Downloading =========== Download for Windows, Linux or Mac OS using: - `The Python Package Index (PyPI) `_ To use this library, you must have `Python `_, `NumPy `_, `Eigen 3.2 or higher `_ and `OpenMP `_. If you are using Python 3.3 or higher you will need `distribute `_. The source code repository is available at `github `_ for those that want the bleeding edge, or are interested in development (see also the `wiki `_ in the later case). Installation ============ Ensure that `pip `_ is installed, and then install SpPy in the following way: :: pip install sppy If installing from source unzip the sppy-x.y.z.tar.gz file and then run as follows: :: python install In order to test the library (recommended), using the following commands in python :: import sppy sppy.test() and check that all tested pass. Windows ------- To install on Windows one needs to have Python installed along with Numpy and a C++ compiler such as `MinGW `_. Here we assume that you are using MinGW. Download Eigen and copy it to the MinGW include directory, which is typically C:\\MinGW32\\include. One can then build and install sppy using the following two commands: :: python build --compiler=mingw32 python install Note that sppy is currently untested on Windows.