
The demo examples you’ve seen so far were arranged as standalone directories containing a Python module and some scene script files.

You can get started quickly by working this way, but before your screenplay is ready, you need to have properly configured it as a Python package.

Packaging gives you the following advantages:


Turning your screenplay into a package might be a pain the first time you do it. But you’ll reap the benefits after that. Here’s what you have to do.

  1. Organise your project directory
  2. Make a manifest
  3. Write a README file
  4. Write the

Organise your project directory

Suppose your screenplay, mydrama is in a single directory of that name. You have three scene script files; begin.rst, middle.rst, and end.rst. You have an idea for a soundtrack you call theme.wav. And there is one Python module called You have saved some options as a file called rehearse.cli:

├── begin.rst
├── middle.rst
├── end.rst
├── theme.wav
└── rehearse.cli

Now create four more empty files as follows:

├── README.rst

There is nothing more to do to It stays empty. We will deal with the other three in turn.


The naming conventions for Python packages are quite strict. Your directory name should use only lower case letters. If you want to signify a space in the directory name, use an underscore.

Also, never use the word ‘turberfield’ in your package name. It’s for software tooling only.

Make a manifest

The file decides which of your source files get installed. It can filter out any project files created by your text editor, cache files and the like. It should look like this:

recursive-include . *.cli
recursive-include . *.rst
recursive-include . *.wav

Write a README file

The README.rst file is an opportunity to describe your drama to potential collaborators. It is a reStructuredText file, so you can include hyperlinks and other useful structures.

At a minimum, this file should contain your name, email address and an assertion of your copyright. Other details are up to you.

Write the is like an electronic form which tells the packaging system everything about your project. Here is the standard boilerplate you should use.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: UTF-8

from setuptools import setup
import os.path

__doc__ = open(
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "README.rst"),

    description="A dramatic screenplay",
    author="Ernest Scribbler",
        "Framework :: Turberfield",
        "Operating System :: OS Independent",
        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
        "License :: Other/Proprietary License",
    package_dir={"mydrama": "."},

Of course, you’ll need to alter some details to match the name of your particular project, here:


… and here:

package_dir={"mydrama": "."},

In the next few sections, we’ll customise a little further.


As soon as other people begin to use your dialogue, you’ll need to give them a way of deciding whether they want to use your latest rewrite or to stick with an earlier revision. Every release of your work will have a version number to identify it.

You declare the version in the setup parameters in


The three digits reflect the significance of any new change:

  • Trivial fixes increment the rightmost digit.
  • Significant changes increment the middle version field. This is the most frequent case; the number can go as high as you like, even into the hundreds.
  • Major changes which are incompatible with previous versions require an increment to the leftmost digit.


I’m guessing your name is not Ernest Scribbler. If it is, write in and let me know! Otherwise, you’ll change the following parameters to match your online identity:

author="Ernest Scribbler",


The command to create a distribution of your project is this:

~py3.5/bin/python sdist

The packaging system creates an installable for you. You’ll find it at dist/mydrama-0.1.0.tar.gz or dist/, depending on your OS.

You can upload that file to a package repository. The most popular is PyPI but there are alternatives, such as Gemfury.

So you’ll need to declare the correct URL to your package once it gets up there:


This is a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation of course. You’ll have to anticipate what the URL is going to be before you upload it, or else you’ll have a misprint in the first release which you’ll need to fix afterwards.


With your work properly packaged, you can be confident that others can start using it with a minimum of fuss.

If you upload it to PyPI, pip will go out and fetch it:

~/py3.5/bin/pip install mydrama

Or you could send your package file by email or on a USB stick. Then the install command targets the package file like this:

~/py3.5/bin/pip install mydrama-0.1.0.tar.gz

Dependency management

Your package gets to declare which other Python libraries it needs to run. I already gave you the one essential dependency:


It’s quite possible that your might rely on some other library to do a particular job. Perhaps you’ve written a role for a banker who needs to calculate loan interest.

Whatever PyPI package you add to this list will be automatically installed with your screenplay and available for use from your Python modules.


Publishing your work is a crucial step. But as well as that, you have to advertise. When a game developer puts out the call for some dramatic dialogue, you want to be able to say, ‘Yes, there’s a scene for that. I wrote it. Here it is.’

So now you need to create a unique global id for the scene you just wrote.

Python helps you here. It has a standard module called uuid, which is short for unique user id. Here’s how you use it to generate a one-time code to identify a folder of scenes you just created:

~/py3.5/bin/python -c"import uuid; print(uuid.uuid4().hex)"

What you get back is a 32-character code which looks a bit like this:


I put dots in it so you wouldn’t cheat and copy mine. Dots are illegal. Make your own!

Now you go back to and edit the entry_points parameter. Like this:

    "turberfield.interfaces.folder": [
        "c.1de5c.3f5a4abe..937.7.6e55a.8e = mydrama.logic:folder",

Doing this advertises your folder so it can be discovered and used during the course of a game.