Source code for turberfield.dialogue.handlers

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: UTF-8

# This file is part of turberfield.
# Turberfield is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Turberfield is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with turberfield.  If not, see <>.

import asyncio
from import Callable
from import MutableSequence
import logging
import sys
import textwrap
import time
import wave

import pkg_resources
import simpleaudio

from turberfield.dialogue.model import Model
from turberfield.dialogue.model import SceneScript
from turberfield.dialogue.schema import SchemaBase
from turberfield.utils.assembly import Assembly
from turberfield.utils.db import Connection
from turberfield.utils.db import Creation

[docs]class TerminalHandler: """ The default handler for events from scene script files. It generates output for a console terminal. The class is written to be a callable, stateful object. Its `__call__` method delegates to handlers specific to each type of event. You can subclass it and override those methods to suit your own application. :param terminal: A stream object. :param str dbPath: An optional URL to the internal database. :param float pause: The time in seconds to pause on a line of dialogue. :param float dwell: The time in seconds to dwell on a word of dialogue. :param log: An optional log object. """ pause = 1.5 dwell = 0.2
[docs] @staticmethod def handle_audio(obj, wait=False): """Handle an audio event. This function plays an audio file. Currently only `.wav` format is supported. :param obj: An :py:class:`~turberfield.dialogue.model.Model.Audio` object. :param bool wait: Force a blocking wait until playback is complete. :return: The supplied object. """ fp = pkg_resources.resource_filename(obj.package, obj.resource) data =, "rb") nChannels = data.getnchannels() bytesPerSample = data.getsampwidth() sampleRate = data.getframerate() nFrames = data.getnframes() framesPerMilliSecond = nChannels * sampleRate // 1000 offset = framesPerMilliSecond * obj.offset duration = nFrames - offset duration = min( duration, framesPerMilliSecond * obj.duration if obj.duration is not None else duration ) data.readframes(offset) frames = data.readframes(duration) for i in range(obj.loop): waveObj = simpleaudio.WaveObject(frames, nChannels, bytesPerSample, sampleRate) playObj = if obj.loop > 1 or wait: playObj.wait_done() return obj
[docs] def handle_interlude( self, obj, folder, index, ensemble, branches, loop=None, **kwargs ): """Handle an interlude event. Interlude functions permit branching. They return a folder which the application can choose to adopt as the next supplier of dialogue. This handler calls the interlude with the supplied arguments and returns the result. :param obj: A callable object. :param folder: A :py:class:`~turberfield.dialogue.model.SceneScript.Folder` object. :param int index: Indicates which scene script in the folder is being processed. :param ensemble: A sequence of Python objects. :param branches: A sequence of :py:class:`~turberfield.dialogue.model.SceneScript.Folder` objects. from which to pick a branch in the action. :return: A :py:class:`~turberfield.dialogue.model.SceneScript.Folder` object. """ if obj is None: return folder else: return obj(folder, index, ensemble, branches, loop=loop, **kwargs)
[docs] def handle_line(self, obj): """Handle a line event. This function displays a line of dialogue. It generates a blocking wait for a period of time calculated from the length of the line. :param obj: A :py:class:`~turberfield.dialogue.model.Model.Line` object. :return: The supplied object. """ if obj.persona is None: return obj name = getattr(obj.persona, "_name", "") print( textwrap.indent( "{t.normal}{name}".format(name=name, t=self.terminal), " " * 2 ), end="\n", ) print( textwrap.indent( "{t.normal}{obj.text}".format( obj=obj, t=self.terminal ), " " * 10 ), end="\n" * 2, ) interval = self.pause + self.dwell * obj.text.count(" ") time.sleep(interval) return obj
[docs] def handle_memory(self, obj): """Handle a memory event. This function accesses the internal database. It writes a record containing state information and an optional note. :param obj: A :py:class:`~turberfield.dialogue.model.Model.Memory` object. :return: The supplied object. """ if obj.subject is not None: with self.con as db: rv = SchemaBase.note( db, obj.subject, obj.state, obj.object, text=obj.text, html=obj.html, ) return obj
[docs] def handle_property(self, obj): """Handle a property event. This function will set an attribute on an object if the event requires it. :param obj: A :py:class:`~turberfield.dialogue.model.Model.Property` object. :return: The supplied object. """ if obj.object is not None: try: setattr(obj.object, obj.attr, obj.val) except AttributeError as e: self.log.error(". ".join(getattr(e, "args", e) or e)) print( "{t.dim}{obj.object._name}.{obj.attr} = {obj.val!s}{t.normal}".format( obj=obj, t=self.terminal ), end="\n" * 2, ) return obj
[docs] def handle_scene(self, obj): """Handle a scene event. This function applies a blocking wait at the start of a scene. :param obj: A :py:class:`~turberfield.dialogue.model.Model.Shot` object. :return: The supplied object. """ print( "{t.dim}{scene}{t.normal}".format( scene=obj.scene.capitalize(), t=self.terminal ), end="\n" * 3, ) time.sleep(self.pause) return obj
[docs] def handle_scenescript(self, obj): """Handle a scene script event. :param obj: A :py:class:`~turberfield.dialogue.model.SceneScript.Folder` object. :return: The supplied object. """ self.log.debug(obj.fP) return obj
[docs] def handle_shot(self, obj): """Handle a shot event. :param obj: A :py:class:`~turberfield.dialogue.model.Model.Shot` object. :return: The supplied object. """ print( "{t.dim}{shot}{t.normal}".format(, t=self.terminal ), end="\n" * 3, ) return obj
def handle_creation(self): with self.con as db: rv = Creation( *SchemaBase.tables.values() ).run(db) db.commit()"Created {0} tables in {1}.".format(len(rv), self.dbPath)) return rv def handle_references(self, obj): with self.con as db: rv = SchemaBase.populate(db, obj)"Populated {0} rows.".format(rv)) return rv def __init__( self, terminal, dbPath=None, pause=pause, dwell=dwell, log=None ): self.terminal = terminal self.dbPath = dbPath self.pause = pause self.dwell = dwell self.log = log or logging.getLogger("turberfield.dialogue.handle") self.shot = None self.con = Connection(**Connection.options(paths=[dbPath] if dbPath else [])) self.handle_creation() def __call__(self, obj, *args, loop, **kwargs): if isinstance(obj, Model.Line): try: yield self.handle_line(obj) except AttributeError: pass elif isinstance(obj, Model.Audio): yield self.handle_audio(obj) elif isinstance(obj, Model.Memory): yield self.handle_memory(obj) elif isinstance(obj, Model.Property): yield self.handle_property(obj) elif isinstance(obj, Model.Shot): if self.shot is None or obj.scene != self.shot.scene: yield self.handle_scene(obj) if self.shot is None or != yield self.handle_shot(obj) else: yield obj self.shot = obj elif isinstance(obj, SceneScript): yield self.handle_scenescript(obj) elif asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(obj): raise NotImplementedError elif isinstance(obj, MutableSequence): yield self.handle_references(obj) elif (obj is None or isinstance(obj, Callable)) and len(args) == 4: yield self.handle_interlude(obj, *args, loop=loop, **kwargs) else: yield obj
class CGIHandler(TerminalHandler): def handle_audio(self, obj): path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(obj.package, obj.resource) pos = path.find("lib", len(sys.prefix)) if pos != -1: print( "event: audio", "data: ../{0}\n".format(path[pos:]), sep="\n", end="\n", ) return obj def handle_line(self, obj): if obj.persona is None: return obj print( "event: line", "data: {0}\n".format(Assembly.dumps(obj)), sep="\n", end="\n", ) interval = self.pause + self.dwell * obj.text.count(" ") time.sleep(interval) return obj def handle_property(self, obj): log = logging.getLogger("turberfield") if obj.object is not None: try: setattr(obj.object, obj.attr, obj.val) except AttributeError as e: self.log.error(". ".join(getattr(e, "args", e) or e)) print( "event: property", "data: {0}\n".format(Assembly.dumps(obj)), sep="\n", end="\n", ) time.sleep(self.pause) return obj def handle_scene(self, obj): time.sleep(self.pause) return obj def handle_scenescript(self, obj): return obj def handle_shot(self, obj): return obj