
formbase Module

Classes to create form widgets.

Copyright (c) 2008 Christopher Perkins Original Version by Christopher Perkins 2008 Released under MIT license.


class sprox.formbase.FormBase(provider_hint=None, **provider_hints)

Bases: sprox.viewbase.ViewBase

Modifiers :

Modifiers defined in this class

Name Description Default
__base_widget_type__ What widget to use for the form. TableForm
__widget_selector_type__ What class to use for widget selection. SAWidgetSelector
__validator_selector_type__ What class to use for validator selection. SAValidatorSelector
__require_fields__ Specifies which fields are required. []
__check_if_unique__ Set this to True for “new” forms. This causes Sprox to check if there is an existing record in the database which matches the field data. False
__field_validators__ A dictionary of validators indexed by fieldname. {}
__field_validator_types__ Types of validators to use for each field (allow sprox to set the attribute of the validators). {}
__base_validator__ A validator to attch to the form. None
__validator_selector__ What object to use to select field validators. None
__metadata_type__ What metadata type to use to get schema info on this object FieldsMetadata
__dropdown_field_names__ list or dict of names to use for discovery of field names for dropdowns (None uses sprox default names.) a dict provides field-level granularity None

Modifiers inherited from sprox.viewbase.ViewBase

Name Description Default
__field_widgets__ A dictionary of widgets to replace the ones that would be chosen by the selector {}
__field_widget_types__ A dictionary of types of widgets, allowing sprox to determine the widget args {}
__widget_selector__ an instantiated object to use for widget selection. None

Modifiers inherited from sprox.configbase.ConfigBase

Example Usage:

One of the more useful things sprox does for you is to fill in the arguments to a drop down automatically. Here is the userform, limited to just the town field, which gets populated with the towns.

>>> from sprox.formbase import FormBase
>>> class UserOnlyTownForm(FormBase):
...    __model__ = User
...    __limit_fields__ = ['town']
>>> town_form = UserOnlyTownForm(session)
>>> print town_form() 
<form action="" method="post" class="required tableform">
            <input type="hidden" id="sprox_id" class="hiddenfield" name="sprox_id" value="" />
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" >
        <tr class="even" id="town.container" title="" >
            <td class="labelcol">
                <label id="town.label" for="town" class="fieldlabel">Town</label>
            <td class="fieldcol" >
                <select name="town" class="propertysingleselectfield" id="town">
        <option value="1">Arvada</option>
        <option value="2">Denver</option>
        <option value="3">Golden</option>
        <option value="4">Boulder</option>
        <option value="" selected="selected">-----------</option>
        <tr class="odd" id="submit.container" title="" >
            <td class="labelcol">
                <label id="submit.label" for="submit" class="fieldlabel"></label>
            <td class="fieldcol" >
                <input type="submit" class="submitbutton" value="Submit" />

Forms created with sprox can be validated as you would any other widget. >>> class UserOnlyTownForm(FormBase): ... __model__ = User ... __limit_fields__ = [‘town’] ... __required_fields__ = [‘town’] >>> town_form = UserOnlyTownForm(session) >>> town_form.validate(params={‘sprox_id’:1}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... Invalid: town: Missing value

validate(params, state=None, use_request_local=True)

A pass-thru to the widget’s validate function.

class sprox.formbase.AddRecordForm(provider_hint=None, **provider_hints)

Bases: sprox.formbase.FormBase

An editable form who’s purpose is record addition.

Modifiers :

see sprox.formbase.FormBase

Name Description Default
__check_if_unique__ Set this to True for “new” forms. This causes Sprox to check if there is an existing record in the database which matches the field data. True

Here is an example registration form, as generated from the vase User model.

>>> from sprox.formbase import AddRecordForm
>>> from formencode import Schema
>>> from formencode.validators import FieldsMatch
>>> from tw.forms import PasswordField, TextField
>>> form_validator =  Schema(chained_validators=(FieldsMatch('password',
...                                                         'verify_password',
...                                                         messages={'invalidNoMatch':
...                                                         'Passwords do not match'}),))
>>> class RegistrationForm(AddRecordForm):
...     __model__ = User
...     __require_fields__     = ['password', 'user_name', 'email_address']
...     __omit_fields__        = ['_password', 'groups', 'created', 'user_id', 'town']
...     __field_order__        = ['user_name', 'email_address', 'display_name', 'password', 'verify_password']
...     __base_validator__     = form_validator
...     email_address          = TextField
...     display_name           = TextField
...     verify_password        = PasswordField('verify_password')
>>> registration_form = RegistrationForm()
>>> print registration_form() 
<form action="" method="post" class="required tableform">
            <input type="hidden" id="sprox_id" class="hiddenfield" name="sprox_id" value="" />
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" >
        <tr class="even" id="user_name.container" title="" >
            <td class="labelcol">
                <label id="user_name.label" for="user_name" class="fieldlabel required">User Name</label>
            <td class="fieldcol" >
                <input type="text" id="user_name" class="textfield required" name="user_name" value="" />
        <tr class="odd" id="email_address.container" title="" >
            <td class="labelcol">
                <label id="email_address.label" for="email_address" class="fieldlabel required">Email Address</label>
            <td class="fieldcol" >
                <input type="text" id="email_address" class="textfield required" name="email_address" value="" />
        <tr class="even" id="display_name.container" title="" >
            <td class="labelcol">
                <label id="display_name.label" for="display_name" class="fieldlabel">Display Name</label>
            <td class="fieldcol" >
                <input type="text" id="display_name" class="textfield" name="display_name" value="" />
        <tr class="odd" id="password.container" title="" >
            <td class="labelcol">
                <label id="password.label" for="password" class="fieldlabel required">Password</label>
            <td class="fieldcol" >
                <input type="password" id="password" class="required passwordfield" name="password" value="" />
        <tr class="even" id="verify_password.container" title="" >
            <td class="labelcol">
                <label id="verify_password.label" for="verify_password" class="fieldlabel">Verify Password</label>
            <td class="fieldcol" >
                <input type="password" id="verify_password" class="passwordfield" name="verify_password" value="" />
        <tr class="odd" id="submit.container" title="" >
            <td class="labelcol">
                <label id="submit.label" for="submit" class="fieldlabel"></label>
            <td class="fieldcol" >
                <input type="submit" class="submitbutton" value="Submit" />

What is unique about the AddRecord form, is that if the fields in the database are labeled unique, it will automatically vaidate against uniqueness for that field. Here is a simple user form definition, where the user_name in the model is unique:

>>> class AddUserForm(AddRecordForm):
...     __entity__ = User
...     __limit_fields__ = ['user_name']
>>> user_form = AddUserForm(session)
>>> user_form.validate(params={'sprox_id':'asdf', 'user_name':u'asdf'}) 
Traceback (most recent call last):
Invalid: user_name: That value already exists

The validation fails because there is already a user with the user_name ‘asdf’ in the database

validate(params, state=None, use_request_local=True)

A pass-thru to the widget’s validate function.

class sprox.formbase.DisabledForm(provider_hint=None, **provider_hints)

Bases: sprox.formbase.FormBase

A form who’s set of fields is disabled.

Modifiers :

see sprox.formbase.FormBase

Here is an example disabled form with only the user_name and email fields.

>>> from sprox.test.model import User
>>> from sprox.formbase import DisabledForm
>>> class DisabledUserForm(DisabledForm):
...     __model__ = User
...     __limit_fields__ = ['user_name', 'email_address']
>>> disabled_user_form = DisabledUserForm()
>>> print disabled_user_form(values=dict(user_name='percious', email='chris@percious.com'))  
<form action="" method="post" class="required tableform">
            <input type="hidden" id="user_name" class="hiddenfield" name="user_name" value="" />
            <input type="hidden" id="email_address" class="hiddenfield" name="email_address" value="" />
            <input type="hidden" id="sprox_id" class="hiddenfield" name="sprox_id" value="" />
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" >
        <tr class="even" id="user_name.container" title="" >
            <td class="labelcol">
                <label id="user_name.label" for="user_name" class="fieldlabel">User Name</label>
            <td class="fieldcol" >
                <input type="text" id="user_name" class="textfield" name="user_name" value="" disabled="disabled" />
        <tr class="odd" id="email_address.container" title="" >
            <td class="labelcol">
                <label id="email_address.label" for="email_address" class="fieldlabel">Email Address</label>
            <td class="fieldcol" >
                <textarea id="email_address" name="email_address" class="textarea" disabled="disabled" rows="7" cols="50"></textarea>
        <tr class="even" id="submit.container" title="" >
            <td class="labelcol">
                <label id="submit.label" for="submit" class="fieldlabel"></label>
            <td class="fieldcol" >
                <input type="submit" class="submitbutton" value="Submit" />

You may notice in the above example that disabled fields pass in a hidden value for each disabled field.

validate(params, state=None, use_request_local=True)

A pass-thru to the widget’s validate function.

class sprox.formbase.EditableForm(provider_hint=None, **provider_hints)

Bases: sprox.formbase.FormBase

A form for editing a record. :Modifiers:

see sprox.formbase.FormBase

validate(params, state=None, use_request_local=True)

A pass-thru to the widget’s validate function.


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