
Download for Windows, Linux or Mac OS using:

To use this library, you must have Python, NumPy, Eigen 3.2 or higher and OpenMP. If you are using Python 3.3 or higher you will need distribute. The source code repository is available at github for those that want the bleeding edge, or are interested in development (see also the wiki in the later case).


Ensure that pip is installed, and then install SpPy in the following way:

pip install sppy

If installing from source unzip the sppy-x.y.z.tar.gz file and then run as follows:

python install

In order to test the library (recommended), using the following commands in python

import sppy

and check that all tested pass.


To install on Windows one needs to have Python installed along with Numpy and a C++ compiler such as MinGW. Here we assume that you are using MinGW. Download Eigen and copy it to the MinGW include directory, which is typically C:\MinGW32\include. One can then build and install sppy using the following two commands:

python build --compiler=mingw32
python install

Note that sppy is currently untested on Windows.

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