
Program has config object who always available for all runnable objects as config property after mounting to parent. You can to expand it with help python module. Use environment variable SEISMOGRAPH_CONF for that. Path can be import path and absolute path to python file.

How to create and switch config

# this is file


Give away config to program

SEISMOGRAPH_CONF=project.etc.base seismograph /path/to/suites/

or like

SEISMOGRAPH_CONF=/path/to/project/etc/ seismograph /path/to/suites/

Config path can be set with creating instance of program.

import seismograph

program = seismograph.Program(config_path='project.etc.base')

If you will be using config_path param that config path will default value of environment variable. Config path is path by default for your program in this way.

Available sections

LOGGING_SETTINGS dict config for logging lib
SELENIUM_EX dict config for selenium extension details...
ALCHEMY_EX dict config for alchemy extension details...
MOCKER_EX dict config for mocker extension details...

How can i add options to command line?

Options parser doesn’t store in program context but you can to get it with help layer of program.

import seismograph
from optparse import OptionGroup

class ProgramOptionsLayer(seismograph.Program):

    def on_option_parser(self, parser):
        group = OptionGroup(parser, 'My project options')
        group.add_option('--my-option', dest='MY_OPTION')

suite = seismograph.Suite(__name__)

def function_test(case):
    # do something

if __name__ == '__main__':