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Scan event example

from terapy.scan.base import ScanEvent

class ScanExample(ScanEvent):
       Generic scan event class.

           __extname__    -    long name (str)
   __extname__ = "Generic event"
   def __init__(self, parent = None):
               parent    -    parent control (wx.TreeCtrl)
       ScanEvent.__init__(self, parent)
       self.is_loop = False # set to True if this event implements a loop of some sort
       self.is_display = False # set to True if this event is meant to display something (i.e. plot/print/...)
       self.is_save = False # set to True if this event saves data to somewhere
       self.is_axis = False # set to True if this event acts on axis devices
       self.is_input = False # set to True if this event acts on input devices
       self.is_active = True # set to True if this event is active by default
       self.is_visible = True # set to True if this event is visible in the interface
       self.can_run = True # tell if the event can run (set to True on reset) = parent # parent control (wx.TreeCtrl) = self.__extname__ # event display name (str)
       self.propNames = [] # property names, as displayed in the interface
       self.propNodes = [] # property values
       self.config = [] # variables to be saved in config files

   def run(self, meas):
           Run scan event.
               meas    -    measurement (Measurement)
       # Insert here what the event should do with the measurement data structure.
       # See Measurement class for details.
       return, meas)

   def stop(self, inst=None):
           Stop scan.
               inst    -    pubsub event data
       # Insert here what should be done when the measurement stops
       ScanEvent.stop(self, inst)

   def refresh(self):
           Refresh scan event.
       # Insert here what should be done to refresh the state of the scan event.

   def run_children(self, meas):
           Run scan event children.
               meas    -    measurement (Measurement)
       # Insert here how children should be called from within this scan event
       return ScanEvent.run_children(self, meas)

   def set(self, parent=None):
           Run scan event configuration procedure.
               parent    -    parent window (wx.Window)
               True if successful
       # Insert here configuration actions (e.g. pop dialog box)
       return ScanEvent.set(self, parent)

   def edit_label(self, event, pos):
           Actions triggered by edit tree label event corresponding to given property node.
               event    -    wx.Event
               pos      -    property index (int)
       # Insert here what should be done to display adequate editor when properties are edited in place
       # (i.e. inside the host TreeCtrl). See Read event for an example of custom editor.
       ScanEvent.edit_label(self, event, pos)

   def check_validity(self, data):
           Check whether given data can be processed by this event.
               data    -    data array (DataArray) or measurement (Measurement)
               True if yes
       # Insert here tests that will tell whether the given data is compatible or not with this event
       return ScanEvent.check_validity(self, data)

   def get_icon(self):
           Return scan event icon.
               16x16 icon (wx.Bitmap)
       import wx
       from terapy.core import icon_path
       # Place your custom icon where needed and change the path accordingly
       return wx.Image(icon_path + "empty.png").ConvertToBitmap()