Source code for rosetta.text.streamers

Classes for streaming tokens/info from files/sparse files etc...
from collections import Counter
from random import shuffle
import re
from functools import partial
import abc
import sys
import os
from scipy import sparse

    import MySQLdb
    import MySQLdb.cursors
    HAS_MYSQLDB = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_MYSQLDB = False

import pymongo

from rosetta.parallel.parallel_easy import imap_easy, parallel_apply

from .. import common
from ..common import lazyprop, smart_open, DocIDError
from . import filefilter, text_processors

[docs]class BaseStreamer(object): """ Base class...don't use this directly. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def info_stream(self, **kwargs): """ Abstract method. All derived classes will implement to return an interator over the text documents with processing as appropriate. """ return
@abc.abstractmethod def record_stream(self, **kwargs): return
[docs] def single_stream(self, item, cache_list=None, **kwargs): """ Stream a single item from source. Parameters ---------- item : String The single item to pull from info and stream. cache_list : List of strings Cache these items on every iteration kwargs : Keyword args Passed on to self.info_stream """ cache_list = [] if cache_list is None else cache_list # Initialize the cached items as attributes for cache_item in cache_list: self.__dict__[cache_item + '_cache'] = [] # Iterate through self.info_stream and pull off required information. if kwargs: stream = self.info_stream(**kwargs) else: stream = self.info_stream() for i, info in enumerate(stream): for cache_item in cache_list: self.__dict__[cache_item + '_cache'].append(info[cache_item]) yield info[item]
[docs] def token_stream(self, cache_list=None, **kwargs): """ Returns an iterator over tokens with possible caching of other info. Parameters ---------- cache_list : List of strings. Cache these items as they appear E.g. self.token_stream('doc_id', 'tokens') caches info['doc_id'] and info['tokens'] (assuming both are available). kwargs : Keyword args Passed on to self.info_stream """ return self.single_stream('tokens', cache_list=cache_list, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_vw(self, out_stream=sys.stdout, n_jobs=1, raise_on_bad_id=True, cache_list=None): """ Write our filestream to a VW (Vowpal Wabbit) formatted file. Parameters ---------- out_stream : stream, buffer or open file object n_jobs : Integer number of CPU jobs cache_list : List of strings. Cache these items as they appear E.g. self.token_stream('doc_id', 'tokens') caches info['doc_id'] and info['tokens'] (assuming both are available). Notes: ----- self.info_stream must have a 'doc_id' field, as this is used to index the lines in the vw file. """ assert self.tokenizer, 'tokenizer must be defined to use .to_vw()' cache_list = [] if cache_list is None else cache_list # Initialize the cached items as attributes for cache_item in cache_list: self.__dict__[cache_item + '_cache'] = [] formatter = text_processors.VWFormatter() func = partial(_to_sstr, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, formatter=formatter, raise_on_bad_id=raise_on_bad_id, streamer=self, cache_list=cache_list) parallel_apply(func, self.record_stream(), n_jobs, sep='\n', out_stream=out_stream)
[docs] def to_scipysparse(self, cache_list=None, **kwargs): """ Returns a scipy sparse matrix representing the collection of documents as a bag of words, one (sparse) row per document. Translation from column to token are stored into the cache Parameters ---------- cache_list : List of strings. Cache these items as they appear E.g. self.token_stream('doc_id', 'tokens') caches info['doc_id'] and info['tokens'] (assuming both are available). kwargs : Keyword args Passed on to self.info_stream """ token_col = dict() n_col = -1 row_ind = list() col_ind = list() data = list() # iterate through each document's tokens list and build up the # sparse matrix row by row. for row, tokens in enumerate(self.token_stream(cache_list, **kwargs)): doc_counts = Counter(tokens) for token, count in doc_counts.items(): if token not in token_col: n_col += 1 token_col[token] = n_col row_ind.append(row) col_ind.append(token_col[token]) data.append(count) self.__dict__['token_col_map'] = token_col return sparse.csr_matrix((data, (row_ind, col_ind)), shape=(row + 1, n_col + 1))
[docs]class VWStreamer(BaseStreamer): """ For streaming from a single VW file. Since the VW file format does not preserve token order, all tokens are unordered. """ def __init__(self, sfile=None, cache_sfile=False, limit=None, shuffle=False): """ Parameters ---------- sfile : File path or buffer Points to a sparse (VW) formatted file. cache_sfile : Boolean If True, cache the sfile in memory. CAREFUL!!! limit : Integer Only return this many results shuffle : Boolean If True, shuffle paths once (and only once) before streaming """ self.sfile = sfile self.cache_sfile = cache_sfile self.limit = limit self.shuffle = shuffle self.formatter = text_processors.VWFormatter() if cache_sfile: self.source = self._cached_stream self._init_cached_stream() else: assert not shuffle, "Can only shuffle a cached stream" self.source = self._sfile_stream def _init_cached_stream(self): records = {} for record_dict in self._sfile_stream(): doc_id = record_dict['doc_id'] records[doc_id] = record_dict # Set self.records and self.doc_id self.records = records doc_id = records.keys() if self.shuffle: shuffle(doc_id) self.doc_id = doc_id def _cached_stream(self, doc_id=None): records = self.records if doc_id is None: for i, doc in enumerate(self.doc_id): record_dict = self.records[doc] if i == self.limit: raise StopIteration yield record_dict else: if (self.limit is not None) and self.cache_sfile: raise ValueError( "Cannot use both self.limit and doc_id with cached stream") for doc in doc_id: yield records[doc] def _sfile_stream(self, doc_id=None): """ Stream record_dict from an sfile that sits on disk. """ # Open file if path. If buffer or StringIO, passthrough. with smart_open(self.sfile, 'rb') as infile: if doc_id is not None: doc_id = set(doc_id) for i, line in enumerate(infile): if i == self.limit: raise StopIteration record_dict = self.formatter.sstr_to_dict(line) if doc_id is not None: if record_dict['doc_id'] not in doc_id: continue yield record_dict
[docs] def record_stream(self, doc_id=None): """ Returns an iterator over record dicts. Parameters ---------- doc_id : Iterable over Strings Return record dicts iff doc_id in doc_id """ source = self.source(doc_id=doc_id) for record_dict in source: yield record_dict
[docs] def info_stream(self, doc_id=None): """ Returns an iterator over info dicts. Parameters ---------- doc_id : Iterable over Strings Return info dicts iff doc_id in doc_id """ # Read record_dict and convert to info by adding tokens for record_dict in self.record_stream(doc_id): record_dict['tokens'] = self.formatter._dict_to_tokens(record_dict) yield record_dict
[docs]class TextFileStreamer(BaseStreamer): """ For streaming from text files. """ def __init__( self, text_base_path=None, path_list=None, file_type='*', name_strip=r'\..*', tokenizer=None, tokenizer_func=None, limit=None, shuffle=True): """ Parameters ---------- text_base_path : string or None Base path to dir containing files. path_list : list or None explicit list of paths to be used file_type : String String to filter files with. E.g. '*.txt'. Note that the filenames will be converted to lowercase before this comparison. name_strip : raw string Regex to strip doc_id. tokenizer : Subclass of BaseTokenizer Should have a text_to_token_list method. Try using MakeTokenizer to convert a function to a valid tokenizer. tokenizer_func : Function Transforms a string (representing one file) to a list of strings (the 'tokens'). limit : int or None Limit for number of docs processed. shuffle : Boolean If True, shuffle paths once (and only once) before streaming """ self.text_base_path = text_base_path self.path_list = path_list self.file_type = file_type self.name_strip = name_strip self.limit = limit self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.tokenizer_func = tokenizer_func self.shuffle = shuffle assert (text_base_path is None) or (path_list is None) assert (tokenizer is None) or (tokenizer_func is None) if tokenizer_func: self.tokenizer = text_processors.MakeTokenizer(tokenizer_func) @lazyprop def paths(self): """ Get all paths that we will use. """ if self.text_base_path: paths = filefilter.get_paths( self.text_base_path, file_type=self.file_type) if self.shuffle: shuffle(paths) if self.limit: paths = paths[: self.limit] else: paths = self.path_list return paths @lazyprop def doc_id(self): """ Get doc_id corresponding to all paths. """ regex = re.compile(self.name_strip) doc_id = [ regex.sub('', filefilter.path_to_name(p, strip_ext=False)) for p in self.paths] return doc_id @lazyprop def _doc_id_to_path(self): """ Build the dictionary mapping doc_id to path. doc_id is based on the filename. """ return dict(zip(self.doc_id, self.paths)) @lazyprop def file_stat(self): """ Builds a dictionary of os.stats file info. Currently included last modification time & last access time (seconds since epoch), size (in bytes). """ return [self._file_stat(p) for p in self.paths] def _file_stat(self, path): """ Retrieves os.stats info for file. """ return {'mtime': os.path.getmtime(path), 'atime': os.path.getatime(path), 'size': os.path.getsize(path)} def record_stream(self, paths=None, doc_id=None, limit=None): return self.info_stream(paths, doc_id, limit)
[docs] def info_stream(self, paths=None, doc_id=None, limit=None): """ Returns an iterator over paths yielding dictionaries with information about the file contained within. Parameters ---------- paths : list of strings doc_id : list of strings or ints limit : Integer Use limit in place of self.limit. """ if limit is None: limit = self.limit if doc_id is not None: paths = [self._doc_id_to_path[str(doc)] for doc in doc_id] elif paths is None: paths = self.paths for index, onepath in enumerate(paths): if index == limit: raise StopIteration with open(onepath, 'r') as f: text = doc_id = re.sub( self.name_strip, '', filefilter.path_to_name (onepath, strip_ext=False)) stat_dict = self._file_stat(onepath) info_dict = {'text': text, 'cached_path': onepath, 'doc_id': doc_id} info_dict.update(stat_dict) if self.tokenizer: info_dict['tokens'] = ( self.tokenizer.text_to_token_list(text)) yield info_dict
[docs] def to_vw(self, outfile, n_jobs=1, chunksize=1000, raise_on_bad_id=True): """ Write our filestream to a VW (Vowpal Wabbit) formatted file. Parameters ---------- outfile : filepath or buffer n_jobs : Integer Use n_jobs different jobs to do the processing. Set = 4 for 4 jobs. Set = -1 to use all available, -2 for all except 1,... chunksize : Integer Workers process this many jobs at once before pickling and sending results to master. If this is too low, communication overhead will dominate. If this is too high, jobs will not be distributed evenly. raise_on_bad_id : Boolean If True, raise DocIDError when the doc_id (formed by self) is not a valid VW "Tag". I.e. contains :, |, ', or whitespace. If False, print warning. """ # Note: This is similar to rosetta/cmd/ # This implementation is more complicated, due to the fact that a # streamer specifies the method to extract doc_id from a stream. # To be faithful to the streamer, we must therefore use the streamer # to stream the files. This requires a combination of imap_easy and # a chunker. # # Create an iterator over chunks of paths path_group_iter = common.grouper(self.paths, chunksize) formatter = text_processors.VWFormatter() func = partial(_group_to_sstr, self, formatter, raise_on_bad_id) # Process one group at a time...set imap_easy chunksize arg to 1 # since each group contains many paths. results_iterator = imap_easy(func, path_group_iter, n_jobs, 1) with smart_open(outfile, 'w') as open_outfile: for group_results in results_iterator: for sstr in group_results: open_outfile.write(sstr + '\n')
[docs]class TextIterStreamer(BaseStreamer): """ For streaming text. """ def __init__(self, text_iter, tokenizer=None, tokenizer_func=None): """ Parameters ---------- text_iter : iterator or iterable of dictionaries Each dict must contain key:value "text": text_string, but can contain other metadata key:values for cacheing (ex/ see self.token_stream). tokenizer : Subclass of BaseTokenizer Should have a text_to_token_list method. Try using MakeTokenizer to convert a function to a valid tokenizer. tokenizer_func : Function Transforms a string (representing one file) to a list of strings (the 'tokens'). """ self.text_iter = text_iter self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.tokenizer_func = tokenizer_func assert (tokenizer is None) or (tokenizer_func is None) if tokenizer_func: self.tokenizer = text_processors.MakeTokenizer(tokenizer_func)
[docs] def record_stream(self): """ Yields a dict from self.streamer """ for info in self.text_iter: yield info
[docs] def info_stream(self): """ Yields a dict from self.streamer as well as "tokens". """ for info in self.record_stream(): info['tokens'] = self.tokenizer.text_to_token_list(info['text']) yield info
[docs]class DBStreamer(BaseStreamer): """ Database streamer base class """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__( self, db_setup, tokenizer=None, tokenizer_func=None): """ Parameters ---------- db_setup: A dictionary containing parameters needed to connect to, and query the database. The required parameters are documented in each subclass, but at minimum you will need information about the host, username/password, and the query that will be executed. The query must return a 'text' field in its dictionary. tokenizer : Subclass of BaseTokenizer Should have a text_to_token_list method. Try using MakeTokenizer to convert a function to a valid tokenizer. tokenizer_func : Function Transforms a string (representing one file) to a list of strings (the 'tokens'). """ self.db_setup = db_setup self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.tokenizer_func = tokenizer_func self.cursor = None assert (tokenizer is None) or (tokenizer_func is None) if tokenizer_func: self.tokenizer = text_processors.MakeTokenizer(tokenizer_func) @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def connect(self): """ Open connection to database. sets the classes cursor object. """ return
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Close connection to database """ return
[docs] def iterate_over_query(self): """ Return an iterator over query result. We suggest that the entire query result not be returned and that iteration is controlled on server side, but this method does not guarantee that. This method must return a dictionary, which at least has the key 'text' in it, containing the next to be tokenized. """ return
def record_stream(self): for info in self.iterate_over_query(): yield info
[docs] def info_stream(self): """ Yields a dict from self.executing the query as well as "tokens". """ for info in self.record_stream(): info['tokens'] = self.tokenizer.text_to_token_list(info['text']) yield info
[docs]class MySQLStreamer(DBStreamer): """ Subclass of DBStreamer to connect to a MySQL database and iterate over query results. db_setup is expected to be a dictionary containing host, user, password, database, and query. The query itself must return a column named text. Example: db_setup = {} db_setup['host'] = 'hostname' db_setup['user'] = 'username' db_setup['password'] = 'password' db_setup['database'] = 'database' db_setup['query'] = 'select id as doc_id, body as text from tablename where length(body) > 100' my_tokenizer = TokenizerBasic() stream = MySQLStreamer(db_setup=db_setup, tokenizer=my_tokenizer) for text in stream.info_stream(cache_list=['doc_id']): print text['doc_id'], text['tokens'] """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if not HAS_MYSQLDB: raise ImportError("MySQLdb was not importable, therefore\ MySQLStreamer cannot be used.") super(MySQLStreamer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def connect(self): try: _host = self.db_setup['host'] _user = self.db_setup['user'] _password = self.db_setup['password'] _db = self.db_setup['database'] except: raise common.BadDataError("MySQLStreamer expects db_setup to have \ host, user, password, and database fields") connection = MySQLdb.connect( host=_host, user=_user, passwd=_password, db=_db, cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.SSDictCursor) self.cursor = connection.cursor() def disconnect(self): if self.cursor: self.cursor.close() self.cursor = None def iterate_over_query(self): if not self.cursor: self.connect() try: _query = self.db_setup['query'] except: raise common.BadDataError("MySQLStreamer expects db_setup \ to have a query field") self.cursor.execute(_query) for result in self.cursor: if 'text' not in result: raise common.BadDataError("The query must return a text field") yield result
[docs]class MongoStreamer(DBStreamer): """ Subclass of DBStreamer to connect to a Mongo database and iterate over query results. db_setup is expected to be a dictionary containing host, database, collection, query, and text_key. Additionally an optional limit parameter is allowed. The query itself must return a column named text_key which is passed on as 'text' to the iterator. In addition, because it is difficult to rename mongo fields (similar to the SQL 'AS' syntax), we allow a translation dictionary to be passed in, which translates keys in the mongo dictionary result names k to be passed into the result as v for key value pairs {k : v}. Currently we don't deal with nested documents. Example: db_setup = {} db_setup['host'] = 'localhost' db_setup['database'] = 'places' db_setup['collection'] = 'opentable' db_setup['query'] = {} db_setup['limit'] = 5 db_setup['text_key'] = 'desc' db_setup['translations'] = {'_id' : 'doc_id'} # In this example, we assume that the collection has a field named # desc, holding the text to be analyzed, and a field named _id which # will be translated to doc_id and stored in the cache. my_tokenizer = TokenizerBasic() stream = MongoStreamer(db_setup=db_setup, tokenizer=my_tokenizer) for text in stream.info_stream(cache_list=['doc_id']): print text['doc_id'], text['tokens'] """ def connect(self): try: _host = self.db_setup['host'] _db = self.db_setup['database'] _col = self.db_setup['collection'] if 'port' in self.db_setup: _port = self.db_setup['port'] else: _port = None except: raise common.BadDataError("MongoStreamer expects db_setup to have \ host and database fields") client = pymongo.MongoClient(_host, _port) db = client[_db] col = db[_col] self.cursor = col def disconnect(self): self.cursor = None def iterate_over_query(self): if not self.cursor: self.connect() try: _query = self.db_setup['query'] _text_key = self.db_setup['text_key'] if 'limit' in self.db_setup: _limit = self.db_setup['limit'] else: _limit = None if 'translations' in self.db_setup: _translate = self.db_setup['translations'] else: _translate = None except: raise common.BadDataError("MySQLStreamer expects db_setup \ to have a query and text_key field") results = self.cursor.find(_query) if _limit: results = results.limit(_limit) for result in results: if _text_key not in result: raise common.BadDataError("The query must return the \ specified text field") result['text'] = result[_text_key] if _translate: for k, v in _translate.items(): result[v] = result[k] yield result
def _group_to_sstr(streamer, formatter, raise_on_bad_id, path_group): """ Return a list of sstr's (sparse string representations). One for every path in path_group. """ # grouper might append None to the last group if this one is shorter path_group = (p for p in path_group if p is not None) group_results = [] info_stream = streamer.info_stream(paths=path_group) for info_dict in info_stream: doc_id = info_dict['doc_id'] tokens = info_dict['tokens'] feature_values = Counter(tokens) try: tok_sstr = formatter.get_sstr( feature_values, importance=1, doc_id=doc_id) except DocIDError as e: msg = e.message + "\npath = %s\n" % info_dict['cached_path'] if raise_on_bad_id: raise DocIDError(msg) else: msg = "WARNING: " + msg sys.stderr.write(msg) group_results.append(tok_sstr) return group_results def _to_sstr(record_dict, tokenizer, formatter, raise_on_bad_id, streamer, cache_list=None): """ Yield a list of sstr's (sparse string representations); takes yield instances of STREAMER.record_stream(), tokenizes the text, get 'doc_id' and returns sstr. """ cache_list = [] if cache_list is None else cache_list doc_id = str(record_dict['doc_id']) tokens = tokenizer.text_to_token_list(record_dict['text']) feature_values = Counter(tokens) try: tok_sstr = formatter.get_sstr( feature_values, importance=1, doc_id=doc_id) for cache_item in cache_list: streamer.__dict__[cache_item + '_cache'].append( record_dict[cache_item]) except DocIDError as e: msg = e.message + "\doc_id = %s\n" % info_dict['doc_id'] if raise_on_bad_id: raise DocIDError(msg) else: msg = "WARNING: " + msg sys.stderr.write(msg) return tok_sstr