Table Of Contents

VertexFrame ecdf

ecdf(self, column, result_frame_name=None)

Builds new frame with columns for data and distribution.


column : unicode

The name of the input column containing sample.

result_frame_name : unicode (default=None)

A name for the resulting frame which is created by this operation.


: Frame

A new Frame containing each distinct value in the sample and its corresponding ECDF value.

Generates the empirical cumulative distribution for the input column.


Consider the following sample data set in frame ‘frame’ containing several numbers.

>>> frame.inspect()
[#]  numbers
[0]        1
[1]        3
[2]        1
[3]        0
[4]        2
[5]        1
[6]        4
[7]        3
>>> ecdf_frame = frame.ecdf('numbers')
[===Job Progress===]
>>> ecdf_frame.inspect()
[#]  numbers  numbers_ECDF
[0]        0         0.125
[1]        1           0.5
[2]        2         0.625
[3]        3         0.875
[4]        4           1.0