Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Stalker a Production Asset Management System
# Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Erkan Ozgur Yilmaz
# This file is part of Stalker.
# Stalker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.
# Stalker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
# along with Stalker.  If not, see <>

import logging

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, validates, synonym

from stalker.db.declarative import Base
from stalker.db.session import DBSession
from stalker.log import logging_level
from stalker.models import walk_hierarchy
from stalker.models.entity import Entity, SimpleEntity
from import Link
from stalker.models.status import Status
from stalker.models.mixins import ScheduleMixin, StatusMixin, ProjectMixin

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Review(SimpleEntity, ScheduleMixin, StatusMixin): """Manages the Task Review Workflow. This class represents a very important part of the review workflow. For more information about the workflow please read the documentation about the `Stalker Task Review Workflow`_. .. _`Stalker Task Review Workflow`: task_review_workflow_top_level According to the workflow, Review instances holds information about what have the responsible of the task requested about the task when the resource requested a review from the responsible. Each Review instance with the same :attr:`.review_number` for a :class:`.Task` represents a set of reviews. Creating a review will automatically cap the schedule timing value of the related task to the total logged time logs for that task and then extend the timing values according to the review schedule values. :param task: A :class:`.Task` instance that this review is related to. It can not be skipped. :type task: :class:`Task` :param int review_number: This number represents the revision set id that this Review instance belongs to. :param reviewer: One of the responsible of the related Task. There will be only one Review instances with the same review_number for every responsible of the same Task. :type reviewer: :class:`.User` :param schedule_timing: Holds the timing value of this review. It is a float value. Only useful if it is a review which ends up requesting a revision. :param schedule_unit: Holds the timing unit of this review. Only useful if it is a review which ends up requesting a revision. :param schedule_model: It holds the schedule model of this review. Only useful if it is a review which ends up requesting a revision. """ __auto_name__ = True __tablename__ = 'Reviews' __table_args__ = ( {"extend_existing": True} ) __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "Review"} review_id = Column("id", Integer, ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True) task_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(""), nullable=False, doc="The id of the related task." ) task = relationship( "Task", primaryjoin="", uselist=False, back_populates="reviews", doc="The :class:`.Task` instance that this Review is created for" ) reviewer_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey(""), nullable=False, doc="The User which does the review, also on of the responsible of " "the related Task" ) reviewer = relationship( "User", primaryjoin='' ) _review_number = Column("review_number", Integer, default=1) def __init__(self, task=None, reviewer=None, description='', **kwargs): kwargs['description'] = description SimpleEntity.__init__(self, **kwargs) ScheduleMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) StatusMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.task = task self.reviewer = reviewer # set the status to NEW with DBSession.no_autoflush: new = Status.query.filter_by(code='NEW').first() self.status = new # set the review_number self._review_number = self.task.review_number + 1 @validates('task') def _validate_task(self, key, task): """validates the given task value """ if task is not None: from stalker.models.task import Task if not isinstance(task, Task): raise TypeError( '%s.task should be an instance of ' 'stalker.models.task.Task, not %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, task.__class__.__name__) ) # is it a leaf task if not task.is_leaf: raise ValueError( 'It is only possible to create a review for a leaf tasks, ' 'and %s is not a leaf task.' % task ) # set the review_number of this review instance self._review_number = task.review_number + 1 return task @validates('reviewer') def _validate_reviewer(self, key, reviewer): """validates the given reviewer value """ from stalker.models.auth import User if not isinstance(reviewer, User): raise TypeError( '%s.reviewer should be set to a stalker.models.auth.User ' 'instance, not %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, reviewer.__class__.__name__)) return reviewer def _review_number_getter(self): """returns the review_number value """ return self._review_number review_number = synonym( '_review_number', descriptor=property(_review_number_getter), doc="returns the _review_number attribute value" ) @property def review_set(self): """returns the Review instances in the same review set """ logger.debug('finding revisions with the same review_number of: %s' % self.review_number) with DBSession.no_autoflush: logger.debug('using raw Python to get review set') reviews = [] rev_num = self.review_number for review in if review.review_number == rev_num: reviews.append(review) return reviews
[docs] def is_finalized(self): """A predicate method that checks if all reviews in the same set with this one is finalized """ return all([review.status.code != 'NEW' for review in self.review_set])
[docs] def request_revision(self, schedule_timing=1, schedule_unit='h', description=''): """Finalizes the review by requesting a revision """ # set self timing values self.schedule_timing = schedule_timing self.schedule_unit = schedule_unit self.description = description # set self status to RREV with DBSession.no_autoflush: rrev = Status.query.filter_by(code='RREV').first() # set self status to RREV self.status = rrev # call finalize_review_set self.finalize_review_set()
[docs] def approve(self): """Finalizes the review by approving the task """ # set self status to APP with DBSession.no_autoflush: app = Status.query.filter_by(code='APP').first() self.status = app # call finalize review_set self.finalize_review_set()
[docs] def finalize_review_set(self): """finalizes the current review set Review decisions """ with DBSession.no_autoflush: hrev = Status.query.filter_by(code='HREV').first() cmpl = Status.query.filter_by(code='CMPL').first() # check if all the reviews are finalized if self.is_finalized(): logger.debug('all reviews are finalized') # check if there are any RREV reviews revise_task = False # now we can extend the timing of the task total_seconds = self.task.total_logged_seconds for review in self.review_set: if review.status.code == 'RREV': total_seconds += review.schedule_seconds revise_task = True timing, unit = self.least_meaningful_time_unit(total_seconds) self.task._review_number += 1 if revise_task: # revise the task timing if the task needs more time if total_seconds > self.task.schedule_seconds: logger.debug( 'total_seconds including reviews: %s' % total_seconds ) self.task.schedule_timing = timing self.task.schedule_unit = unit self.task.status = hrev else: # approve the task self.task.status = cmpl # also clamp the schedule timing self.task.schedule_timing = timing self.task.schedule_unit = unit # update task parent statuses self.task.update_parent_statuses() from stalker import TaskDependency # update dependent task statuses for dep in walk_hierarchy(self.task, 'dependent_of', method=1): logger.debug('current TaskDependency object: %s' % dep) dep.update_status_with_dependent_statuses() if dep.status.code in ['HREV', 'PREV', 'DREV', 'OH', 'STOP']: # for tasks that are still be able to continue to work, # change the dependency_target to "onstart" to allow # the two of the tasks to work together and still let the # TJ to be able to schedule the tasks correctly with DBSession.no_autoflush: tdeps = TaskDependency.query\ .filter_by(depends_to=dep).all() for tdep in tdeps: tdep.dependency_target = 'onstart' # also update the status of parents of dependencies dep.update_parent_statuses() else: logger.debug('not all reviews are finalized yet!')
[docs]class Daily(Entity, StatusMixin, ProjectMixin): """Manages data related to **Dailies**. Dailies are sessions where outputs of a group of tasks are reviewed all together by the resources and responsible of those tasks. The main purpose of a ``Daily`` is to gather a group of :class:`.Link` instances and introduce a simple way of presenting them as a group. :class:`.Note`\ s created during a Daily session can be directly stored both in the :class:`.Link` and the :class:`.Daily` instances and a *join* will reveal which :class:`.Note` is created in which :class:`.Daily`. """ __auto_name__ = False __tablename__ = 'Dailies' __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "Daily"} daily_id = Column( "id", Integer, ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True, ) links = association_proxy( 'link_relations', 'link', creator=lambda n: DailyLink(link=n) ) link_relations = relationship( 'DailyLink', back_populates='daily', cascade='all, delete-orphan', primaryjoin='' ) def __init__(self, links=None, **kwargs): super(Daily, self).__init__(**kwargs) StatusMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) ProjectMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) if links is None: links = [] self.links = links @property def versions(self): """returns a list of :class:`.Version` instances that this Daily is related to (through the outputs of the versions) """ from stalker import Version return Version.query\ .join(Version.outputs)\ .join(DailyLink)\ .join(Daily)\ .filter( ==\ .all() @property def tasks(self): """returns a list of :class:`.Task` instances that this Daily is related to (through the outputs of the versions) """ from stalker import Task, Version return Task.query\ .join(Task.versions)\ .join(Version.outputs)\ .join(DailyLink)\ .join(Daily)\ .filter( ==\ .all()