
Inheritance diagram of stalker.models.project.Project
class stalker.models.project.Project(name=None, code=None, clients=None, repositories=None, structure=None, image_format=None, fps=25.0, is_stereoscopic=False, users=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: stalker.models.entity.Entity, stalker.models.mixins.ReferenceMixin, stalker.models.mixins.StatusMixin, stalker.models.mixins.DateRangeMixin, stalker.models.mixins.CodeMixin

All the information about a Project in Stalker is hold in this class.

Project is one of the main classes that will direct the others. A project in Stalker is a gathering point.

It is mixed with ReferenceMixin, StatusMixin, DateRangeMixin and CodeMixin to give reference, status, schedule and code attribute. Please read the individual documentation of each of the mixins.

Project Users

The Project.users attribute lists the users in this project. UIs like task creation for example will only list these users as available resources for this project.

TaskJuggler Integration

Stalker uses TaskJuggler for scheduling the project tasks. The Project.to_tjp attribute generates a tjp compliant string which includes the project definition, the tasks of the project, the resources in the project including the vacation definitions and all the time logs recorded for the project.

For custom attributes or directives that needs to be passed to TaskJuggler you can use the Project.custom_tjp attribute which will be attached to the generated tjp file (inside the “project” directive).

To manage all the studio projects at once (schedule them at once please use Studio).

New in version 0.2.13: Multiple Repositories per Project

Starting with v0.2.13 Project instances can have multiple Repositories, which allows the project files to be placed in more than one repository according to the need of the studio pipeline. One great advantage of having multiple repositories is to be able to place Published versions in to another repository which is placed on to a faster server.

Also the repositories attribute is not a read-only attribute anymore.

New in version 0.2.15: Multiple Clients per Project

It is now possible to attach multiple Client instances to one Project allowing to hold complex Projects to Client relations by using the ProjectClient.role attribute of the ProjectClient class.

  • clients – The clients which the project is affiliated with. Default value is an empty list.
  • image_format (ImageFormat) – The output image format of the project. Default value is None.
  • fps (float) – The FPS of the project, it should be a integer or float number, or a string literal which can be correctly converted to a float. Default value is 25.0.
  • type (Type) – The type of the project. Default value is None.
  • structure (Structure) – The structure of the project. Default value is None
  • repositories – A list of Repository instances that the project files are going to be stored in. You can not create a project without specifying the repositories argument and passing a Repository to it. Default value is None which raises a TypeError.
  • is_stereoscopic (bool) – a bool value, showing if the project is going to be a stereo 3D project, anything given as the argument will be converted to True or False. Default value is False.
  • users – A list of Users holding the users in this project. This will create a reduced or grouped list of studio workers and will make it easier to define the resources for a Task related to this project. The default value is an empty list.
__init__(name=None, code=None, clients=None, repositories=None, structure=None, image_format=None, fps=25.0, is_stereoscopic=False, users=None, **kwargs)


__init__([name, code, clients, …])
round_time(dt) Round the given datetime object to the defaults.timing_resolution.


assets returns the assets related to this project
clients A descriptor that presents a read/write view of an object attribute.
code The code name of this object.
computed_duration returns the computed_duration as the difference of computed_start
computed_total_seconds returns the duration as seconds
created_by The User who has created this object.
created_by_id The id of the User who has created this entity.
date_created A datetime.datetime instance showing the creation date and time of this object.
date_updated A datetime.datetime instance showing the update date and time of this object.
description Description of this object.
duration Duration of the entity.
end The date that the entity should be delivered.
fps The fps of the project.
generic_data This attribute can hold any kind of data which exists in SOM.
generic_text This attribute can hold any text.
image_format The ImageFormat of this project.
is_active predicate for attribute
is_stereoscopic True if the project is a stereoscopic project
name Name of this object
nice_name Nice name of this object.
notes All the Notess attached to this entity.
open_tickets The list of open Tickets in this project.
percent_complete returns the percent_complete based on the total_logged_seconds and
plural_class_name the plural name of this class
references A list of Link instances given as a reference for this entity.
repositories A descriptor that presents a read/write view of an object attribute.
repositories_proxy The Repository that this project files should reside.
repository compatibility attribute for pre v0.2.13 systems. Returns the first
root_tasks returns a list of Tasks which have no parent
schedule_seconds returns an integer showing the total amount of schedule timing of
sequences returns the sequences related to this project
shots returns the shots related to this project
start The date that this entity should start.
status The current status of the object.
structure The structure of the project.
tags A list of tags attached to this object.
tjp_id returns TaskJuggler compatible id
to_tjp returns a TaskJuggler compatible string representing this project
total_logged_seconds returns an integer representing the total TimeLog seconds recorded
total_seconds returns the duration as seconds
type The type of the object.
type_id The id of the Type of this entity.
updated_by The User who has updated this object.
updated_by_id The id of the User who has updated this entity.
users A descriptor that presents a read/write view of an object attribute.

The Repository that this project files should reside.

Should be a list of Repositoryinstances.


The code name of this object.

It accepts strings. Can not be None.


The structure of the project. Should be an instance of Structure class


The ImageFormat of this project.

This value defines the output image format of the project, should be an instance of ImageFormat.


The fps of the project.

It is a float value, any other types will be converted to float. The default value is 25.0.


True if the project is a stereoscopic project


returns a list of Tasks which have no parent


returns the assets related to this project


returns the sequences related to this project


returns the shots related to this project


returns a TaskJuggler compatible string representing this project


predicate for attribute


returns an integer representing the total TimeLog seconds recorded in child tasks.


returns an integer showing the total amount of schedule timing of the in child tasks in seconds


returns the percent_complete based on the total_logged_seconds and schedule_seconds of the root tasks.


The list of open Tickets in this project.

returns a list of Ticket instances which has a status of Open and created in this project.


compatibility attribute for pre v0.2.13 systems. Returns the first repository instance in the project.repositories attribute if there is any or None


returns the computed_duration as the difference of computed_start and computed_end if there are computed_start and computed_end otherwise returns None


returns the duration as seconds


The User who has created this object.


The id of the User who has created this entity.


A datetime.datetime instance showing the creation date and time of this object.


A datetime.datetime instance showing the update date and time of this object.


Description of this object.


Duration of the entity.

It is a datetime.timedelta instance. Showing the difference of the start and the end. If edited it changes the end attribute value.


The date that the entity should be delivered.

The end can be set to a datetime.timedelta and in this case it will be calculated as an offset from the start and converted to datetime.datetime again. Setting the start to a date passing the end will also set the end, so the timedelta between them is preserved, default value is 10 days


This attribute can hold any kind of data which exists in SOM.


This attribute can hold any text.


Name of this object


Nice name of this object.

It has the same value with the name (contextually) but with a different format like, all the white spaces replaced by underscores (“_”), all the CamelCase form will be expanded by underscore (_) characters and it is always lower case.


All the Notess attached to this entity.

It is a list of Note instances or an empty list, setting it to None will raise a TypeError.


the plural name of this class


A list of Link instances given as a reference for this entity.


Round the given datetime object to the defaults.timing_resolution.

Uses stalker.defaults.timing_resolution as the closest number of seconds to round to.

Parameters:dt (datetime.datetime) – datetime.datetime object, defaults to now.

Based on Thierry Husson’s answer in Stackoverflow

Stackoverflow :


The date that this entity should start.

Also effects the DateRangeMixin.end attribute value in certain conditions, if the DateRangeMixin.start is set to a time passing the DateRangeMixin.end it will also offset the DateRangeMixin.end to keep the DateRangeMixin.duration value fixed. DateRangeMixin.start should be an instance of class:datetime.datetime and the default value is


The current status of the object.

It is a Status instance which is one of the Statuses stored in the status_list attribute of this object.


A list of tags attached to this object.

It is a list of Tag instances which shows the tags of this object


returns TaskJuggler compatible id


returns the duration as seconds


The type of the object.

It is a Type instance with a proper Type.target_entity_type.


The id of the Type of this entity. Mainly used by SQLAlchemy to create a Many-to-One relates between SimpleEntities and Types.


The User who has updated this object.


The id of the User who has updated this entity.