smartypants is hosted on Bitbucket, you can clone the repository or file an issue report from there.
You are welcome to contribute whatever you can. Coding, documenting, reporting issues, requesting features, even correcting typos.
If you want to contribute to the source code, be sure that you check your modification can pass tests. Normally, if you use Unix-like system, you should be able to run all tests with:
make test
It will test DOC8, PEP8, pyflakes, unittest, and package installation:
make test_isort
make test_doc8
make test_pep8
make test_pyflakes
make test_test
make test_setup
They will all be tested with both Python 2 and Python 3. You may need to override PY2_CMD and/or PY3_CMD.
If make isn’t available, can be used:
python isort
python pep8
python pyflakes
python test
For manual package installation test:
python sdist
pip install --user --upgrade dist/smartypants-<x.y.z>.tar.gz