Source code for revscoring.scorer_models.statistics

A collection of statistics generators that can be applied to

.. autoclass:: roc

.. autoclass:: pr

.. autoclass:: recall_at_fpr

.. autoclass:: filter_rate_at_recall

Abstract classes
.. autoclass:: revscoring.scorer_models.statistics.TestStatistic

.. autoclass:: revscoring.scorer_models.statistics.ClassStatistic
import io
import json
import re

from sklearn.metrics import (auc, average_precision_score,
                             precision_recall_curve, recall_score, roc_curve)
from tabulate import tabulate

from .util import round_or_none

# TODO: This regex fails when commas are used for anything but delimiting
KWARG_STR_RE = re.compile(r"\s*([a-z_][a-z_0-9]*)" +  # 1/1 keyword
                          r"\s*=\s*" +
                          r"([^,\)]+)\s*" +  # 2/2 value
                          r"(,\s*)?")  # 3/3 comma separated

STAT_STR_RE = re.compile(r"\s*([a-z_][a-z_0-9]*)" +  # 1/1 statistic
                         r"(\s*\(" +  # 2 parameters
                            "(" + KWARG_STR_RE.pattern + r")+" +  # 3
                         r"\))?\s*")  # 2 parameters

[docs]class TestStatistic: """ Represents a test statistic. """ STATISTICS = {} def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs def score(self, scores, labels): raise NotImplementedError() def format(self, stats): raise NotImplementError() def __repr__(self): if len(self.kwargs) > 0: args = "({0})".format(", ".join(k + "=" + repr(v) for k, v in self.kwargs.items())) else: args = "" return "{0}{1}".format(self.__class__.__name__, args) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def hash(self): return hash(self.__str__()) @classmethod def from_stat_str(cls, param_str): stat_match = STAT_STR_RE.match(param_str) if not stat_match: raise ValueError("Malformated statistic string ") else: kwarg_str = or "" class_name = if class_name not in cls.STATISTICS: raise ValueError("Statistic '{0}' not available" .format(class_name)) kwargs = {} for kwarg_match in KWARG_STR_RE.finditer(kwarg_str): name = value = json.loads( kwargs[name] = value return cls.STATISTICS[class_name](**kwargs) @classmethod def register(cls, name, Statistic): cls.STATISTICS[name] = Statistic
[docs]class ClassStatistic(TestStatistic): """ Represents a test statistic for classifier models. """ def score(self, scores, labels): if len(set(labels)) <= 2: # Binary classification, class choice doesn't matter. comparison_label = max(labels) return self._single_class_stat(scores, labels, comparison_label) else: score = {} for comparison_label in set(labels): score[comparison_label] = \ self._single_class_stat(scores, labels, comparison_label) return score
[docs]class recall_at_fpr(ClassStatistic): """ Constructs a statistics generator that measures the maximum recall that can be achieved at maximum false-positive rate. As a classifier gets better, the attainable recall at low false-positive rates should increase. When applied to a test set, the `score()` method will return a dictionary with three fields: * threshold: The probability threshold where recall was maximized * recall: The recall at `threshold` * fpr: The false-positive rate at `threshold` :Parameters: max_fpr : `float` Maximum false-positive rate that will be tolerated """ def __init__(self, max_fpr): self.max_fpr = max_fpr super().__init__(max_fpr=max_fpr) def _single_class_stat(self, scores, labels, comparison_label): y_proba = [s['probability'][comparison_label] for s in scores] y_true = [label == comparison_label for label in labels] probas = set(y_proba) proba_recall_fprs = [ (proba, recall_score(y_true, [p >= proba for p in y_proba]), fpr_score(y_true, [p >= proba for p in y_proba])) for proba in probas ] filtered = [(proba, recall, fpr) for proba, recall, fpr in proba_recall_fprs if fpr <= self.max_fpr] if len(filtered) == 0: return { 'threshold': None, 'recall': None, 'fpr': None } else: filtered.sort(key=lambda v: v[1], reverse=True) return dict(zip(['threshold', 'recall', 'fpr'], filtered[0])) def format(self, stats): formatted = io.StringIO() if 'threshold' in stats and 'fpr' in stats: # Single class formatted.write("Recall @ {0} false-positive rate: " .format(self.max_fpr)) formatted.write("threshold={0}, recall={1}, fpr={2}" .format(round_or_none(stats['threshold'], 3), round_or_none(stats['recall'], 3), round_or_none(stats['fpr'], 3))) else: # multiple classes formatted.write("Recall @ {0} false-positive rate:\n" .format(self.max_fpr)) table_data = [(label, round_or_none(stats[label]['threshold'], 3), round_or_none(stats[label]['recall'], 3), round_or_none(stats[label]['fpr'], 3)) for label in stats] formatted.write(tabulate(table_data, headers=["label", "threshold", "recall", "fpr"])) return formatted.getvalue()
TestStatistic.register("recall_at_fpr", recall_at_fpr) def recall_at_fpr_score(y_true, y_proba, max_fpr): scorer = recall_at_fpr(max_fpr) threshold, recall, fpr = scorer.score(y_true, y_proba) return recall def fpr_score(y_true, y_pred): true_preds = sum(y_pred) or 1 return sum(yp and not yt for yt, yp in zip(y_true, y_pred)) / true_preds
[docs]class filter_rate_at_recall(ClassStatistic): """ Constructs a statistics generator that measures the maximum filter rate that can be achieved at minum recalle. As a classifier gets better, the attainable filter rate at high recall values should go up. When applied to a test set, the `score()` method will return a dictionary with three fields: * threshold: The probability threshold where filter rate was maximized * filter_rate: The filter rate at `threshold` * recall: The recall at `threshold` :Parameters: min_recall : `float` The minimum recall proportion that will be tolerated """ def __init__(self, min_recall): self.min_recall = min_recall super().__init__(min_recall=min_recall) def _single_class_stat(self, scores, labels, comparison_label): y_proba = [s['probability'][comparison_label] for s in scores] y_true = [label == comparison_label for label in labels] probas = set(y_proba) proba_rate_recalls = [ (proba, filter_rate_score([p >= proba for p in y_proba]), recall_score(y_true, [p >= proba for p in y_proba])) for proba in probas ] filtered = [(proba, filter_rate, recall) for proba, filter_rate, recall in proba_rate_recalls if recall >= self.min_recall] if len(filtered) == 0: return { 'threshold': None, 'filter_rate': None, 'recall': None } else: filtered.sort(key=lambda v: v[1], reverse=True) return dict(zip(['threshold', 'filter_rate', 'recall'], filtered[0])) def format(self, stats): formatted = io.StringIO() if 'threshold' in stats and 'filter_rate' in stats: # Single class formatted.write("Filter rate @ {0} recall: " .format(self.min_recall)) formatted.write("threshold={0}, filter_rate={1}, recall={2}" .format(round_or_none(stats['threshold'], 3), round_or_none(stats['filter_rate'], 3), round_or_none(stats['recall'], 3))) else: # multiple classes formatted.write("Filter rate @ {0} recall:\n" .format(self.min_recall)) table_data = [(label, round_or_none(stats[label]['threshold'], 3), round_or_none(stats[label]['filter_rate'], 3), round_or_none(stats[label]['recall'], 3)) for label in stats] formatted.write(tabulate(table_data, headers=["label", "threshold", "filter_rate", "recall"])) return formatted.getvalue()
TestStatistic.register("filter_rate_at_recall", filter_rate_at_recall) def filter_rate_at_recall_score(y_true, y_proba, min_recall): threshold, filter_rate, recall = recall_at_fpr(y_true, y_proba, min_recall) return filter_rate def filter_rate_score(y_pred): return 1 - (sum(y_pred) / len(y_pred))
[docs]class roc(ClassStatistic): """ Constructs a reciever operating characteristic statistics generator. See When applied to a test set, the `score()` method will return a dictionary with four fields: * auc: the area under the ROC curve * fprs: a list of false-positive rates * tprs: a list of true-positive rates * thresholds: a list of probability thresholds """ @classmethod def _single_class_stat(cls, scores, labels, comparison_label): y_proba = [s['probability'][comparison_label] for s in scores] y_true = [l == comparison_label for l in labels] fprs, tprs, thresholds = roc_curve(y_true, y_proba) return { 'auc': auc(fprs, tprs), 'fprs': fprs, 'tprs': tprs, 'thresholds': thresholds } @classmethod def format(cls, stats): formatted = io.StringIO() if 'auc' in stats and 'thresholds' in stats: # Single class formatted.write("ROC-AUC: {0}".format(round(stats['auc'], 3))) else: # multiple classes formatted.write("ROC-AUC:\n") table_data = [(label, round(stats[label]['auc'], 3)) for label in stats] formatted.write(tabulate(table_data)) return formatted.getvalue()
TestStatistic.register("roc", roc)
[docs]class pr(ClassStatistic): """ Constructs a precision/recall statistics generator. See When applied to a test set, the `score()` method will return a dictionary with four fields: * auc: the area under the precision-recall curve * precisions: a list of precisions * recalls: a list of recalls * thresholds: a list of probability thresholds """ @classmethod def _single_class_stat(cls, scores, labels, comparison_label): y_proba = [s['probability'][comparison_label] for s in scores] y_true = [l == comparison_label for l in labels] precisions, recalls, thresholds = \ precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_proba) return { 'auc': average_precision_score(y_true, y_proba), 'precisions': precisions, 'recalls': recalls, 'thresholds': thresholds } @classmethod def format(cls, stats): formatted = io.StringIO() if 'auc' in stats and 'thresholds' in stats: # Single class formatted.write("PR-AUC: {0}".format(round(stats['auc'], 3))) else: # multiple classes formatted.write("PR-AUC:\n") table_data = [(label, round(stats[label]['auc'], 3)) for label in stats] formatted.write(tabulate(table_data)) return formatted.getvalue()
TestStatistic.register("pr", pr)

Revision Scoring
