Source code for ucam_webauth

# Copyright 2013 Daniel Richman
# This file is part of python-raven
# python-raven is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# python-raven is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with python-raven.  If not, see <>.

The ucam_webauth module implements version 3 of the WAA to WLS protocol.

It is not set up to talk to a specific WAA (i.e., Raven), and subclassing
this modules' classes is required to make it functional (see :mod:`raven`).

The protocol is implemented as defined at
at the time of writing (though that URL may have since been replaced with a
newer version). A copy of wawa2wls-protocol.txt is included with python-raven,
and more information can be found at `<>`_.

.. glossary::

        A WAA is a "Web Application Agent"
        (i.e., an application using this module)

        The "Web Login Service" (i.e., Raven)

.. data:: ATYPE_PWD

    :class:`AuthenticationType` and :class:`Status` instances used as constants
    in requests and responses

    They compare equal with their corresponding integers (for status codes)
    and strings (for atypes).

.. data:: STATUS_CODES

    A dict mapping status.code (i.e., the integer status code) to the relevant
    status object


from __future__ import unicode_literals

__name__ = "ucam_webauth"
__version__ = "0.8.1"
__author__ = "Daniel Richman"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 Daniel Richman"
__email__ = ""
__license__ = "LGPL3"

import sys
import re
from datetime import datetime
from hashlib import sha1

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    from base64 import b64decode
    maketrans = bytes.maketrans
    from urllib.parse import unquote, urlencode
    from string import maketrans
    from urllib import unquote, urlencode
    import base64

    def b64decode(value, validate):
        result = base64.b64decode(value)
        if validate and base64.b64encode(result) != value:
            raise ValueError("Non-base64 digit found")
        return result

__all__ = ["Status", "STATUS_CODE_LIST", "STATUS_CODES",
           "AuthenticationType", "ATYPE_PWD", "Request", "Response"]

[docs]class AuthenticationType(object): """ An Authentication Type This class exists to create the :const:`ucam_webauth.AUTH_PWD` constant. .. attribute:: name the name by which Ucam-webauth knows it .. attribute:: description a sentence describing it Note that comparing an :class:`AuthenticationType` object with a :class:`str` (or another :class:`AuthenticationType` object) will compare the :attr:`name` attribute only. Further, ``str(atype) ==``. """ def __init__(self, name, description): = name self.description = description def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return "<ucam_webauth.AuthenticationType {0}>".format( def __hash__(self): return hash( def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, AuthenticationType): return == else: return == other def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
ATYPE_PWD = AuthenticationType("pwd", "Username and password")
[docs]class Status(object): """ A WLS response Status .. attribute:: code a (three digit) integer .. attribute:: name short name for the status .. attribute:: description description: a sentence describing the status Note that comparing a :class:`Status` object with an integer (or another :class:`Status` object) will compare the :attr:`code` attribute only. Further, `int(status_object) == status_object.code` """ def __init__(self, code, name, description): self.code = code = name self.description = description def __int__(self): return self.code def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return "<ucam_webauth.Status {0} {1}>".format(self.code, def __hash__(self): return hash(self.code) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Status): return self.code == other.code elif isinstance(other, int): return self.code == other else: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
STATUS_CODE_LIST = ( Status(200, "success", "Successful authentication."), Status(410, "cancelled", "The user cancelled the authentication request"), Status(510, "noatypes", "No mutually acceptable authentication types available"), Status(520, "unsupported_version", "Unsupported protocol version"), Status(530, "bad_request", "General request parameter error"), Status(540, "interaction_required", "Interaction would be required"), Status(560, "waa_not_authorised", "Interaction would be required"), Status(570, "authentication_declined", "The WLS declines to provide authentication services on this occasion") ) STATUS_CODES = {} for status_code in STATUS_CODE_LIST: STATUS_CODES[status_code.code] = status_code g_name = "STATUS_{0}".format( globals()[g_name] = status_code __all__.append(g_name) del status_code, g_name
[docs]class Request(object): """ A Request to the WLS :type url: :class:`str` :param url: a fully qualified URL; the user will be returned here (along with the Response as a query parameter) afterwards :type desc: :class:`str` :param desc: optional description of the resource/website (encoding - see below) :type aauth: :class:`set` of :class:`AuthenticationType` objects :param aauth: optional set of permissible authentication types; we require the user to use one of them (if empty, the WLS uses its default set) :type iact: ``True``, ``False`` or ``None`` :param iact: interaction required, forbidden or don't care (respectively) :type msg: :class:`str` :param msg: optional message explaining why authentication is required (encoding - see below) :type params: :class:`str` :param params: data, which is returned unaltered in the :class:`Response` :type fail: :class:`bool` :param fail: if True, and authentication fails, the WLS must show an error message and not redirect back to the WAA All parameters are available as attributes as of Request object, once created. .. attribute:: iact * :const:`True`: the user must re-authenticate * :const:`False`: no interaction with the user is permitted (the request will only succeed if the user's identity can be returned without interacting at all) * :const:`None` (default): interacts if required .. attribute:: msg desc The 'msg' and 'desc' parameters are restricted to printable ASCII characters (0x20 - 0x7e). The WLS will convert '<' and '>' to '&lt;' and '&gt;' before using either string in HTML, preventing the inclusion of markup. However, it does not touch '&', so HTML character and numeric entities may be used to represent other characters. If `encode_strings` is ``True``, ``&`` will be escaped to ``&amp;``, and non-ascii characters in `msg` and `desc` will be converted to their numeric entities. Otherwise, it is up to you to encode your strings. An error will be raised if `msg` or `desc` contain non-printable-ASCII characters. .. attribute:: params The ucam-webauth protocol does not specify any restrictions on the content of params. However, awful things may happen if you put arbitrary binary data in here. The Raven server appears to interpret non-ascii contents as latin-1, turn them into html entities in order to put them in a hidden HTML input element, then turn them back into (hopefully) the same binary data to be returned in the Response. As a result it outright rejects 'params' containing bytes below 0x20, and has the potential to go horribly wrong and land you in encoding hell. Basically, you probably want to base64 params before giving it to a Request object. .. method:: __str__(self) Evaluating ``str(request_object)`` gives a query string, excluding the ``?`` """ _printable_regexp = re.compile("^[\\x20-\\x7E]+$") def __init__(self, url, desc=None, aauth=None, iact=None, msg=None, params=None, fail=None, encode_strings=True): if not (iact is True or iact is False or iact is None): raise ValueError("iact should be True, False or None") if aauth == frozenset(): raise ValueError("aauth may not be the empty set") self.ver = 3 self.url = url self.desc = desc self.aauth = aauth self.iact = iact self.msg = msg self.params = params = fail # We encode now so that we can check the parameters are sane, # though the encoded versions aren't needed until __str__ if encode_strings: self._desc_encoded = self._encode_printable(desc) self._msg_encoded = self._encode_printable(msg) else: self._desc_encoded = desc self._msg_encoded = msg self._check_printable(self._desc_encoded, "desc") self._check_printable(self._msg_encoded, "msg")
[docs] def __str__(self): """Returns a query string, for this Request (excluding the '?')""" query_params = {"ver": self.ver, "url": self.url} if self._desc_encoded is not None: query_params["desc"] = self._desc_encoded if self.aauth: query_params["aauth"] = ','.join(str(a) for a in self.aauth) if self.iact is True: query_params["iact"] = "yes" elif self.iact is False: query_params["iact"] = "no" if self._msg_encoded is not None: query_params["msg"] = self._msg_encoded if self.params is not None: query_params["params"] = self.params if query_params["fail"] = "yes" return urlencode(query_params)
def __repr__(self): """Summarise the Request object""" return "<ucam_webauth.Request url={0!r}>".format(self.url) @classmethod def _encode_printable(cls, string): if string is None: return None # We don't need to worry about <>; but & does need to be escaped. string = string.replace("&", "&amp;") # Care around python2/python3 return string.encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace").decode("ascii") @classmethod def _check_printable(cls, string, parameter="String"): if string is None: return if not cls._printable_regexp.match(string): raise ValueError("{0} contains non-printable characters" .format(parameter))
[docs]class Response(object): """ A Response from the WLS Constructed by parsing `string`, the 'encoded response string' from the WLS. The Response class has the following attributes, which must be set by subclassing it (see :class:`raven.Response`): .. attribute:: old_version_ptags A :class:`set` of :class:`str` objects The ptags attribute is set to this value if the version of the response is less than 3 .. attribute:: keys A dict mapping key identifiers (`kid`) to a RSA public key (which must be an object with a ``verify(digest, signature)`` method that returns a :class:`bool`) A Response object has the following attributes: **Always present** .. attribute:: ver response protocol version (:class:`int`) .. attribute:: status response status (:class:`Status` constant) .. attribute:: msg a text message describing the status of the authentication request, suitable for display to the end-user (:class:`str`) .. attribute:: issue response creation time (:class:`datetime`, timezone naive - the values are UTC) .. attribute:: id an "identifier" for the response. (:class:`int`) The tuple (issue, id) is guaranteed to be unique .. attribute:: url the value of `url` supplied in the request, or equivalently, the URL to which this response was delivered (:class:`str`) .. attribute:: success shorthand for ``status == STATUS_SUCCESS`` (:class:`bool`) .. attribute:: params a copy of `params` from the request (:class:`str`) .. attribute:: signed whether the signature was present and has been verified (:class:`bool`) Note that a present but invalid signature will produce an exception when parsed. **Present if authentication was successful, otherwise ``None``:** .. attribute:: principal: the authenticated identity of the user (:class:`str`) .. attribute:: ptags attributes or properties of the principal (:class:`frozenset` of :class:`str` objects) .. attribute:: auth method of authentication used (:class:`AuthenticationType` constant, or ``None``) If authentication was not established by interaction (i.e., the client was already authenticated) then `auth` is ``None`` .. attribute:: sso previous successful authentication types used (:class:`frozenset` of :class:`AuthenticationType` constants) `sso` will not be the empty set if auth is ``None`` **Optional if authentication was successful, otherwise ``None``:** .. attribute:: life remaining life of the user's WLS session (:class:`int`, in seconds) **Required if signed is True:** .. attribute:: kid identifies the RSA key used to sign the request (:class:`str`) """ # Note that "ptags" is omitted in a version 1 response. _response_fields = ("ver", "status", "msg", "issue", "id", "url", "principal", "ptags", "auth", "sso", "life", "params", "kid", "sig") _b64_trans = maketrans(b"-._", b"+/=") old_version_ptags = frozenset() keys = {} def __init__(self, string): if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and \ isinstance(string, (bytes, bytearray)): # rfc3986: urls should be utf-8 string = string.decode('utf-8') values, self.digested_data = self._split_string(string) if len(values) != len(self._response_fields): raise ValueError("Incorrect number of values in response") for key, value in zip(self._response_fields, values): setattr(self, key, value) self._parse_base_types() self._fixup() self._verify() self._sanity_check() def __repr__(self): """Summarise the Response object""" extra = "" if self.success: if self.ptags: ptags = ", ".join(self.ptags) extra = " ({0})".format(ptags) s = "<ucam_webauth.Response success: {r.principal}{extra}>" else: s = "<ucam_webauth.Response failed: {r.status}>" return s.format(r=self, extra=extra) def _split_string(self, string): """ Split the response string into values Returns values, digested: a list of strings (the unparsed values) and the string that is hashed to calculate the signature """ values = string.split("!") assert self._response_fields[-2:] == ("kid", "sig") # urls should be utf-8, so this should recover the original data digested = '!'.join(values[:-2]).encode('utf-8') ver = int(values[0]) if ver == 1 or ver == 2: if len(values) != len(self._response_fields) - 1: raise ValueError("Incorrect number of values in response") values.insert(self._response_fields.index("ptags"), '') elif ver > 3: # Since we send ver=3 in the request, this shouldn't ever happen raise ValueError("Response version unsupported") return values, digested def _parse_base_types(self): """ Parse integers, decode strings, split lists Set empty values to None where appropriate (i.e., except params and lists. lists are set to None in _fixup). """ if len(self.status) != 3: raise ValueError("Invalid status") # integers self.ver = int(self.ver) self.status = int(self.status) # strings, required/optional checked in _sanity_check for key in ("id", "url", "msg", "principal", "auth", "kid"): if getattr(self, key) == '': setattr(self, key, None) else: setattr(self, key, self._decode_value(getattr(self, key))) # datetime self.issue = datetime.strptime(self.issue, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ") # comma_separated: ptags, sso, required/optional checked in _fixup for key in ("ptags", "sso"): if getattr(self, key) == '': setattr(self, key, frozenset()) else: encoded_strings = getattr(self, key).split(',') strings = frozenset(self._decode_value(s) for s in encoded_strings) setattr(self, key, strings) # optional integer, required empty checked in _sanity_check if == '': = None else: = int( # string, but keep empty as '' self.params = self._decode_value(self.params) # base64 variant, verified and required-checked in _verify if self.sig != '': self.sig = self._webauth_b64decode(self.sig) else: self.sig = None @classmethod def _decode_value(cls, encoded): """Unquote '!' and '%' in response field values""" # From waa2wls-protocol.txt: # If the characters '!' or '%' appear in any field value they MUST # be replaced by their %-encoded representation before concatenation. # Characters other than '!' and '%' MUST NOT be encoded at this stage. value = unquote(encoded) # We shouldn't decode any %xx sequences except those for '!' and '%' # (%xx sequences present in the value before encoding would have been # rendered inert by % -> %25) if value.replace("%", "%25").replace("!", "%21") != encoded: raise ValueError("The WLS encoded characters other than % and !") return value @classmethod def _webauth_b64decode(cls, string): """Decode Ucam-webauth's variant of base64""" # Need to lose the unicode for translate and b64decode string = string.encode("ascii") string = string.translate(cls._b64_trans) try: return b64decode(string, validate=True) except TypeError: # apparently raise ValueError("Invalid base64 (sig)") def _fixup(self): """ Miscellaneous parsing steps Replace status integer / authentication type strings with their module level constant objects. Set self.success Add default ptags for older versions, replace lists that are required by the protocol to be empty with None. """ if self.status in STATUS_CODES: self.status = STATUS_CODES[self.status] else: raise ValueError("Unrecognised status code {0}" .format(self.status)) self.success = (self.status == STATUS_SUCCESS) if self.auth is not None: self.auth = self._atype_obj(self.auth) if self.success: if self.ver < 3: self.ptags = self.old_version_ptags self.sso = frozenset(self._atype_obj(a) for a in self.sso) else: if self.ptags != set(): raise ValueError("Failed, yet ptags is not empty") self.ptags = None if self.sso != set(): raise ValueError("Failed, yet sso is not empty") self.sso = None @classmethod def _atype_obj(cls, auth): """Convert a string to an AuthenticationType constant""" if auth == "pwd": return ATYPE_PWD else: raise ValueError("Unrecognised authentication type {0}" .format(auth)) def _verify(self): """ Verify the signature in response, if present sets self.signed = True if successful; will raise ValueError if a successful response is not signed. """ if (self.sig is None) != (self.kid is None): raise ValueError("sig and kid must either both be present or " "both be empty") if self.sig is not None: if self.kid not in self.keys: raise ValueError("Unrecognised kid") key = self.keys[self.kid] self.digest = sha1(self.digested_data).digest() if not key.verify(self.digest, self.sig): raise ValueError("Signature invalid") self.signed = True else: self.signed = False if self.success and not self.signed: raise ValueError("Successful responses must be signed") def _sanity_check(self): """Miscellaneous sanity checks that are not included in parsing.""" for key in ("ver", "status", "issue", "id", "url"): if getattr(self, key) is None: raise ValueError("{0} is required".format(key)) if self.success: if self.principal is None: raise ValueError("Success, yet principal is empty") if self.auth is None and self.sso == set(): raise ValueError("Success, yet neither auth nor sso provided") else: for key in ("principal", "auth", "life"): if getattr(self, key) is not None: raise ValueError("Failed, yet {0} is not empty" .format(key))
[docs] def check_iact_aauth(self, iact, aauth): """ Check that the WLS honoured `iact`, `aauth` This method checks that `self.auth`, `self.sso` are consistent with the `iact` and `aauth`, which should be the same as the values used to construct the :class:`Request`. """ if iact is True: # must have authenticated just now: if self.auth is None: return False # further, must have used one of the allowed methods if aauth is not None and self.auth not in aauth: return False return True elif iact is False: # shouldn't have just authenticated if self.auth is not None: return False # but should have used one of the previous auth methods if aauth is not None and aauth & self.sso == set(): return False return True else: # must have authenticated somehow at some point # (self.auth is not None or self.sso != set() is checked in # _sanity_check) # ... using an allowed method return aauth is None or \ self.auth in aauth or \ aauth & self.sso != set()