | BAUDRATE to use |
persist | If set to True, the device will stay in passthrough mode until the next power cycle. Otherwise(default scenario), the device will return to normal operation if no data is sent/ received for a period greater than one second at a time. |
Read data from ultrasonic distance sensor HC-SR04/HC-SR05. Sensors must have separate trigger and output pins. First a 10uS pulse is output on SQR3. SQR3 must be connected to the TRIG pin on the sensor prior to use.
Upon receiving this pulse, the sensor emits a sequence of sound pulses, and the logic level of its output pin(which we will monitor via ID1) is also set high. The logic level goes LOW when the sound packet returns to the sensor, or when a timeout occurs.
The ultrasound sensor outputs a series of 8 sound pulses at 40KHz which corresponds to a time period of 25uS per pulse. These pulses reflect off of the nearest object in front of the sensor, and return to it. The time between sending and receiving of the pulse packet is used to estimate the distance. If the reflecting object is either too far away or absorbs sound, less than 8 pulses may be received, and this can cause a measurement error of 25uS which corresponds to 8mm.
init AM2302. This effort was a waste. There are better humidity and temperature sensors available which use well documented I2C
read from AM2302 .. raw:: html
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