Bases: sprox.viewbase.ViewBase
This class allows you to create a view for a single record.
Modifiers : |
see modifiers in sprox.viewbase
Here is an example listing of the first user in the test database.
>>> from sprox.test.base import User
>>> from sprox.recordviewbase import RecordViewBase
>>> class UserRecordView(RecordViewBase):
... __model__ = User
... __omit_fields__ = ['created']
>>> user_view = UserRecordView(session)
>>> from sprox.fillerbase import RecordFiller
>>> class UserRecordFiller(RecordFiller):
... __model__ = User
>>> user_filler = UserRecordFiller(session)
>>> value = user_filler.get_value({'user_id':1})
>>> print user_view(value=value)
<table xmlns="" class="recordviewwidget">
<tr class="recordfieldwidget">
<tr class="recordfieldwidget">
<td> 1
<tr class="recordfieldwidget">
<td> asdf
<tr class="recordfieldwidget">
<tr class="recordfieldwidget">
<tr class="recordfieldwidget">
<td> 1
<tr class="recordfieldwidget">
<td> 1
<tr class="recordfieldwidget">
<tr class="recordfieldwidget">
<td> 5