Config ====== Program has config object who always available for all runnable objects as **config property** after mounting to parent. You can to expand it with help python module. Use environment variable **SEISMOGRAPH_CONF** for that. Path can be import path and absolute path to python file. How to create and switch config ------------------------------- .. code-block:: python # this is file MY_OPTION = None Give away config to program :: SEISMOGRAPH_CONF=project.etc.base seismograph /path/to/suites/ or like :: SEISMOGRAPH_CONF=/path/to/project/etc/ seismograph /path/to/suites/ Config path can be set with creating instance of program. .. code-block:: python import seismograph program = seismograph.Program(config_path='project.etc.base') If you will be using config_path param that config path will default value of environment variable. Config path is path by default for your program in this way. Available sections ------------------ +----------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | **LOGGING_SETTINGS** | dict config for logging lib | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | **SELENIUM_EX** | dict config for selenium extension | | | `details... `_ | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | **ALCHEMY_EX** | dict config for alchemy extension | | | `details... `_ | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | **MOCKER_EX** | dict config for mocker extension | | | `details... `_ | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------+ How can i add options to command line? -------------------------------------- Options parser doesn't store in program context but you can to get it with help layer of program. .. code-block:: python import seismograph from optparse import OptionGroup class ProgramOptionsLayer(seismograph.Program): def on_option_parser(self, parser): group = OptionGroup(parser, 'My project options') group.add_option('--my-option', dest='MY_OPTION') parser.add_option_group(group) suite = seismograph.Suite(__name__) @suite.register def function_test(case): # do something if __name__ == '__main__': seismograph.main(layers=[ProgramOptionsLayer()])