
Once the subdue is installed, it can be imported and the hardware directly utilized within your Python program. The packages available are:

  • subdue.daqmx
  • subdue.thermocouple

More packages and functionality may be added as required by the user base.

Searching for Hardware

Each module of Subdue implements a search functionality which consists of two steps: (1) create the searcher object and (2) list the attached objects by reference. For instance, to search for all attached DAQs:

    daq_searcher = subdue.NIDAQmxSearch()
    references = daq_searcher.list_references()          # list the default references available for daqs
    models = daq_searcher.list_models()                  # list the models available  for daqs
    serial_numbers = daq_searcher.list_serial_numbers()  # list the serial numbers available for daqs
    devices = daq_searcher.list_devices()                # list complete information for daqs (returns list of dicts)

On completion, references will contain a list of values that correspond to physical devices detected on that PC.

Currently, there are three searchers available: subdue.NIDAQmxSearch(), subdue.VisaInstrumentSearch(), and subdue.ThermocoupleSearch(). Each of these implements the list_references(), list_models(), list_serial_numbers(), and list_devices() methods.


All references may be used for direct device instantiation. For instance:

visa_searcher = subdue.VisaInstrumentSearcher()

# store the first available VISA instrument in reference
reference = visa_searcher.list_references()[0]  
psu = PowerSupply(reference)

This method is useful if there is only one VISA instrument that is a power supply attached to your PC. If more than one power supply is attached, you may wish to use the searcher.list_devices() method, which will return a list of dicts, each containing the model number, serial number, and the reference.

>>> references = subdue.VisaInstrumentSearcher().list_references()
>>> print(references)
[{'serial': 'US08E6445J', 'model': 'N5768A', 'reference': 'N5768A'}]

Controlling the Hardware

Unfortunately, due to the differences in operation between instrument types, it is not possible to create a perfectly uniform API through which to program all devices in the same way. Pains have been taken in order to assure as much consistency as possible while still providing access to all functionality available on a particular device.

Each piece of hardware will be allocated by associating it with an object of its type. For instance, a power supply would be internally represented by an instance of subdue.PowerSupply.

It is easiest to allocate the hardware object using the reference field, if possible. Each instrument has a different 'preferred' reference based on types and drivers. For instance, National Instruments hardware often populates as DevX whereas Visa instruments may populate using their serial number as the preferred.

Data Acquisition (DAQ)

The subdue.NIDAQmx object encompasses all of the functionality contained within the DAQ. To create an instance of the DAQ, one needs to specify, either, the serial number or the device name in the constructor:

daq = subdue.NIDAQmx(device_name='Dev1')
daq = subdue.NIDAQmx(serial_number='123456')

Once the object is created, then its methods may be executed in order to manipulate the DAQ

Digital Output

daq.digital_out_line(port_name, line_name, value)

where port_name and line_name correspond to National Instruments conventions and each may be specified as an integer or as a string. The value is True or False to set or clear the output.

For instance, to set the line labeled "port0 line1" to a high voltage state, either of the following lines may be used to the same effect:

daq.digital_out_line(0, 1, True) daq.digital_out_line('port0', 'line1', True)

Digital Input

daq.digital_in_line(port_name, line_name)

Similar to digital output, port_name and line_name correspond to National Instruments conventions. The method simply return True or False based on the pin state:

if daq.digital_in_line(0, 1):
    print('port0, line0 is high!')
    print('port0, line0 is low!')

Analog Output

daq.analog_out(analog_output, voltage)

where analog_output corresponds to NI conventions and voltage is a floating-point number that represents the desired voltage.

To set the output of "ao1" to 1.25V, either of the following lines would work:

daq.analog_out('ai1', 1.25)
daq.analog_out(1, 1.25)

Analog Input

daq.sample_analog_in(analog_input, sample_count=1, rate=1000.0, output_format=None)

where: * analog_input corresponds to NI conventions * sample_count corresponds to the number of samples the programmer wishes to take * rate corresponds to the sample rate * output_format will allow the user to return a Python-native list

To read one sample of "ai1":


To read 10 samples of "ai1" at the default 1kHz frequency and return as a numpy array:

daq.sample_analog_in('ai1', 10)

To read 10 samples of "ai1" at 2kHz and return the results as a Python-native list:

daq.sample_analog_in('ai1', 10, 2000, 'list')

Power Supply

The subdue.PowerSupply object encompasses all of the methods and functionality applicable to power supplies. To create an instance of the PowerSupply, one needs to specify, the instrument object, the model number, or the serial number in the constructor:

psu = subdue.NIDAQmx(instrument=instrument_instance)
psu = subdue.NIDAQmx(device_name='N5768A')
psu = subdue.NIDAQmx(serial_number='123456')

The instrument_instance is an instance of the pyvisa.ResourceManager.open_resource() object and will seldom be utilized.

Read PSU Voltage


will read and return the output voltage of the power supply.

Read PSU Current


will read and return the output voltage of the power supply.

Read PSU Status


will return a list of all status messages stored in the instrument.

Reset PSU


will reset the PSU to its power-on defaults.

Set PSU Voltage


where voltage is a floating-point number representing the output voltage.

Set PSU Current


where current is a floating-point number representing the maximum output current.

PSU on/off

The PSU may be turned on using psu.on() and off using

PSU Overcurrent Protection

The overcurrent protection may be set or cleared using psu.ocp(True) or psu.ocp(False).

Thermocouple Reader

To utilize the thermocouple reader, first, the thermocouple reader must be allocated as an object and the appropriate channels enabled and setup. Once the channels are functional, then they may be read individually in a sequence.

tc = subdue.ThermocoupleReader()

tc.enable_channel(channel_number=1, tc_type='K')
tc.enable_channel(channel_number=3, tc_type='K')

while True:
    print('{} {}'.format(tc.read_one(channel_number=1), tc.read_one(channel_number=3)))

This code will print channels 1 and 3 to the console every 1.0s + conversion time for both channels.