Source code for ucam_webauth.flask_glue

# Copyright 2013 Daniel Richman
# This file is part of python-raven
# python-raven is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# python-raven is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with python-raven.  If not, see <>.

"""This module provides glue to make using python-raven with Flask easy"""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import sys
import os
import base64
import logging
import functools

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    from urllib.parse import unquote_plus
    from urllib import unquote_plus

from calendar import timegm
from time import time as time_float
time = lambda: int(time_float())

from flask import request, session, redirect, abort

logger = logging.getLogger("ucam_webauth.flask_glue")

[docs]class AuthDecorator(object): """ An instance of this class decorates views to add authentication. To use it, you'll need to subclass it and set response_class, request_class and logout_url (see :class:`raven.flask_glue.AuthDecorator`). Then:: auth_decorator = AuthDecorator() # settings, e.g., desc="..." go here @app.route("/some_url") @auth_decorator def my_view(): return "You are " + auth_decorator.principal Or to require users be authenticated for all views:: app.before_request(auth_decorator.before_request) Note that since it uses flask.session, you'll need to set :attr:`app.secret_key`. We need to be able to reliably determine the hostname of the current website. This is retrieved from :attr:`flask.Request.url`. By default, Werkzeug will respect the value of a ``X-Forwarded-Host`` header, which means that a man-in-the-middle can have someone authenticate to *their* website, and forward the response from the WLS on to you. You must either set :attr:`flask.Request.trusted_hosts`, for example like so:: class R(flask.Request): trusted_hosts = {''} app.request_class = R ... or sanitise both the `Host` header *and* the `X-Forwarded-Host` header in your web-server. If you choose the second option, set `can_trust_request_host`. This tries to emulate the feel of applying mod_ucam_webauth to a file. The decorator wraps the view in a function that calls :meth:`before_request` first, calling the original view function if it does not return a redirect or abort. You may wish to catch the 401 and 403 aborts with :attr:`app.errorhandler`. The :attr:`principal`, their :attr:`ptags`, the :attr:`issue` and :attr:`life` from the WLS are available as attributes of the :class:`AuthDecorator` object (magic properties that retrieve the current values from ``flask.session``). Further, the attributes :attr:`expires` and :attr:`expires_all` give information on when the ucam_webauth session will expire. For the `desc`, `aauth`, `iact`, `msg` parameters, see :class:`ucam_webauth.Request`. Note that the `max_life`, `use_wls_life` and `inactive_timeout` parameters deal with the ucam_webauth session `only`; they only affect ``flask.session["_ucam_webauth"]``. Flask's session expiry, cookie lifetimes, etc. are independent. :type max_life: :class:`int` (seconds) or ``None`` :param max_life: upper bound on how long a successful authentication can last before it expires and the user must reauthenticate :type use_wls_life: :class:`bool` :param use_wls_life: should we lower the life of the session to the life reported by the WLS, if it is less than `max_life`? :type inactive_timeout: :class:`int` (seconds) or ``None`` :param inactive_timeout: expire the session if no request is processed via this decorator in `inactive_timeout` seconds :type issue_bounds: :class:`tuple`: (:class:`int`, :class:`int`) (seconds) :param issue_bounds: a tuple, (lower, upper) - how close the `issue` (datetime that the WLS says the authentication happened at) must be to `now` (i.e., require ``now - lower < issue < now + upper``; this is a combination of two settings found in mod_ucam_webauth: `clock skew` and `response timeout`, ``issue_bounds=(clock_skew + response_timeout, clock_skew)`` is equivalent) :type require_principal: :class:`set` of :class:`str`, or ``None`` :param require_principal: require the principal to be in the set :type require_ptags: :class:`set` of :class:`str`, or ``None`` :param require_ptags: require the ptags to contain `any` string in `require_ptags` (i.e., non empty intersection) :type can_trust_request_host: :class:`bool` :param can_trust_request_host: Can we trust the hostname in ``request.url``? (see :ref:`checking-response-values`) More complex customisation is possible: * override :meth:`check_authorised` to do more complex checking than `require_principal`, `require_ptags` (note that this replaces checking `require_principal`, `require_ptags`) * override :meth:`session_new` The :class:`AuthDecorator` only touches ``flask.session["_ucam_webauth"]``. If you've saved other (important) things to the session object, you may want to clear them out when the state changes. You can do this by subclassing and overriding session_new. It is called whenever a response is received from the WLS, except if the response is a successful re-authentication after session expiry, with the same `principal` and `ptags` as before. To log the user out, call :meth:`logout`, which will clear the session state. Further, :meth:`logout` returns a :meth:`flask.redirect` to the Raven logout page. Be aware that the default flask session handlers are susceptible to replay attacks. POST requests: Since it will redirect to the WLS and back, the auth decorator will discard any POST data in the process. You may wish to either work around this (by subclassing and saving it somewhere before redirecting) or ensure that when it returns (with a GET request) to the URL, a sensible page is displayed (the form, or an error message). .. automethod:: __call__ """ request_class = None response_class = None logout_url = None def __init__(self, desc=None, aauth=None, iact=None, msg=None, max_life=7200, use_wls_life=False, inactive_timeout=None, issue_bounds=(15,5), require_principal=None, require_ptags=frozenset(["current"]), can_trust_request_host=False): self.desc = desc self.aauth = aauth self.iact = iact self.msg = msg self.max_life = max_life self.use_wls_life = use_wls_life self.inactive_timeout = inactive_timeout self.issue_bounds = issue_bounds self.require_principal = require_principal self.require_ptags = require_ptags self.can_trust_request_host = can_trust_request_host
[docs] def __call__(self, view_function): """ Wraps `view_function` with the auth decorator (:class:`AuthDecorator` objects are callable so that they can be used as function decorators.) Calling it returns a 'wrapper' view function that calls :meth:`request` first. """ def wrapper(**view_args): r = self.before_request() if r is not None: return r return view_function(**view_args) functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, view_function) return wrapper
@property def _state(self): return session.get("_ucam_webauth", {}).get("state", {}) @_state.setter def _state(self, new): if "_ucam_webauth" not in session: session["_ucam_webauth"] = {} session["_ucam_webauth"]["state"] = new @_state.deleter def _state(self): if "_ucam_webauth" in session: d = session["_ucam_webauth"] if "state" in d: del d["state"] @property def _params_token(self): return session.get("_ucam_webauth", {}).get("params_token", None) @_params_token.setter def _params_token(self, new): if "_ucam_webauth" not in session: session["_ucam_webauth"] = {} session["_ucam_webauth"]["params_token"] = new @property
[docs] def principal(self): """The current principal, or ``None``""" return self._state.get("principal")
[docs] def ptags(self): """The current ptags, or ``None``""" ptags = self._state.get("ptags") if ptags is not None: ptags = frozenset(ptags) return ptags
[docs] def issue(self): """ When the last WLS response was issued `issue` is converted to a unix timestamp (:class:`int`), rather than the :class:`datetime` object used by :class:`ucam_webauth.Response`. (`issue` is ``None`` if there is no current session.) """ return self._state.get("issue")
[docs] def life(self): """life of the last WLS response (:class:`int` seconds), or ``None``""" return self._state.get("life")
[docs] def last(self): """Time (:class:`int` unix timestamp) of the last decorated request""" return self._state.get("last")
[docs] def expires(self): """When (:class:`int` unix timestamp) the current auth. will expire""" if "principal" not in self._state: return None expires = self._get_expires(self._state) if len(expires) == 0: return None else: return min(when for reason, when in expires)
[docs] def expires_all(self): """ A list of all things that could cause the current auth. to expire A list of (:class:`str`, :class:`int` unix timestamp) tuples; (`reason`, `when`). `reason` will be one of "config max life", "wls life" or "inactive". """ if "principal" not in self._state: return None return self._get_expires(self._state)
[docs] def logout(self): """Clear the auth., and return a redirect to the WLS' logout page""" session.modified = True del self._state return redirect(self.logout_url, code=303)
[docs] def before_request(self): """ The "main" method * checks if there is a response from the WLS * checks if the current URL matches that which the WLS said it redirected to (avoid an evil admin of another site replaying successful authentications) * checks if ``flask.session`` is empty - if so, then we deduce that the user has cookies disabled, and must abort immediately with 403 Forbidden, or we will start a redirect loop * checks if `params` matches the token we set (and saved in ``flask.session``) when redirecting to Raven * checks if the authentication method used is permitted by `aauth` and user-interaction respected `iact` - if not, abort with 400 Bad Request * updates the state with the response: updating the `principal`, `ptags` and `issue` information if it was a success, or clearing them (but setting a flag - see below: 401 Authentication Required will be thrown after redirect) if it was a failure * returns a redirect that removes ``WLS-Response`` from ``request.args`` * checks if the "response was an authentication failure" flag is set in ``flask.session`` - if so, clears the flag and aborts with 401 Authentication Required * checks to see if we are authenticated (and the session hasn't expired) * if not, returns a redirect that will sends the user to the WLS to authenticate * checks to see if the `principal` / `ptags` are permitted * if not, aborts with a 403 Forbidden * updates the 'last used' time in the state (to implement `inactive_timeout`) Returns ``None``, if the request should proceed to the actual view function. """ # we always modify the session. Changes to mutable objects (our # state dict) aren't automatically picked up session.modified = True if "WLS-Response" in request.args: if request.method != "GET": abort(405) if hasattr(request.args, "getlist") and \ len(request.args.getlist("WLS-Response")) != 1: abort(400) if "_ucam_webauth" not in session: # we set this before redirecting - so the user has cookies # disabled. avoid a redirect loop abort(403) r = self.response_class(request.args["WLS-Response"]) return self._handle_response(r) state = self._state if state.get("response_failure", False): del state["response_failure"] abort(401) if "principal" not in state:"unauthenticated: redirecting to WLS") return self._redirect_to_wls() ok, reason = self._check_expires(state) if not ok:"session expired (%s): redirecting to WLS", reason) return self._redirect_to_wls() if not self.check_authorised(state["principal"], frozenset(state["ptags"])):"not authorised: bad principal (%s) or ptags (%r)", state["principal"], state["ptags"]) abort(403) state["last"] = time() return None
def _handle_response(self, response): """ Deal with a response in the query string of this request * checks `url`, `iact`, `aauth` and `issue` * checks that the `params` token matches the one saved in ``flask.session`` * starts a new session if necessary (see :meth:`session_new`) * sets the 'auth failed' flag if necessary * redirects to remove ``WLS-Response`` from the url/query string """ url_without_response = self._check_url(response) if url_without_response is None: abort(400) token = self._params_token if token is None or response.params != token: logger.warning("params token mismatch: session=%s response=%s", token, response.params) abort(400) if response.success: if not response.check_iact_aauth(self.iact, self.aauth): logger.warning("response.check_iact failed: " "auth=%s sso=%s iact=%s aauth=%s", response.auth, response.sso, self.iact, self.aauth) abort(400) issue = timegm(response.issue.timetuple()) if not self._check_issue(issue): abort(400) if not self._is_new_session(response): logger.debug("new session") self.session_new() self._state = \ {"principal": response.principal, "ptags": list(response.ptags), "issue": issue, "life":, "last": time()} else: self._state = {"response_failure": True} return redirect(url_without_response, code=303) def _check_url(self, response): """ Check if the response from the WLS was intended for us Checks that the current requested url (``flask.request.url``) matches the URL in the WLS' response, which is equal to the URL specified in the request to the WLS and is the URL to which the client was redirected after authentication. """ if not self.can_trust_request_host and request.trusted_hosts is None: raise RuntimeError("Either set request.trusted_hosts, or sanitise " "Host/X-Forwarded-Host headers and pass " "can_trust_request_host = True") wls_response_url = response.url actual_url = request.url # See the docs (misc/Response URLs for Cancels) for comments on how # the WLS constructs the URL to which the user is redirected after a # request. # Essentially, it either appends (?|&)WLS-Response=... to the URL # in the request, or appends ?WLS-Response=... to the URL in the # request with the query part removed. start = max(actual_url.rfind("?WLS-Response="), actual_url.rfind("&WLS-Response=")) if start == -1: logger.warning("have args['WLS-Response'] but " "(?|&)WLS-Response not in request.url?") return None # check that nothing funny is going on (that the dumb parsing done # above is correct) response_start = start + len(".WLS-Response=") response_part = unquote_plus(actual_url[response_start:]) if response_part != request.args["WLS-Response"]: logger.debug("WLS-Response removal failed " "(removed: %r, request.args: %r)", response_part, request.args["WLS-Response"]) return None # chop off the WLS-Response actual_url = actual_url[:start] if response.ver == 1: expected_response_url, _, _ = wls_response_url.partition("?") else: expected_response_url = wls_response_url # finally check that they agree. if expected_response_url != actual_url: logger.debug("response.url did not match url visited " "(replay of WLS-Response to other website?) " "expected_response_url=%r actual_url=%r", expected_response_url, actual_url) return None return wls_response_url def _check_issue(self, issue): """Check that `issue` (from a response) is in an acceptable range""" now = time() lower = now - self.issue_bounds[0] upper = now + self.issue_bounds[1] result = lower <= issue <= upper if not result: logger.debug("response had bad issue: " "now=%s issue=%s lower=%s upper=%s", now, issue, lower, upper) return result def _is_new_session(self, response): """Is this a new session, or reauthentication (after expiry)?""" state = self._state if "principal" not in state: return False principal = state["principal"] ptags = frozenset(state["ptags"]) return response.principal == principal and response.ptags == ptags def _redirect_to_wls(self): """Create a request and return a redirect to the WLS""" if self._params_token is None: self._params_token = \ base64.b64encode(os.urandom(18)).decode("ascii") req = self.request_class(url=request.url, desc=self.desc, aauth=self.aauth, iact=self.iact, msg=self.msg, params=self._params_token) return redirect(str(req), code=303) def _get_expires(self, state): """Get a list of (reason, when) tuples describing expiration times""" expires = [] if self.max_life is not None: expires.append(("config max life", state["issue"] + self.max_life)) if self.use_wls_life and state["life"] is not None: expires.append(("wls life", state["issue"] + state["life"])) if self.inactive_timeout is not None: expires.append(("inactive", state["last"] + self.inactive_timeout)) return expires def _check_expires(self, state): """Check whether the current authentication has expired""" expires = self._get_expires(state) now = time() for reason, when in expires: if when < now: return False, reason else: return True, None
[docs] def check_authorised(self, principal, ptags): """ Check if an authenticated user is authorised. The default implementation requires the principal to be in the whitelist :attr:`require_principal` (if it is not ``None``, in which case any principal is allowed) and the intersection of :attr:`require_ptags` and `ptags` to be non-empty (unless :attr:`require_ptags` is ``None``, in which case any ptags (or no `ptags` at all) is permitted). Note that the default value of :attr:`require_ptags` in :class:`raven.flask_glue.AuthDecorator` is ``{"current"}``. """ if self.require_principal is not None: if principal not in self.require_principal: return False if self.require_ptags is not None: if self.require_ptags & ptags == set(): return False return True
[docs] def session_new(self): """ Called when a new user authenticates More specifically, when :attr:`principal` or :attr:`ptags` changes. """ pass