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Post-processing filter example¶

from terapy.filters.base import Filter

class FilterExample(Filter):
       Explain here what the filter does.

           __extname__    -    long name (str)
           dim            -    dimension of data that this filter can treat (int)
   __extname__ = "Do nothing"
   dim = 1
   def __init__(self):
       # Insert here what should be done when the filter instance is created
       # This will be executed only once
       self.is_pre_filter = False # set to True if this filter can be applied before a transform (e.g. windowing)
       self.is_transform = False # set to True if this filter is a transform (Fourier or something else)
       self.is_reference = False # set to True if this filter sets a reference
       self.is_active = True # set to True if this filter is active
       self.is_visible = True # set to True if this filter is visible in the menu
       self.config = ['is_visible'] # list of variables to be saved in external config file

   def apply_filter(self, array):
           Apply filter to given array.
               array    -    data array (DataArray)
       # Insert here what the filter should do on data
       return True

   def set_filter(self, parent = None):
           Set filter properties.
               parent    -    parent window (wx.Window)
               True (success) / False (failure/cancellation)
       # Insert here what should be done when the filter properties are requested to be changed
       # e.g. open a property dialog or compute something
       # return True if the action is successful, False otherwise
       return True

   def get_icon(self):
           Return filter icon.
               16x16 icon (wx.Bitmap)
       import wx
       from terapy.core import icon_path
       # Place your custom icon where needed and change the path accordingly
       return wx.Image(icon_path + "empty.png").ConvertToBitmap()