


risk factor model library python style.

Example Usage

from businessdate import BusinessDate, BusinessRange
from dcf import ZeroRateCurve, FxCurve
from timewave import Consumer, Engine

from shortrate import RiskFactorProducer, GBMFxCurve, HullWhiteCurve, HullWhiteFxCurve, HullWhiteMultiCurrencyCurve

s = BusinessDate()
t = s + '10y'
g = BusinessRange(s, t, '6M')
d = ZeroRateCurve([s], [0.05])
f = ZeroRateCurve([s], [0.04])
x = FxCurve([s], [.8], domestic_curve=d, foreign_curve=f)
r = GBMFxCurve.cast(x, volatility=0.2)

print r.evolve(1., s, s + '1y', 0.01)
print r.get_fx_rate(s + '3y'), r._factor_date
print r.evolve(1., s + '1y', s + '5y', 0.1)
print r.get_fx_rate(s + '7y'), r._factor_date

hwd = HullWhiteCurve.cast(d, mean_reversion=0.01, volatility=0.03, terminal_date=t)
hwf = HullWhiteCurve.cast(f, mean_reversion=0.01, volatility=0.03, terminal_date=t)
hwx = HullWhiteFxCurve.cast(r, hwd, hwf)
hwxf = HullWhiteMultiCurrencyCurve.cast(hwf, hwd, hwx)

print hwd.evolve(1., s, s + '1y', 0.01)
print hwf.evolve(1., s, s + '1y', 0.02)
print hwx.evolve(1., s, s + '1y', (0.01, 0.02, 0.01))
print hwxf.evolve(1., s, s + '1y', 0.02)

func = (lambda x: hwd.get_cash_rate(t - '1y'))
c = Consumer(lambda x: func(x.date))
res = Engine(RiskFactorProducer(hwd), c).run(g, 100)

print res


The latest stable version can always be installed or updated via pip:

$ pip install shortrate

If the above fails, please try easy_install instead:

$ easy_install shortrate

Development Version

The latest development version can be installed directly from GitHub:

$ pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/pbrisk/shortrate.git


Issues and Pull Requests are always welcome.


Code and documentation are available according to the Apache Software License (see LICENSE).