smartypants provides a command-line interface for smartypants module, which is named as same as the module.
It takes input from either standard input or files and output the result to standard output.
smartypants [-h] [-v] [-a ATTR] [-s SKIP] [FILE [FILE ...]]
Some examples:
$ smartypants inputfile
$ command-foo inputfile | command-bar | smartypants
processe attrbutes tells smartypants how to translate,
The attributes is a string of characters, which are taken from the names of attributes of smartypants.Attr.
For example, the default attribute is smartypants.Attr.set1:
smartypants -a 1
If you want smartypants.Attr.q and smartypants.Attr.w then it would be invoked as:
smartypants -a qw
skip specified HTML elements.
It is a comma-separated string. For example:
smartypants -s tag1,tag2,tag3
files to be processed.
If no FILE is specified, the input is taken from standard input.