Source code for sandman.model.models

"""The Model class is meant to be the base class for user Models. It represents
a table in the database that should be modeled as a resource."""

from decimal import Decimal

from flask import current_app
from flask.ext.admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView

from sandman import app, db

[docs]class Model(object): """A mixin class containing the majority of the RESTful API functionality. :class:`sandman.model.Model` is the base class of `:class:`sandman.Model`, from which user models are derived. """ __endpoint__ = None """override :attr:`__endpoint__` if you wish to configure the :class:`sandman.model.Model`'s endpoint. Default: __tablename__ in lowercase and pluralized """ __tablename__ = None """The name of the database table this class should be mapped to Default: None """ __top_level_json_name__ = None """The top level json text to output for this class Default: 'resources' """ __methods__ = ('GET', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'DELETE', 'PUT') """override :attr:`__methods__` if you wish to change the HTTP methods this :class:`sandman.model.Model` supports. Default: ``('GET', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'DELETE', 'PUT')`` """ __table__ = None """Will be populated by SQLAlchemy with the table's meta-information.""" __from_class__ = None """Is this class being generated from an existing declarative SQLAlchemy class?""" @classmethod
[docs] def endpoint(cls): """Return the :class:`sandman.model.Model`'s endpoint. :rtype: string """ endpoint = '' if cls.__endpoint__ is not None: return cls.__endpoint__ elif cls.__from_class__ is not None: endpoint = cls.__from_class__.__name__.lower() else: endpoint = cls.__tablename__.lower() if not endpoint.endswith('s'): endpoint += 's' return endpoint
[docs] def resource_uri(self): """Return the URI at which the resource can be found. :rtype: string """ primary_key_value = getattr(self, self.primary_key(), None) return '/{}/{}'.format(self.endpoint(), primary_key_value)
[docs] def primary_key(cls): """Return the name of the table's primary key :rtype: string """ if cls.__from_class__: cls = cls.__from_class__ return cls.__table__.primary_key.columns.values()[0].name
[docs] def as_dict(self, depth=0): """Return a dictionary containing only the attributes which map to an instance's database columns. :param int depth: Maximum depth to recurse subobjects :rtype: dict """ result_dict = {} for column in self.__table__.columns.keys(): result_dict[column] = getattr(self, column, None) if isinstance(result_dict[column], Decimal): result_dict[column] = str(result_dict[column]) result_dict['links'] = self.links() for foreign_key in self.__table__.foreign_keys: column_name = column_value = getattr(self, column_name, None) if column_value: table = with app.app_context(): endpoint = current_app.class_references[table] session = db.session() resource = session.query(endpoint).get(column_value) if depth > 0: result_dict.update({ 'rel': endpoint.__name__, endpoint.__name__.lower(): resource.as_dict(depth - 1) }) else: result_dict[ endpoint.__name__.lower() + '_url'] = '/{}/{}'.format( endpoint.__name__, column_value) result_dict['self'] = self.resource_uri() return result_dict
[docs] def from_dict(self, dictionary): """Set a set of attributes which correspond to the :class:`sandman.model.Model`'s columns. :param dict dictionary: A dictionary of attributes to set on the instance whose keys are the column names of the :class:`sandman.model.Model`'s underlying database table. """ for column in self.__table__.columns.keys(): value = dictionary.get(column, None) if value: setattr(self, column, value)
[docs] def replace(self, dictionary): """Set all attributes which correspond to the :class:`sandman.model.Model`'s columns to the values in *dictionary*, inserting None if an attribute's value is not specified. :param dict dictionary: A dictionary of attributes to set on the instance whose keys are the column names of the :class:`sandman.model.Model`'s underlying database table. """ for column in self.__table__.columns.keys(): setattr(self, column, None) self.from_dict(dictionary)
[docs] def meta(cls): """Return a dictionary containing meta-information about the given resource.""" if getattr(cls, '__from_class__', None) is not None: cls = cls.__from_class__ attribute_info = {} for name, value in cls.__table__.columns.items(): attribute_info[name] = str(value.type).lower() return {cls.__name__: attribute_info}
def __str__(self): return str(getattr(self, self.primary_key()))
[docs]class AdminModelViewWithPK(ModelView): """Mixin admin view class that displays primary keys on the admin form""" column_display_pk = True