Meta-Features are classes that extend Datasource and implement common operations on other Datasource.
These meta-datasources operate on revscoring.Datasource‘s that return dict‘s
Generates a set of dict keys
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Generates a list of dict values
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These meta-datasources operate on revscoring.Datasource‘s that return str‘s or list ( str ) and extract information from them.
Generates a list of strings that match any of a set of privided regexes
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These meta-datasources operate on revscoring.Datasource‘s that return list‘s and produce sub-lists.
Generates a filtered list of items
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Generates a filtered list of items
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Generates a filtered list of positive numbers from a list of numbers.
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Generates a filtered list of negative numbers from a list of numbers.
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These meta-datasources operate on revscoring.Datasource‘s that return list‘s of items and produce frequency tables.
Generates a frequency table for a list of items generated by another datasource.
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Generates a frequency table diff by comparing two frequency tables.
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Generates a proportional frequency table diff by comparing a frequency table diff with an old frequency table.
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These meta-datasources operate on revscoring.Datasource‘s that return list‘s and apply a specific function to each item.
Returns a revscoring.Datasource that applies a function over a set of items generated by another datasource.
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Returns a revscoring.Datasource that lower cases a list of str returned by another datasource.
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Returns a revscoring.Datasource that converts a list of numeric values into a list of absolute numeric values.
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