Source code for qwt.plot_renderer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the terms of the Qwt License
# Copyright (c) 2002 Uwe Rathmann, for the original C++ code
# Copyright (c) 2015 Pierre Raybaut, for the Python translation/optimization
# (see LICENSE file for more details)


.. autoclass:: QwtPlotRenderer

from __future__ import division

from qwt.painter import QwtPainter
from qwt.plot import QwtPlot
from qwt.plot_layout import QwtPlotLayout
from qwt.scale_draw import QwtScaleDraw
from qwt.scale_map import QwtScaleMap

from qwt.qt.QtGui import (QPrinter, QPainter, QImageWriter, QImage, QColor,
                          QPaintDevice, QTransform, QPalette, QFileDialog,
                          QPainterPath, QPen)
from qwt.qt.QtCore import Qt, QRect, QRectF, QObject, QSizeF
from qwt.qt.QtSvg import QSvgGenerator
from qwt.qt.compat import getsavefilename

import numpy as np
import os.path as osp

[docs]def qwtCanvasClip(canvas, canvasRect): """ The clip region is calculated in integers To avoid too much rounding errors better calculate it in target device resolution """ x1 = np.ceil(canvasRect.left()) x2 = np.floor(canvasRect.right()) y1 = np.ceil( y2 = np.floor(canvasRect.bottom()) r = QRect(x1, y1, x2-x1-1, y2-y1-1) return canvas.borderPath(r)
class QwtPlotRenderer_PrivateData(object): def __init__(self): self.discardFlags = QwtPlotRenderer.DiscardNone self.layoutFlags = QwtPlotRenderer.DefaultLayout
[docs]class QwtPlotRenderer(QObject): """ Renderer for exporting a plot to a document, a printer or anything else, that is supported by QPainter/QPaintDevice Discard flags: * `QwtPlotRenderer.DiscardNone`: Render all components of the plot * `QwtPlotRenderer.DiscardBackground`: Don't render the background of the plot * `QwtPlotRenderer.DiscardTitle`: Don't render the title of the plot * `QwtPlotRenderer.DiscardLegend`: Don't render the legend of the plot * `QwtPlotRenderer.DiscardCanvasBackground`: Don't render the background of the canvas * `QwtPlotRenderer.DiscardFooter`: Don't render the footer of the plot * `QwtPlotRenderer.DiscardCanvasFrame`: Don't render the frame of the canvas .. note:: The `QwtPlotRenderer.DiscardCanvasFrame` flag has no effect when using style sheets, where the frame is part of the background Layout flags: * `QwtPlotRenderer.DefaultLayout`: Use the default layout as on screen * `QwtPlotRenderer.FrameWithScales`: Instead of the scales a box is painted around the plot canvas, where the scale ticks are aligned to. """ # enum DiscardFlag DiscardNone = 0x00 DiscardBackground = 0x01 DiscardTitle = 0x02 DiscardLegend = 0x04 DiscardCanvasBackground = 0x08 DiscardFooter = 0x10 DiscardCanvasFrame = 0x20 # enum LayoutFlag DefaultLayout = 0x00 FrameWithScales = 0x01 def __init__(self, parent=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.__data = QwtPlotRenderer_PrivateData()
[docs] def setDiscardFlag(self, flag, on): """ Change a flag, indicating what to discard from rendering :param int flag: Flag to change :param bool on: On/Off .. seealso:: :py:meth:`testDiscardFlag()`, :py:meth:`setDiscardFlags()`, :py:meth:`discardFlags()` """ if on: self.__data.discardFlags |= flag else: self.__data.discardFlags &= ~flag
[docs] def testDiscardFlag(self, flag): """ :param int flag: Flag to be tested :return: True, if flag is enabled. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setDiscardFlag()`, :py:meth:`setDiscardFlags()`, :py:meth:`discardFlags()` """ return self.__data.discardFlags & flag
[docs] def setDiscardFlags(self, flags): """ Set the flags, indicating what to discard from rendering :param int flags: Flags .. seealso:: :py:meth:`testDiscardFlag()`, :py:meth:`setDiscardFlag()`, :py:meth:`discardFlags()` """ self.__data.discardFlags = flags
[docs] def discardFlags(self): """ :return: Flags, indicating what to discard from rendering .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setDiscardFlag()`, :py:meth:`setDiscardFlags()`, :py:meth:`testDiscardFlag()` """ return self.__data.discardFlags
[docs] def setLayoutFlag(self, flag, on): """ Change a layout flag :param int flag: Flag to change .. seealso:: :py:meth:`testLayoutFlag()`, :py:meth:`setLayoutFlags()`, :py:meth:`layoutFlags()` """ if on: self.__data.layoutFlags |= flag else: self.__data.layoutFlags &= ~flag
[docs] def testLayoutFlag(self, flag): """ :param int flag: Flag to be tested :return: True, if flag is enabled. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setLayoutFlag()`, :py:meth:`setLayoutFlags()`, :py:meth:`layoutFlags()` """ return self.__data.layoutFlags & flag
[docs] def setLayoutFlags(self, flags): """ Set the layout flags :param int flags: Flags .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setLayoutFlag()`, :py:meth:`testLayoutFlag()`, :py:meth:`layoutFlags()` """ self.__data.layoutFlags = flags
[docs] def layoutFlags(self): """ :return: Layout flags .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setLayoutFlags()`, :py:meth:`setLayoutFlag()`, :py:meth:`testLayoutFlag()` """ return self.__data.layoutFlags
[docs] def renderDocument(self, plot, filename, sizeMM=(300, 200), resolution=85, format_=None): """ Render a plot to a file The format of the document will be auto-detected from the suffix of the file name. :param qwt.plot.QwtPlot plot: Plot widget :param str fileName: Path of the file, where the document will be stored :param QSizeF sizeMM: Size for the document in millimeters :param int resolution: Resolution in dots per Inch (dpi) """ if isinstance(sizeMM, tuple): sizeMM = QSizeF(*sizeMM) if format_ is None: ext = osp.splitext(filename)[1] if not ext: raise TypeError("Unable to determine target format from filename") format_ = ext[1:] if plot is None or sizeMM.isEmpty() or resolution <= 0: return title = plot.title().text() if not title: title = "Plot Document" mmToInch = 1./25.4 size = sizeMM * mmToInch * resolution documentRect = QRectF(0.0, 0.0, size.width(), size.height()) fmt = format_.lower() if fmt in ("pdf", "ps"): printer = QPrinter() if fmt == "pdf": printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) else: printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PostScriptFormat) printer.setColorMode(QPrinter.Color) printer.setFullPage(True) printer.setPaperSize(sizeMM, QPrinter.Millimeter) printer.setDocName(title) printer.setOutputFileName(filename) printer.setResolution(resolution) painter = QPainter(printer) self.render(plot, painter, documentRect) painter.end() elif fmt == "svg": generator = QSvgGenerator() generator.setTitle(title) generator.setFileName(filename) generator.setResolution(resolution) generator.setViewBox(documentRect) painter = QPainter(generator) self.render(plot, painter, documentRect) painter.end() elif fmt in QImageWriter.supportedImageFormats(): imageRect = documentRect.toRect() dotsPerMeter = int(round(resolution*mmToInch*1000.)) image = QImage(imageRect.size(), QImage.Format_ARGB32) image.setDotsPerMeterX(dotsPerMeter) image.setDotsPerMeterY(dotsPerMeter) image.fill(QColor(Qt.white).rgb()) painter = QPainter(image) self.render(plot, painter, imageRect) painter.end(), fmt) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported file format '%s'" % fmt)
[docs] def renderTo(self, plot, dest): """ Render a plot to a file Supported formats are: - pdf: Portable Document Format PDF - ps: Postcript - svg: Scalable Vector Graphics SVG - all image formats supported by Qt, see QImageWriter.supportedImageFormats() Scalable vector graphic formats like PDF or SVG are superior to raster graphics formats. :param qwt.plot.QwtPlot plot: Plot widget :param str fileName: Path of the file, where the document will be stored :param str format: Format for the document :param QSizeF sizeMM: Size for the document in millimeters. :param int resolution: Resolution in dots per Inch (dpi) .. seealso:: :py:meth:`renderTo()`, :py:meth:`render()`, :py:meth:`qwt.painter.QwtPainter.setRoundingAlignment()` """ if isinstance(dest, QPaintDevice): w = dest.width() h = dest.height() rect = QRectF(0, 0, w, h) elif isinstance(dest, QPrinter): w = dest.width() h = dest.height() rect = QRectF(0, 0, w, h) aspect = rect.width()/rect.height() if aspect < 1.: rect.setHeight(aspect*rect.width()) elif isinstance(dest, QSvgGenerator): rect = dest.viewBoxF() if rect.isEmpty(): rect.setRect(0, 0, dest.width(), dest.height()) if rect.isEmpty(): rect.setRect(0, 0, 800, 600) p = QPainter(dest) self.render(plot, p, rect)
[docs] def render(self, plot, painter, plotRect): """ Paint the contents of a QwtPlot instance into a given rectangle. :param qwt.plot.QwtPlot plot: Plot to be rendered :param QPainter painter: Painter :param str format: Format for the document :param QRectF plotRect: Bounding rectangle .. seealso:: :py:meth:`renderDocument()`, :py:meth:`renderTo()`, :py:meth:`qwt.painter.QwtPainter.setRoundingAlignment()` """ if painter == 0 or not painter.isActive() or not plotRect.isValid()\ or plot.size().isNull(): return if not self.__data.discardFlags & self.DiscardBackground: QwtPainter.drawBackground(painter, plotRect, plot) # The layout engine uses the same methods as they are used # by the Qt layout system. Therefore we need to calculate the # layout in screen coordinates and paint with a scaled painter. transform = QTransform() transform.scale(float(painter.device().logicalDpiX())/plot.logicalDpiX(), float(painter.device().logicalDpiY())/plot.logicalDpiY()) invtrans, _ok = transform.inverted() layoutRect = invtrans.mapRect(plotRect) if not (self.__data.discardFlags & self.DiscardBackground): left, top, right, bottom = plot.getContentsMargins() layoutRect.adjust(left, top, -right, -bottom) layout = plot.plotLayout() baseLineDists = [None]*QwtPlot.axisCnt canvasMargins = [None]*QwtPlot.axisCnt for axisId in range(QwtPlot.axisCnt): canvasMargins[axisId] = layout.canvasMargin(axisId) if self.__data.layoutFlags & self.FrameWithScales: scaleWidget = plot.axisWidget(axisId) if scaleWidget: baseLineDists[axisId] = scaleWidget.margin() scaleWidget.setMargin(0) if not plot.axisEnabled(axisId): left, right, top, bottom = 0, 0, 0, 0 # When we have a scale the frame is painted on # the position of the backbone - otherwise we # need to introduce a margin around the canvas if axisId == QwtPlot.yLeft: layoutRect.adjust(1, 0, 0, 0) elif axisId == QwtPlot.yRight: layoutRect.adjust(0, 0, -1, 0) elif axisId == QwtPlot.xTop: layoutRect.adjust(0, 1, 0, 0) elif axisId == QwtPlot.xBottom: layoutRect.adjust(0, 0, 0, -1) layoutRect.adjust(left, top, right, bottom) # Calculate the layout for the document. layoutOptions = QwtPlotLayout.IgnoreScrollbars if self.__data.layoutFlags & self.FrameWithScales or\ self.__data.discardFlags & self.DiscardCanvasFrame: layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout.IgnoreFrames if self.__data.discardFlags & self.DiscardLegend: layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout.IgnoreLegend if self.__data.discardFlags & self.DiscardTitle: layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout.IgnoreTitle if self.__data.discardFlags & self.DiscardFooter: layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout.IgnoreFooter layout.activate(plot, layoutRect, layoutOptions) maps = self.buildCanvasMaps(plot, layout.canvasRect()) if self.updateCanvasMargins(plot, layout.canvasRect(), maps): # recalculate maps and layout, when the margins # have been changed layout.activate(plot, layoutRect, layoutOptions) maps = self.buildCanvasMaps(plot, layout.canvasRect()) painter.setWorldTransform(transform, True) self.renderCanvas(plot, painter, layout.canvasRect(), maps) if (not self.__data.discardFlags & self.DiscardTitle) and\ plot.titleLabel().text(): self.renderTitle(plot, painter, layout.titleRect()) if (not self.__data.discardFlags & self.DiscardFooter) and\ plot.titleLabel().text(): self.renderFooter(plot, painter, layout.footerRect()) if (not self.__data.discardFlags & self.DiscardLegend) and\ plot.titleLabel().text(): self.renderLegend(plot, painter, layout.legendRect()) for axisId in range(QwtPlot.axisCnt): scaleWidget = plot.axisWidget(axisId) if scaleWidget: baseDist = scaleWidget.margin() startDist, endDist = scaleWidget.getBorderDistHint() self.renderScale(plot, painter, axisId, startDist, endDist, baseDist, layout.scaleRect(axisId)) painter.restore() for axisId in range(QwtPlot.axisCnt): if self.__data.layoutFlags & self.FrameWithScales: scaleWidget = plot.axisWidget(axisId) if scaleWidget: scaleWidget.setMargin(baseLineDists[axisId]) layout.setCanvasMargin(canvasMargins[axisId]) layout.invalidate()
[docs] def renderTitle(self, plot, painter, rect): """ Render the title into a given rectangle. :param qwt.plot.QwtPlot plot: Plot widget :param QPainter painter: Painter :param QRectF rect: Bounding rectangle """ painter.setFont(plot.titleLabel().font()) color = plot.titleLabel().palette().color(QPalette.Active, QPalette.Text) painter.setPen(color) plot.titleLabel().text().draw(painter, rect)
[docs] def renderFooter(self, plot, painter, rect): """ Render the footer into a given rectangle. :param qwt.plot.QwtPlot plot: Plot widget :param QPainter painter: Painter :param QRectF rect: Bounding rectangle """ painter.setFont(plot.footerLabel().font()) color = plot.footerLabel().palette().color(QPalette.Active, QPalette.Text) painter.setPen(color) plot.footerLabel().text().draw(painter, rect)
[docs] def renderLegend(self, plot, painter, rect): """ Render the legend into a given rectangle. :param qwt.plot.QwtPlot plot: Plot widget :param QPainter painter: Painter :param QRectF rect: Bounding rectangle """ if plot.legend(): fillBackground = not self.__data.discardFlags & self.DiscardBackground plot.legend().renderLegend(painter, rect, fillBackground)
[docs] def renderScale(self, plot, painter, axisId, startDist, endDist, baseDist, rect): """ Paint a scale into a given rectangle. Paint the scale into a given rectangle. :param qwt.plot.QwtPlot plot: Plot widget :param QPainter painter: Painter :param int axisId: Axis :param int startDist: Start border distance :param int endDist: End border distance :param int baseDist: Base distance :param QRectF rect: Bounding rectangle """ if not plot.axisEnabled(axisId): return scaleWidget = plot.axisWidget(axisId) if scaleWidget.isColorBarEnabled() and scaleWidget.colorBarWidth() > 0: scaleWidget.drawColorBar(painter, scaleWidget.colorBarRect(rect)) baseDist += scaleWidget.colorBarWidth() + scaleWidget.spacing() if axisId == QwtPlot.yLeft: x = rect.right() - 1.0 - baseDist y = rect.y() + startDist w = rect.height() - startDist - endDist align = QwtScaleDraw.LeftScale elif axisId == QwtPlot.yRight: x = rect.left() + baseDist y = rect.y() + startDist w = rect.height() - startDist - endDist align = QwtScaleDraw.RightScale elif axisId == QwtPlot.xTop: x = rect.left() + startDist y = rect.bottom() - 1.0 - baseDist w = rect.width() - startDist - endDist align = QwtScaleDraw.TopScale elif axisId == QwtPlot.xBottom: x = rect.left() + startDist y = + baseDist w = rect.width() - startDist - endDist align = QwtScaleDraw.BottomScale scaleWidget.drawTitle(painter, align, rect) painter.setFont(scaleWidget.font()) sd = scaleWidget.scaleDraw() sdPos = sd.pos() sdLength = sd.length() sd.move(x, y) sd.setLength(w) palette = scaleWidget.palette() palette.setCurrentColorGroup(QPalette.Active) sd.draw(painter, palette) sd.move(sdPos) sd.setLength(sdLength) painter.restore()
[docs] def renderCanvas(self, plot, painter, canvasRect, maps): """ Render the canvas into a given rectangle. :param qwt.plot.QwtPlot plot: Plot widget :param QPainter painter: Painter :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap maps: mapping between plot and paint device coordinates :param QRectF rect: Bounding rectangle """ canvas = plot.canvas() r = canvasRect.adjusted(0., 0., -1., 1.) if self.__data.layoutFlags & self.FrameWithScales: r.adjust(-1., -1., 1., 1.) painter.setPen(QPen( if not (self.__data.discardFlags & self.DiscardCanvasBackground): bgBrush = canvas.palette().brush(plot.backgroundRole()) painter.setBrush(bgBrush) QwtPainter.drawRect(painter, r) painter.restore() painter.setClipRect(canvasRect) plot.drawItems(painter, canvasRect, maps) painter.restore() elif canvas.testAttribute(Qt.WA_StyledBackground): clipPath = QPainterPath() if not self.__data.discardFlags & self.DiscardCanvasBackground: QwtPainter.drawBackground(painter, r, canvas) clipPath = qwtCanvasClip(canvas, canvasRect) painter.restore() if clipPath.isEmpty(): painter.setClipRect(canvasRect) else: painter.setClipPath(clipPath) plot.drawItems(painter, canvasRect, maps) painter.restore() else: clipPath = QPainterPath() frameWidth = 0 if not self.__data.discardFlags & self.DiscardCanvasFrame: frameWidth = canvas.frameWidth() clipPath = qwtCanvasClip(canvas, canvasRect) innerRect = canvasRect.adjusted(frameWidth, frameWidth, -frameWidth, -frameWidth) if clipPath.isEmpty(): painter.setClipRect(innerRect) else: painter.setClipPath(clipPath) if not self.__data.discardFlags & self.DiscardCanvasBackground: QwtPainter.drawBackground(painter, innerRect, canvas) plot.drawItems(painter, innerRect, maps) painter.restore() if frameWidth > 0: frameStyle = canvas.frameShadow() | canvas.frameShape() frameWidth = canvas.frameWidth() borderRadius = canvas.borderRadius() if borderRadius > 0.: QwtPainter.drawRoundedFrame(painter, canvasRect, r, r, canvas.palette(), frameWidth, frameStyle) else: midLineWidth = canvas.midLineWidth() QwtPainter.drawFrame(painter, canvasRect, canvas.palette(), canvas.foregroundRole(), frameWidth, midLineWidth, frameStyle) painter.restore()
[docs] def buildCanvasMaps(self, plot, canvasRect): """ Calculated the scale maps for rendering the canvas :param qwt.plot.QwtPlot plot: Plot widget :param QRectF canvasRect: Target rectangle :return: Calculated scale maps """ maps = [] for axisId in range(QwtPlot.axisCnt): map_ = QwtScaleMap() map_.setTransformation( plot.axisScaleEngine(axisId).transformation()) sd = plot.axisScaleDiv(axisId) map_.setScaleInterval(sd.lowerBound(), sd.upperBound()) if plot.axisEnabled(axisId): s = plot.axisWidget(axisId) scaleRect = plot.plotLayout().scaleRect(axisId) if axisId in (QwtPlot.xTop, QwtPlot.xBottom): from_ = scaleRect.left() + s.startBorderDist() to = scaleRect.right() - s.endBorderDist() else: from_ = scaleRect.bottom() - s.endBorderDist() to = + s.startBorderDist() else: margin = 0 if not plot.plotLayout().alignCanvasToScale(axisId): margin = plot.plotLayout().canvasMargin(axisId) if axisId in (QwtPlot.yLeft, QwtPlot.yRight): from_ = canvasRect.bottom() - margin to = + margin else: from_ = canvasRect.left() + margin to = canvasRect.right() - margin map_.setPaintInterval(from_, to) maps.append(map_) return maps
def updateCanvasMargins(self, plot, canvasRect, maps): margins = plot.getCanvasMarginsHint(maps, canvasRect) marginsChanged = False for axisId in range(QwtPlot.axisCnt): if margins[axisId] >= 0.: m = np.ceil(margins[axisId]) plot.plotLayout().setCanvasMargin(m, axisId) marginsChanged = True return marginsChanged
[docs] def exportTo(self, plot, documentname, sizeMM=None, resolution=85): """ Execute a file dialog and render the plot to the selected file :param qwt.plot.QwtPlot plot: Plot widget :param str documentName: Default document name :param QSizeF sizeMM: Size for the document in millimeters :param int resolution: Resolution in dots per Inch (dpi) :return: True, when exporting was successful .. seealso:: :py:meth:`renderDocument()` """ if plot is None: return if sizeMM is None: sizeMM = QSizeF(300, 200) filename = documentname imageFormats = QImageWriter.supportedImageFormats() filter_ = ["PDF documents (*.pdf)", "SVG documents (*.svg)", "Postscript documents (*.ps)"] if imageFormats: imageFilter = "Images" imageFilter += " (" for idx, fmt in enumerate(imageFormats): if idx > 0: imageFilter += " " imageFilter += "*."+str(fmt) imageFilter += ")" filter_ += [imageFilter] filename, _s = getsavefilename(plot, "Export File Name", filename, ";;".join(filter_), options=QFileDialog.DontConfirmOverwrite) if not filename: return False self.renderDocument(plot, filename, sizeMM, resolution) return True