Source code for stalker.models.shot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Stalker a Production Asset Management System
# Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Erkan Ozgur Yilmaz
# This file is part of Stalker.
# Stalker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.
# Stalker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
# along with Stalker.  If not, see <>

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, ForeignKey, Table, Float
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, validates, reconstructor, synonym

from stalker import ImageFormat
from stalker.db.declarative import Base
from stalker.models.task import Task
from stalker.models.mixins import (StatusMixin, ReferenceMixin, CodeMixin)

from stalker.log import logging_level
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Shot(Task, CodeMixin): """Manages Shot related data. .. warning:: .. deprecated:: 0.1.2 Because most of the shots in different projects may going to have the same name, which is a kind of a code like SH001, SH012A etc., and in Stalker you can not have two entities with the same name if their types are also matching, to guarantee all the shots are going to have different names the :attr:`.name` attribute of the Shot instances are automatically set to a randomly generated **uuid4** sequence. .. note:: .. versionadded:: 0.1.2 The name of the shot can be freely set without worrying about clashing names. .. note:: .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Shot instances now can have their own image format. So you can set up different resolutions per shot. .. note:: .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Shot instances can now be created with a Project instance only, without needing a Sequence instance. Sequences are now a kind of a grouping attribute for the Shots. And Shots can have more than one Sequence. .. note:: .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 Shots now have a new attribute called ``scenes``, holding :class:`.Scene` instances which is another grouping attribute like ``sequences``. Where Sequences are grouping the Shots according to their temporal position to each other, Scenes are grouping the Shots according to their view to the world, that is shots taking place in the same set configuration can be grouped together by using Scenes. Two shots with the same :attr:`.code` can not be assigned to the same :class:`.Sequence`. .. note:: .. versionadded:: 0.2.10 Simplified the implementation of :attr:`.cut_in`, :attr:`.cut_out` and :attr:`.cut_duration` attributes. The :attr:`.cut_duration` is always the difference between :attr:`.cut_in` and :attr:`.cut_out` and its value is only be calculated when it is requested. This greatly simplifies the implementation of :attr:`.cut_in` and :attr:`.cut_out` attributes. The :attr:`.cut_out` and :attr:`.cut_duration` attributes effects each other. Setting the :attr:`.cut_out` will change the :attr:`.cut_duration` and setting the :attr:`.cut_duration` will change the :attr:`.cut_out` value. The default value of the :attr:`.cut_duration` attribute is calculated from the :attr:`.cut_in` and :attr:`.cut_out` attributes. If both :attr:`.cut_out` and :attr:`.cut_duration` arguments are set to None, the :attr:`.cut_duration` defaults to 1 and :attr:`.cut_out` will be set to :attr:`.cut_in` + :attr:`.cut_duration`. So the priority of the attributes are as follows: :attr:`.cut_in` > :attr:`.cut_out` > :attr:`.cut_duration` .. note:: .. versionadded:: 0.2.4 :attr:`.handles_at_start` and :attr:`.handles_at_end` attributes. .. note:: .. versionadded:: Per shot FPS values. It is now possible to change the shot fps by setting its :attr:`.fps` attribute. The default values is same with the :class:`.Project`\ . :param project: This is the :class:`.Project` instance that this shot belongs to. A Shot can not be created without a Project instance. :type project: :class:`.Project` :param sequences: This is a list of :class:`.Sequence`\ s that this shot is assigned to. A Shot can be created without having a Sequence instance. :type sequences: list of :class:`.Sequence` :param int cut_in: The in frame number that this shot starts. The default value is 1. When the ``cut_in`` is bigger then ``cut_out``, the :attr:`.cut_out` attribute is set to :attr:`.cut_in` + 1. :param int cut_duration: The duration of this shot in frames. It should be zero or a positive integer value (natural number?) or . The default value is None. :param int cut_out: The out frame number that this shot ends. If it is given as a value lower then the ``cut_in`` parameter, then the :attr:`.cut_out` will be recalculated from the existent :attr:`.cut_in` :attr:`.cut_duration` attributes. Can be skipped. The default value is None. :param image_format: The image format of this shot. This is an optional variable to differentiate the image format per shot. The default value is the same with the Project that this Shot belongs to. :type image_format: :class:`.ImageFormat` :param float fps: The FPS of this shot. Default value is the same with the :class:`.Project`\ . """ __auto_name__ = True __tablename__ = 'Shots' __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Shot'} shot_id = Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) sequences = relationship( 'Sequence', secondary='Shot_Sequences', primaryjoin='', secondaryjoin='', back_populates='shots' ) scenes = relationship( 'Scene', secondary='Shot_Scenes', primaryjoin='', secondaryjoin='', back_populates='shots' ) image_format_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("")) _image_format = relationship( "ImageFormat", primaryjoin="", doc="""The :class:`.ImageFormat` of this shot. This value defines the output image format of this shot, should be an instance of :class:`.ImageFormat`. """ ) # the cut_duration attribute is not going to be stored in the database, # only the cut_in and cut_out will be enough to calculate the cut_duration cut_in = Column( Integer, doc="The start frame of this shot. It is the start frame of the " "playback range in the application (Maya, Nuke etc.).", default=1 ) cut_out = Column( Integer, doc="The end frame of this shot. It is the end frame of the " "playback range in the application (Maya, Nuke etc.).", default=1 ) source_in = Column( Integer, doc="The start frame of the used range, should be in between" ":attr:`.cut_in` and :attr:`.cut_out`" ) source_out = Column( Integer, doc="The end frame of the used range, should be in between" ":attr:`.cut_in and :attr:`.cut_out`" ) record_in = Column( Integer, doc="The start frame in the Editors timeline specifying the start " "frame general placement of this shot." ) #record_out = Column(Integer) _fps = Column( 'fps', Float(precision=3), doc="""The fps of the project. It is a float value, any other types will be converted to float. The default value is equal to :attr:`stalker.modesl.project..Project.fps`. """ ) def __init__(self, code=None, project=None, sequences=None, scenes=None, cut_in=None, cut_out=None, source_in=None, source_out=None, record_in=None, image_format=None, fps=None, **kwargs): # initialize TaskableMixin kwargs['project'] = project kwargs['code'] = code self._updating_cut_in_cut_out = False super(Shot, self).__init__(**kwargs) ReferenceMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) StatusMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) CodeMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) if sequences is None: sequences = [] self.sequences = sequences if scenes is None: scenes = [] self.scenes = scenes self.image_format = image_format if cut_in is None: if cut_out is not None: cut_in = cut_out if cut_out is None: if cut_in is not None: cut_out = cut_in # if both are None set them to default values if cut_in is None and cut_out is None: cut_in = 1 cut_out = 1 self.cut_in = cut_in self.cut_out = cut_out if source_in is None: source_in = self.cut_in if source_out is None: source_out = self.cut_out self.source_in = source_in self.source_out = source_out self.record_in = record_in self.fps = fps @reconstructor def __init_on_load__(self): """initialize on DB load """ super(Shot, self).__init_on_load__() self._updating_cut_in_cut_out = False def __repr__(self): """the representation of the Shot """ return "<%s (%s, %s)>" % (self.entity_type,, self.code) def __eq__(self, other): """equality operator """ return isinstance(other, Shot) and self.code == other.code and \ self.project == other.project def __hash__(self): """the overridden __hash__ method """ return super(Shot, self).__hash__() @classmethod def _check_code_availability(cls, code, project): """checks if the given code is available in the given project :param code: the code string :param project: the stalker.models.project.Project instance that this shot is a part of :return: bool """ if project and code: from stalker.db.session import DBSession from sqlalchemy.exc import UnboundExecutionError, OperationalError try: with DBSession.no_autoflush: return Shot.query\ .filter(Shot.project == project)\ .filter(Shot.code == code)\ .first() is None except (UnboundExecutionError, OperationalError) as e: # Fallback to Python for t in project.tasks: if isinstance(t, Shot): if t.code == code: return False return True def _fps_getter(self): """returns the fps value either from the Project or from the _fps attribute """ if self._fps is None: return self.project.fps else: return self._fps def _fps_setter(self, fps_in): """sets the fps value """ self._fps = self._validate_fps(fps_in) fps = synonym( '_fps', descriptor=property(_fps_getter, _fps_setter), doc='The fps of this shot.' ) def _validate_fps(self, fps): """validates the given fps_in value """ if fps is None: # fps = self.project.fps return None if not isinstance(fps, (int, float)): raise TypeError( '%s.fps should be a positive float or int, not %s' % ( self.__class__.__name__, fps.__class__.__name__ ) ) fps = float(fps) if fps <= 0: raise ValueError( '%s.fps should be a positive float or int, not %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, fps) ) return float(fps) @validates('cut_in') def _validate_cut_in(self, key, cut_in): """validates the cut_in value """ if not isinstance(cut_in, int): raise TypeError( '%(class)s.cut_in should be an int, not %(cut_in_class)s' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'cut_in_class': cut_in.__class__.__name__ } ) if self.cut_out is not None and not self._updating_cut_in_cut_out: if cut_in > self.cut_out: # lock the attribute update self._updating_cut_in_cut_out = True self.cut_out = cut_in self._updating_cut_in_cut_out = False return cut_in @validates('cut_out') def _validate_cut_out(self, key, cut_out): """validates the cut_out value """ if not isinstance(cut_out, int): raise TypeError( '%(class)s.cut_out should be an int, not %(cut_out_class)s' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'cut_out_class': cut_out.__class__.__name__ } ) if self.cut_in is not None and not self._updating_cut_in_cut_out: if cut_out < self.cut_in: # lock the attribute update self._updating_cut_in_cut_out = True self.cut_in = cut_out self._updating_cut_in_cut_out = False return cut_out @validates('source_in') def _validate_source_in(self, key, source_in): """validates the source_in value """ if not isinstance(source_in, int): raise TypeError( '%(class)s.source_in should be an int, not ' '%(source_in_class)s' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'source_in_class': source_in.__class__.__name__ } ) if source_in < self.cut_in: raise ValueError( '%(class)s.source_in can not be smaller than ' '%(class)s.cut_in, cut_in: %(cut_in)s where as ' 'source_in: %(source_in)s' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'cut_in': self.cut_in, 'source_in': source_in } ) if source_in > self.cut_out: raise ValueError( '%(class)s.source_in can not be bigger than ' '%(class)s.cut_out, cut_out: %(cut_out)s where as ' 'source_in: %(source_in)s' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'cut_out': self.cut_out, 'source_in': source_in } ) if self.source_out: if source_in > self.source_out: raise ValueError( '%(class)s.source_in can not be bigger than ' '%(class)s.source_out, source_in: %(source_in)s where ' 'as source_out: %(source_out)s' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'source_out': self.source_out, 'source_in': source_in } ) return source_in @validates('source_out') def _validate_source_out(self, key, source_out): """validates the source_out value """ if not isinstance(source_out, int): raise TypeError( '%(class)s.source_out should be an int, not ' '%(source_out_class)s' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'source_out_class': source_out.__class__.__name__ } ) if source_out < self.cut_in: raise ValueError( '%(class)s.source_out can not be smaller than ' '%(class)s.cut_in, cut_in: %(cut_in)s where as ' 'source_out: %(source_out)s' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'cut_in': self.cut_in, 'source_out': source_out } ) if source_out > self.cut_out: raise ValueError( '%(class)s.source_out can not be bigger than ' '%(class)s.cut_out, cut_out: %(cut_out)s where as ' 'source_out: %(source_out)s' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'cut_out': self.cut_out, 'source_out': source_out } ) if self.source_in: if source_out < self.source_in: raise ValueError( '%(class)s.source_out can not be smaller than ' '%(class)s.source_in, source_in: %(source_in)s where ' 'as source_out: %(source_out)s' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'source_in': self.source_in, 'source_out': source_out } ) return source_out # @validates('record_in') # def _validate_record_in(self, key, record_in): # """validates the given record_in value # """ # # we don't really care about the record in value right now. # # it can be set to anything # return record_in @property def cut_duration(self): """getter for the cut_duration property """ return self.cut_out - self.cut_in + 1 @cut_duration.setter def cut_duration(self, cut_duration): """setter for the cut_duration property """ if not isinstance(cut_duration, int): raise TypeError( '%(class)s.cut_duration should be a positive integer value, ' 'not %(cut_duration_class)s' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'cut_duration_class': cut_duration.__class__.__name__ } ) if cut_duration < 1: raise ValueError( '%(class)s.cut_duration can not be set to zero or a negative ' 'value' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__ } ) # always extend or contract the shot from end self.cut_out = self.cut_in + cut_duration - 1 @validates('sequences') def _validate_sequence(self, key, sequence): """validates the given sequence value """ from stalker.models.sequence import Sequence if not isinstance(sequence, Sequence): raise TypeError( "%s.sequences should all be stalker.models.sequence.Sequence " "instances, not %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, sequence.__class__.__name__) ) return sequence @validates('scenes') def _validate_scenes(self, key, scene): """validates the given scene value """ from stalker.models.scene import Scene if not isinstance(scene, Scene): raise TypeError( "%s.scenes should all be stalker.models.scene.Scene " "instances, not %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, scene.__class__.__name__) ) return scene def _image_format_getter(self): """returns the image_format value from the Project or from the _image_format attribute """ if self._image_format is None: return self.project.image_format else: return self._image_format def _image_format_setter(self, imf_in): """sets the image_format value """ self._image_format = self._validate_image_format(imf_in) image_format = synonym( '_image_format', descriptor=property(_image_format_getter, _image_format_setter), doc='The image_format of this shot. Set it to None to re-sync with ' 'Project.image_format.' ) def _validate_image_format(self, imf): """validates the given imf value """ if imf is None: # do not set it to anything it will automatically use the proejct # image format return None if not isinstance(imf, ImageFormat): raise TypeError( '%s.image_format should be an instance of ' 'stalker.models.format.ImageFormat, not %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, imf.__class__.__name__) ) return imf @validates('code') def _validate_code(self, key, code): """validates the given code attribute """ code = super(Shot, self)._validate_code(key, code) # check code uniqueness if code != self.code: if not self._check_code_availability(code, self.project): raise ValueError( 'There is a Shot with the same code: %s' % code ) return code
Shot_Sequences = Table( 'Shot_Sequences', Base.metadata, Column('shot_id', Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True), Column('sequence_id', Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) ) Shot_Scenes = Table( 'Shot_Scenes', Base.metadata, Column('shot_id', Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True), Column('scene_id', Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) )