from .features import Dictionary, RegexMatches, Stemmed, Stopwords
name = "portuguese"
import enchant
dictionary = enchant.Dict("pt")
except enchant.errors.DictNotFoundError:
raise ImportError("No enchant-compatible dictionary found for 'pt'. " +
"Consider installing 'myspell-pt'.")
dictionary = Dictionary(name + ".dictionary", dictionary.check)
:class:`~revscoring.languages.features.Dictionary` features via
:class:`enchant.Dict` "pt". Provided by `myspell-pt`
from nltk.corpus import stopwords as nltk_stopwords
stopwords = set(nltk_stopwords.words('portuguese'))
except LookupError:
raise ImportError("Could not load stopwords for {0}. ".format(__name__) +
"You may need to install the nltk 'stopwords' " +
"corpora. See")
stopwords = Stopwords(name + ".stopwords", stopwords)
:class:`~revscoring.languages.features.Stopwords` features provided by
:func:`nltk.corpus.stopwords` "portuguese"
from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer
stemmer = SnowballStemmer("portuguese")
except ValueError:
raise ImportError("Could not load stemmer for {0}. ".format(__name__))
stemmed = Stemmed(name + ".stemmed", stemmer.stem)
:class:`~revscoring.languages.features.Stemmed` word features via
:class:`nltk.stem.snowball.SnowballStemmer` "portuguese"
badword_regexes = [
r"baba[ckq](as?|ão|ões|u?i[cçs]s?e)", # douchebag
r"bi(ch|x)as?", # gay man
r"boio(l[ai](tico)?|l[aã]o|lo(go|[gj]i[sx]ta))s?", # gay man
r"bo(qu|k)etes?", # blowjob
r"bo[sx]t(ao?s?|alhao?)", # shit
r"b[uo]s?[cçs]s?et+(a[os]?|inha)?", # pussy (vagina)
r"bu[mn]d((inh)?as?|[ãa]o)", # ass
r"b[uo]rr[oaei](ce|[ius])?", # donkey/jackass
r"[ck]a[csç]s?ete?s?", # bludgeon
# shit
r"[ck]ara(l?hl?([ou]?s?|ao|inh[ou]s?)|i([ou]s?)?)", # fuck
r"(ch|x)at[ao]s?", # boring
r"(ch|x)up[aeiou]([dv]a|te|nha|ndo|r|u)?", # blow me
r"[ck]o[ck]ô", # poo
r"[ck]om(er?|i)", # fucked
r"[ck]onas?", # cunt
r"[ck]uz([aã]o|inho)", # asshole
r"doid(inh)?[ao]s?", # crazy
r"fed?(id?[ao]|e|orent[ao])s?", # stinks/stinky
r"fei[ao]s?", # ugly
r"fendi", # ???
r"f[ou]d(a[os]?|e[ru]?|idos?)", # fuck
r"go[sx]tos([ao]s?|ão|ões|onas?)", # hot
r"idiot(a|i[cçs]s?e)s?", # idiot
r"lo(k[oa]s?|u[ck]([oa]s?|ura|a(mente)?))", # crazy
r"maconheir[ao]s?", # bothead
r"m[áa]fia", # mafia
r"maldizentes", # slanderers
r"mecos", # cum ???
r"mentir(a|os[oa])s?", # lie/liar
r"merd(a|[ãa]o|oso|ica)s?", # shit
r"noob", # noob
r"ot[áa]ri[oa]s?", # sucker
r"pari[ou]", # part of "puta que o pariu"
r"pategos", # hick / yokel
r"pau", # dick
r"peid([ao]|[ãa]o|ei|ar(ia)?|ando|aç[oa])s?", # fart
r"p[êe]nis+", # penis
r"pilas?", # dick
r"piroca", # dick
r"porcaria", r"porn[ôo]?", # filth/porn
r"po(rr|h)a", # cum
r"pum", # fart
r"punhet(a|eir[oa])s?", # jack off / masturbate
r"put([ao]|[ao]na|aria|eiro|inha)s?", # bitch/hooker
r"safad([ao]|ona)s?", # shameless
r"te[sz]ão", r"te[sz]ud[oa]s?", # turn-on / horny
r"tran[sz]([aá](r(am)?|n?do)?|ou)", # sex
r"tretas?", # bullshit
r"vadi([ao]s?|agem)", # bitch
r"viad(agem?|[aã]?o|inh[ou])s?", # gay person ("fucker")
r"xixi" # pee
badwords = RegexMatches(name + ".badwords", badword_regexes)
:class:`~revscoring.languages.features.RegexMatches` features via a list of
badword detecting regexes.
informal_regexes = [
r"adoro", # love
r"aki", # here
r"amo", # master
r"(b+l+a+h*)+", # bla, blah, bbblllaaaahhhhhblah
r"carambas?", # OMG
r"coco", # coconut
r"copie[im]", # I copied
r"delicia", # delicious
r"editei", # edited
r"enfiar?", # to stick (up one's ass)
r"entao", # then
r"estrag(ar|uem)", # spoiled / ruined
r"fixe", # cool
r"gajo", # dude
r"h[aiou](h[aeiou])*", r"h[e](h[aeiou])+", # hi, ha, hehe, hohoho
r"k+", # k, kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
r"lindo", # pretty
r"l+([uo]+l+)+", # lol, LOLOLOL, LLLLoOOoLLL
r"mae", # mom
r"mto", # very
r"naum", # no (slang)
r"n[óo]is", # it's us (slang)
r"odeio", # hate
r"oi+", # hi
r"ol[aá]", # hello
r"ratas?", # "rat" -- a snitch
r"(rs)+", # lol
r"tava", # was / were (slang)
r"tbm", # also (slang)
r"vao", # vain
r"vcs", r"voce", r"voces", # you
r"xau" # bye
informals = RegexMatches(name + ".informals", informal_regexes)
:class:`~revscoring.languages.features.RegexMatches` features via a list of
informal word detecting regexes.