# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the terms of the Qwt License
# Copyright (c) 2002 Uwe Rathmann, for the original C++ code
# Copyright (c) 2015 Pierre Raybaut, for the Python translation/optimization
# (see LICENSE file for more details)
.. autoclass:: QwtPlotGrid
from qwt.scale_div import QwtScaleDiv
from qwt.plot import QwtPlotItem
from qwt.text import QwtText
from qwt.painter import QwtPainter
from qwt.math import qwtFuzzyGreaterOrEqual, qwtFuzzyLessOrEqual
from qwt.qt.QtGui import QPen
from qwt.qt.QtCore import Qt
class QwtPlotGrid_PrivateData(object):
def __init__(self):
self.xEnabled = True
self.yEnabled = True
self.xMinEnabled = False
self.yMinEnabled = False
self.xScaleDiv = QwtScaleDiv()
self.yScaleDiv = QwtScaleDiv()
self.majorPen = QPen()
self.minorPen = QPen()
[docs]class QwtPlotGrid(QwtPlotItem):
A class which draws a coordinate grid
The `QwtPlotGrid` class can be used to draw a coordinate grid.
A coordinate grid consists of major and minor vertical
and horizontal grid lines. The locations of the grid lines
are determined by the X and Y scale divisions which can
be assigned with `setXDiv()` and `setYDiv()`.
The `draw()` member draws the grid within a bounding
def __init__(self):
QwtPlotItem.__init__(self, QwtText("Grid"))
self.__data = QwtPlotGrid_PrivateData()
self.setItemInterest(QwtPlotItem.ScaleInterest, True)
[docs] def rtti(self):
:return: Return `QwtPlotItem.Rtti_PlotGrid`
return QwtPlotItem.Rtti_PlotGrid
[docs] def enableX(self, on):
Enable or disable vertical grid lines
:param bool on: Enable (true) or disable
.. seealso::
if self.__data.xEnabled != on:
self.__data.xEnabled = on
[docs] def enableY(self, on):
Enable or disable horizontal grid lines
:param bool on: Enable (true) or disable
.. seealso::
if self.__data.yEnabled != on:
self.__data.yEnabled = on
[docs] def enableXMin(self, on):
Enable or disable minor vertical grid lines.
:param bool on: Enable (true) or disable
.. seealso::
if self.__data.xMinEnabled != on:
self.__data.xMinEnabled = on
[docs] def enableYMin(self, on):
Enable or disable minor horizontal grid lines.
:param bool on: Enable (true) or disable
.. seealso::
if self.__data.yMinEnabled != on:
self.__data.yMinEnabled = on
[docs] def setXDiv(self, scaleDiv):
Assign an x axis scale division
:param qwt.scale_div.QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv: Scale division
if self.__data.xScaleDiv != scaleDiv:
self.__data.xScaleDiv = scaleDiv
[docs] def setYDiv(self, scaleDiv):
Assign an y axis scale division
:param qwt.scale_div.QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv: Scale division
if self.__data.yScaleDiv != scaleDiv:
self.__data.yScaleDiv = scaleDiv
[docs] def setPen(self, *args):
Build and/or assign a pen for both major and minor grid lines
.. py:method:: setPen(color, width, style)
Build and assign a pen for both major and minor grid lines
In Qt5 the default pen width is 1.0 ( 0.0 in Qt4 ) what makes it
non cosmetic (see `QPen.isCosmetic()`). This method signature has
been introduced to hide this incompatibility.
:param QColor color: Pen color
:param float width: Pen width
:param Qt.PenStyle style: Pen style
.. py:method:: setPen(pen)
Assign a pen for both major and minor grid lines
:param QPen pen: New pen
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`pen()`, :py:meth:`brush()`
if len(args) == 3:
color, width, style = args
self.setPen(QPen(color, width, style))
elif len(args) == 1:
pen, = args
if self.__data.majorPen != pen or self.__data.minorPen != pen:
self.__data.majorPen = pen
self.__data.minorPen = pen
raise TypeError("%s().setPen() takes 1 or 3 argument(s) (%s given)"\
% (self.__class__.__name__, len(args)))
[docs] def setMajorPen(self, *args):
Build and/or assign a pen for both major grid lines
.. py:method:: setMajorPen(color, width, style)
Build and assign a pen for both major grid lines
In Qt5 the default pen width is 1.0 ( 0.0 in Qt4 ) what makes it
non cosmetic (see `QPen.isCosmetic()`). This method signature has
been introduced to hide this incompatibility.
:param QColor color: Pen color
:param float width: Pen width
:param Qt.PenStyle style: Pen style
.. py:method:: setMajorPen(pen)
Assign a pen for the major grid lines
:param QPen pen: New pen
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`majorPen()`, :py:meth:`setMinorPen()`,
:py:meth:`setPen()`, :py:meth:`pen()`, :py:meth:`brush()`
if len(args) == 3:
color, width, style = args
self.setMajorPen(QPen(color, width, style))
elif len(args) == 1:
pen, = args
if self.__data.majorPen != pen:
self.__data.majorPen = pen
raise TypeError("%s().setMajorPen() takes 1 or 3 argument(s) (%s "\
"given)" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(args)))
[docs] def setMinorPen(self, *args):
Build and/or assign a pen for both minor grid lines
.. py:method:: setMinorPen(color, width, style)
Build and assign a pen for both minor grid lines
In Qt5 the default pen width is 1.0 ( 0.0 in Qt4 ) what makes it
non cosmetic (see `QPen.isCosmetic()`). This method signature has
been introduced to hide this incompatibility.
:param QColor color: Pen color
:param float width: Pen width
:param Qt.PenStyle style: Pen style
.. py:method:: setMinorPen(pen)
Assign a pen for the minor grid lines
:param QPen pen: New pen
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`minorPen()`, :py:meth:`setMajorPen()`,
:py:meth:`setPen()`, :py:meth:`pen()`, :py:meth:`brush()`
if len(args) == 3:
color, width, style = args
self.setMinorPen(QPen(color, width, style))
elif len(args) == 1:
pen, = args
if self.__data.minorPen != pen:
self.__data.minorPen = pen
raise TypeError("%s().setMinorPen() takes 1 or 3 argument(s) (%s "\
"given)" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(args)))
[docs] def draw(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect):
Draw the grid
The grid is drawn into the bounding rectangle such that
grid lines begin and end at the rectangle's borders. The X and Y
maps are used to map the scale divisions into the drawing region
:param QPainter painter: Painter
:param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap xMap: X axis map
:param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap yMap: Y axis
:param QRectF canvasRect: Contents rectangle of the plot canvas
minorPen = QPen(self.__data.minorPen)
if self.__data.xEnabled and self.__data.xMinEnabled:
self.drawLines(painter, canvasRect, Qt.Vertical, xMap,
self.drawLines(painter, canvasRect, Qt.Vertical, xMap,
if self.__data.yEnabled and self.__data.yMinEnabled:
self.drawLines(painter, canvasRect, Qt.Horizontal, yMap,
self.drawLines(painter, canvasRect, Qt.Horizontal, yMap,
majorPen = QPen(self.__data.majorPen)
if self.__data.xEnabled:
self.drawLines(painter, canvasRect, Qt.Vertical, xMap,
if self.__data.yEnabled:
self.drawLines(painter, canvasRect, Qt.Horizontal, yMap,
def drawLines(self, painter, canvasRect, orientation, scaleMap, values):
x1 = canvasRect.left()
x2 = canvasRect.right()-1.
y1 = canvasRect.top()
y2 = canvasRect.bottom()-1.
doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
for val in values:
value = scaleMap.transform(val)
if doAlign:
value = round(value)
if orientation == Qt.Horizontal:
if qwtFuzzyGreaterOrEqual(value, y1) and\
qwtFuzzyLessOrEqual(value, y2):
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, value, x2, value)
if qwtFuzzyGreaterOrEqual(value, x1) and\
qwtFuzzyLessOrEqual(value, x2):
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, value, y1, value, y2)
[docs] def majorPen(self):
:return: the pen for the major grid lines
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`setMajorPen()`, :py:meth:`setMinorPen()`,
return self.__data.majorPen
[docs] def minorPen(self):
:return: the pen for the minor grid lines
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`setMinorPen()`, :py:meth:`setMajorPen()`,
return self.__data.minorPen
[docs] def xEnabled(self):
:return: True if vertical grid lines are enabled
.. seealso::
return self.__data.xEnabled
[docs] def yEnabled(self):
:return: True if horizontal grid lines are enabled
.. seealso::
return self.__data.yEnabled
[docs] def xMinEnabled(self):
:return: True if minor vertical grid lines are enabled
.. seealso::
return self.__data.xMinEnabled
[docs] def yMinEnabled(self):
:return: True if minor horizontal grid lines are enabled
.. seealso::
return self.__data.yMinEnabled
[docs] def xScaleDiv(self):
:return: the scale division of the x axis
return self.__data.xScaleDiv
[docs] def yScaleDiv(self):
:return: the scale division of the y axis
return self.__data.yScaleDiv
[docs] def updateScaleDiv(self, xScaleDiv, yScaleDiv):
Update the grid to changes of the axes scale division
:param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap xMap: Scale division of the x-axis
:param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap yMap: Scale division of the y-axis
.. seealso::