Source code for qwt.plot_canvas

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the terms of the Qwt License
# Copyright (c) 2002 Uwe Rathmann, for the original C++ code
# Copyright (c) 2015 Pierre Raybaut, for the Python translation/optimization
# (see LICENSE file for more details)


.. autoclass:: QwtPlotCanvas

from qwt.null_paintdevice import QwtNullPaintDevice
from qwt.painter import QwtPainter

from qwt.qt import PYQT5
from qwt.qt.QtGui import (QFrame, QPaintEngine, QPen, QBrush, QRegion, QImage,
                          QPainterPath, QPixmap, QGradient, QPainter, qAlpha,
                          QPolygonF, QStyleOption, QStyle, QStyleOptionFrame)
from qwt.qt.QtCore import Qt, QSizeF, QT_VERSION, QEvent, QPointF, QRectF

class Border(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.pathlist = []
        self.rectList = []
        self.clipRegion = QRegion()

class Background(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.path = QPainterPath()
        self.brush = QBrush()
        self.origin = QPointF()

class QwtStyleSheetRecorder(QwtNullPaintDevice):
    def __init__(self, size):
        super(QwtStyleSheetRecorder, self).__init__()
        self.__size = size
        self.__pen = QPen()
        self.__brush = QBrush()
        self.__origin = QPointF()
        self.clipRects = []
        self.border = Border()
        self.background = Background()
    def updateState(self, state):
        if state.state() & QPaintEngine.DirtyPen:
            self.__pen = state.pen()
        if state.state() & QPaintEngine.DirtyBrush:
            self.__brush = state.brush()
        if state.state() & QPaintEngine.DirtyBrushOrigin:
            self.__origin = state.brushOrigin()
    def drawRects(self, rects, count):
        for i in range(count):
            self.border.rectList += rects[i]
    def drawPath(self, path):
        rect = QRectF(QPointF(0., 0.), self.__size)
        if path.controlPointRect().contains(
            self.background.path = path
            self.background.brush = self.__brush
            self.background.origin = self.__origin
            self.border.pathlist += [path]
    def setCornerRects(self, path):
        pos = QPointF(0., 0.)
        for i in range(path.elementCount()):
            el = path.elementAt(i)
            if el.type in (QPainterPath.MoveToElement,
            elif el.type == QPainterPath.CurveToElement:
                r = QRectF(pos, QPointF(el.x, el.y))
                self.clipRects += [r.normalized()]
            elif el.type == QPainterPath.CurveToDataElement:
                if self.clipRects:
                    r = self.clipRects[-1]
                    r.setCoords(min([r.left(), el.x]),
                                min([, el.y]),
                                max([r.right(), el.x]),
                                max([r.bottom(), el.y]))
                    self.clipRects[-1] = r.normalized()
    def sizeMetrics(self):
        return self.__size
    def alignCornerRects(self, rect):
        for r in self.clipRects:
            if <
            if <

def _rects_conv_PyQt5(rects):
    # PyQt5 compatibility: the conversion from QRect to QRectF should not 
    # be necessary but it seems to be anyway... PyQt5 bug?
    if PYQT5:
        return [QRectF(rect) for rect in rects]
        return rects

def qwtDrawBackground(painter, canvas):
    borderClip = canvas.borderPath(canvas.rect())
    if not borderClip.isEmpty():
        painter.setClipPath(borderClip, Qt.IntersectClip)
    brush = canvas.palette().brush(canvas.backgroundRole())
    if == Qt.TexturePattern:
        pm = QPixmap(canvas.size())
        QwtPainter.fillPixmap(canvas, pm)
        painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, pm)
    elif brush.gradient():
        rects = []
        if brush.gradient().coordinateMode() == QGradient.ObjectBoundingMode:
            rects += [canvas.rect()]
            rects += [painter.clipRegion().rects()]
        useRaster = False
        if painter.paintEngine().type() == QPaintEngine.X11:
            useRaster = True
        if useRaster:
            format_ = QImage.Format_RGB32
            stops = brush.gradient().stops()
            for stop in stops:
                if stop.second.alpha() != 255:
                    format_ = QImage.Format_ARGB32
            image = QImage(canvas.size(), format_)
            p = QPainter(image)
            painter.drawImage(0, 0, image)


def qwtRevertPath(path):
    if path.elementCount() == 4:
        el0 = path.elementAt(0)
        el3 = path.elementAt(3)
        path.setElementPositionAt(0, el3.x, el3.y)
        path.setElementPositionAt(3, el0.x, el0.y)

def qwtCombinePathList(rect, pathList):
    if not pathList:
        return QPainterPath()
    ordered = [None] * 8
    for subPath in pathList:
        index = -1
        br = subPath.controlPointRect()
        if <
            if <
                if abs( < abs(br.left()-rect.left()):
                    index = 1
                    index = 0
                if abs(br.bottom()-rect.bottom) < abs(br.left()-rect.left()):
                    index = 6
                    index = 7
            if subPath.currentPosition().y() >
            if <
                if abs( < abs(br.right()-rect.right()):
                    index = 2
                    index = 3
                if abs(br.bottom()-rect.bottom()) < abs(br.right()-rect.right()):
                    index = 5
                    index = 4
            if subPath.currentPosition().y() <
        ordered[index] = subPath
    for i in range(4):
        if ordered[2*i].isEmpty() != ordered[2*i+1].isEmpty():
            return QPainterPath()
    corners = QPolygonF(rect)
    path = QPainterPath()
    for i in range(4):
        if ordered[2*i].isEmpty():
    return path

def qwtDrawStyledBackground(w, painter):
    opt = QStyleOption()
    opt.initFrom(w), opt, painter, w)

def qwtBackgroundWidget(w):
    if w.parentWidget() is None:
        return w
    if w.autoFillBackground():
        brush = w.palette().brush(w.backgroundRole())
        if brush.color().alpha() > 0:
            return w
    if w.testAttribute(Qt.WA_StyledBackground):
        image = QImage(1, 1, QImage.Format_ARGB32)
        painter = QPainter(image)
        qwtDrawStyledBackground(w, painter)
        if qAlpha(image.pixel(0, 0)) != 0:
            return w
    return qwtBackgroundWidget(w.parentWidget())

def qwtFillBackground(*args):
    if len(args) == 2:
        painter, canvas = args

        rects = []
        if canvas.testAttribute(Qt.WA_StyledBackground):
            recorder = QwtStyleSheetRecorder(canvas.size())
            p = QPainter(recorder)
            qwtDrawStyledBackground(canvas, p)
            if recorder.background.brush.isOpaque():
                rects = recorder.clipRects
                rects += [canvas.rect()]
            r = canvas.rect()
            radius = canvas.borderRadius()
            if radius > 0.:
                sz = QSizeF(radius, radius)
                rects += [QRectF(r.topLeft(), sz),
                          QRectF(r.topRight()-QPointF(radius, 0), sz),
                          QRectF(r.bottomRight()-QPointF(radius, radius), sz),
                          QRectF(r.bottomLeft()-QPointF(0, radius), sz)]

        qwtFillBackground(painter, canvas, rects)

    elif len(args) == 3:
        painter, widget, fillRects = args
        if not fillRects:
        if painter.hasClipping():
            clipRegion = painter.transform().map(painter.clipRegion())
            clipRegion = widget.contentsRect()
        bgWidget = qwtBackgroundWidget(widget.parentWidget())
        for fillRect in fillRects:
            rect = fillRect.toAlignedRect()
            if clipRegion.intersects(rect):
                pm = QPixmap(rect.size())
                QwtPainter.fillPixmap(bgWidget, pm, widget.mapTo(bgWidget, rect.topLeft()))
                painter.drawPixmap(rect, pm)
        raise TypeError("%s() takes 2 or 3 argument(s) (%s given)"\
                        % ("qwtFillBackground", len(args)))

class StyleSheetBackground(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.brush = QBrush()
        self.origin = QPointF()

class StyleSheet(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.hasBorder = False
        self.borderPath = QPainterPath()
        self.cornerRects = []
        self.background = StyleSheetBackground()
class QwtPlotCanvas_PrivateData(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.focusIndicator = QwtPlotCanvas.NoFocusIndicator
        self.borderRadius = 0
        self.paintAttributes = 0
        self.backingStore = None
        self.styleSheet = StyleSheet()
        self.styleSheet.hasBorder = False

[docs]class QwtPlotCanvas(QFrame): """ Canvas of a QwtPlot. Canvas is the widget where all plot items are displayed .. seealso:: :py:meth:`qwt.plot.QwtPlot.setCanvas()` Paint attributes: * `QwtPlotCanvas.BackingStore`: Paint double buffered reusing the content of the pixmap buffer when possible. Using a backing store might improve the performance significantly, when working with widget overlays (like rubber bands). Disabling the cache might improve the performance for incremental paints (using :py:class:`qwt.plot_directpainter.QwtPlotDirectPainter`). * `QwtPlotCanvas.Opaque`: Try to fill the complete contents rectangle of the plot canvas When using styled backgrounds Qt assumes, that the canvas doesn't fill its area completely (f.e because of rounded borders) and fills the area below the canvas. When this is done with gradients it might result in a serious performance bottleneck - depending on the size. When the Opaque attribute is enabled the canvas tries to identify the gaps with some heuristics and to fill those only. .. warning:: Will not work for semitransparent backgrounds * `QwtPlotCanvas.HackStyledBackground`: Try to improve painting of styled backgrounds `QwtPlotCanvas` supports the box model attributes for customizing the layout with style sheets. Unfortunately the design of Qt style sheets has no concept how to handle backgrounds with rounded corners - beside of padding. When HackStyledBackground is enabled the plot canvas tries to separate the background from the background border by reverse engineering to paint the background before and the border after the plot items. In this order the border gets perfectly antialiased and you can avoid some pixel artifacts in the corners. * `QwtPlotCanvas.ImmediatePaint`: When ImmediatePaint is set replot() calls repaint() instead of update(). .. seealso:: :py:meth:`replot()`, :py:meth:`QWidget.repaint()`, :py:meth:`QWidget.update()` Focus indicators: * `QwtPlotCanvas.NoFocusIndicator`: Don't paint a focus indicator * `QwtPlotCanvas.CanvasFocusIndicator`: The focus is related to the complete canvas. Paint the focus indicator using paintFocus() * `QwtPlotCanvas.ItemFocusIndicator`: The focus is related to an item (curve, point, ...) on the canvas. It is up to the application to display a focus indication using f.e. highlighting. .. py:class:: QwtPlotCanvas([plot=None]) Constructor :param qwt.plot.QwtPlot plot: Parent plot widget .. seealso:: :py:meth:`qwt.plot.QwtPlot.setCanvas()` """ # enum PaintAttribute BackingStore = 1 Opaque = 2 HackStyledBackground = 4 ImmediatePaint = 8 # enum FocusIndicator NoFocusIndicator, CanvasFocusIndicator, ItemFocusIndicator = list(range(3)) def __init__(self, plot=None): super(QwtPlotCanvas, self).__init__(plot) self.__plot = plot self.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Panel|QFrame.Sunken) self.setLineWidth(2) self.__data = QwtPlotCanvas_PrivateData() self.setCursor(Qt.CrossCursor) self.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.setPaintAttribute(QwtPlotCanvas.BackingStore, False) self.setPaintAttribute(QwtPlotCanvas.Opaque, True) self.setPaintAttribute(QwtPlotCanvas.HackStyledBackground, True)
[docs] def plot(self): """ :return: Parent plot widget """ return self.__plot
[docs] def setPaintAttribute(self, attribute, on=True): """ Changing the paint attributes Paint attributes: * `QwtPlotCanvas.BackingStore` * `QwtPlotCanvas.Opaque` * `QwtPlotCanvas.HackStyledBackground` * `QwtPlotCanvas.ImmediatePaint` :param int attribute: Paint attribute :param bool on: On/Off .. seealso:: :py:meth:`testPaintAttribute()`, :py:meth:`backingStore()` """ if bool(self.__data.paintAttributes & attribute) == on: return if on: self.__data.paintAttributes |= attribute else: self.__data.paintAttributes &= ~attribute if attribute == self.BackingStore: if on: if self.__data.backingStore is None: self.__data.backingStore = QPixmap() if self.isVisible(): if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000: self.__data.backingStore = self.grab(self.rect()) else: if PYQT5: pm = QPixmap.grabWidget(self, self.rect()) else: pm = self.grab(self.rect()) self.__data.backingStore = pm else: self.__data.backingStore = None elif attribute == self.Opaque: if on: self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_OpaquePaintEvent, True) elif attribute in (self.HackStyledBackground, self.ImmediatePaint): pass
[docs] def testPaintAttribute(self, attribute): """ Test whether a paint attribute is enabled :param int attribute: Paint attribute :return: True, when attribute is enabled .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setPaintAttribute()` """ return self.__data.paintAttributes & attribute
[docs] def backingStore(self): """ :return: Backing store, might be None """ return self.__data.backingStore
[docs] def invalidateBackingStore(self): """Invalidate the internal backing store""" if self.__data.backingStore: self.__data.backingStore = QPixmap()
[docs] def setFocusIndicator(self, focusIndicator): """ Set the focus indicator Focus indicators: * `QwtPlotCanvas.NoFocusIndicator` * `QwtPlotCanvas.CanvasFocusIndicator` * `QwtPlotCanvas.ItemFocusIndicator` :param int focusIndicator: Focus indicator .. seealso:: :py:meth:`focusIndicator()` """ self.__data.focusIndicator = focusIndicator
[docs] def focusIndicator(self): """ :return: Focus indicator .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setFocusIndicator()` """ return self.__data.focusIndicator
[docs] def setBorderRadius(self, radius): """ Set the radius for the corners of the border frame :param float radius: Radius of a rounded corner .. seealso:: :py:meth:`borderRadius()` """ self.__data.borderRadius = max([0., radius])
[docs] def borderRadius(self): """ :return: Radius for the corners of the border frame .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setBorderRadius()` """ return self.__data.borderRadius
def event(self, event): if event.type() == QEvent.PolishRequest: if self.testPaintAttribute(self.Opaque): self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_OpaquePaintEvent, True) if event.type() in (QEvent.PolishRequest, QEvent.StyleChange): self.updateStyleSheetInfo() return QFrame.event(self, event) def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter(self) painter.setClipRegion(event.region()) if self.testPaintAttribute(self.BackingStore) and\ self.__data.backingStore is not None: bs = self.__data.backingStore if bs.size() != self.size(): bs = QwtPainter.backingStore(self, self.size()) if self.testAttribute(Qt.WA_StyledBackground): p = QPainter(bs) qwtFillBackground(p, self) self.drawCanvas(p, True) else: p = QPainter() if self.__data.borderRadius <= 0.: # print('**DEBUG: QwtPlotCanvas.paintEvent') QwtPainter.fillPixmap(self, bs) p.begin(bs) self.drawCanvas(p, False) else: p.begin(bs) qwtFillBackground(p, self) self.drawCanvas(p, True) if self.frameWidth() > 0: self.drawBorder(p) p.end() painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.__data.backingStore) else: if self.testAttribute(Qt.WA_StyledBackground): if self.testAttribute(Qt.WA_OpaquePaintEvent): qwtFillBackground(painter, self) self.drawCanvas(painter, True) else: self.drawCanvas(painter, False) else: if self.testAttribute(Qt.WA_OpaquePaintEvent): if self.autoFillBackground(): qwtFillBackground(painter, self) qwtDrawBackground(painter, self) else: if self.borderRadius() > 0.: clipPath = QPainterPath() clipPath.addRect(self.rect()) clipPath = clipPath.subtracted(self.borderPath(self.rect())) painter.setClipPath(clipPath, Qt.IntersectClip) qwtFillBackground(painter, self) qwtDrawBackground(painter, self) painter.restore() self.drawCanvas(painter, False) if self.frameWidth() > 0: self.drawBorder(painter) if self.hasFocus() and self.focusIndicator() == self.CanvasFocusIndicator: self.drawFocusIndicator(painter) def drawCanvas(self, painter, withBackground): hackStyledBackground = False if withBackground and self.testAttribute(Qt.WA_StyledBackground) and\ self.testPaintAttribute(self.HackStyledBackground): # Antialiasing rounded borders is done by # inserting pixels with colors between the # border color and the color on the canvas, # When the border is painted before the plot items # these colors are interpolated for the canvas # and the plot items need to be clipped excluding # the anialiased pixels. In situations, where # the plot items fill the area at the rounded # borders this is noticeable. # The only way to avoid these annoying "artefacts" # is to paint the border on top of the plot items. if self.__data.styleSheet.hasBorder and\ not self.__data.styleSheet.borderPath.isEmpty(): # We have a border with at least one rounded corner hackStyledBackground = True if withBackground: if self.testAttribute(Qt.WA_StyledBackground): if hackStyledBackground: # paint background without border painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen) painter.setBrush(self.__data.styleSheet.background.brush) painter.setBrushOrigin(self.__data.styleSheet.background.origin) painter.setClipPath(self.__data.styleSheet.borderPath) painter.drawRect(self.contentsRect()) else: qwtDrawStyledBackground(self, painter) elif self.autoFillBackground(): painter.setPen(Qt.NoPen) painter.setBrush(self.palette().brush(self.backgroundRole())) if self.__data.borderRadius > 0. and self.rect() == self.frameRect(): if self.frameWidth() > 0: painter.setClipPath(self.borderPath(self.rect())) painter.drawRect(self.rect()) else: painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True) painter.drawPath(self.borderPath(self.rect())) else: painter.drawRect(self.rect()) painter.restore() if not self.__data.styleSheet.borderPath.isEmpty(): painter.setClipPath(self.__data.styleSheet.borderPath, Qt.IntersectClip) else: if self.__data.borderRadius > 0.: painter.setClipPath(self.borderPath(self.frameRect()), Qt.IntersectClip) else: # print('**DEBUG: QwtPlotCanvas.drawCanvas') painter.setClipRect(self.contentsRect(), Qt.IntersectClip) self.plot().drawCanvas(painter) painter.restore() if withBackground and hackStyledBackground: # Now paint the border on top opt = QStyleOptionFrame() opt.initFrom(self), opt, painter, self)
[docs] def drawBorder(self, painter): """ Draw the border of the plot canvas :param QPainter painter: Painter .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setBorderRadius()` """ if self.__data.borderRadius > 0: if self.frameWidth() > 0: QwtPainter.drawRoundedFrame(painter, QRectF(self.frameRect()), self.__data.borderRadius, self.__data.borderRadius, self.palette(), self.frameWidth(), self.frameStyle()) else: if QT_VERSION >= 0x040500: if PYQT5: from qwt.qt.QtGui import QStyleOptionFrame else: from qwt.qt.QtGui import QStyleOptionFrameV3 as\ QStyleOptionFrame opt = QStyleOptionFrame() opt.initFrom(self) frameShape = self.frameStyle() & QFrame.Shape_Mask frameShadow = self.frameStyle() & QFrame.Shadow_Mask opt.frameShape = QFrame.Shape(int(opt.frameShape)|frameShape) if frameShape in (QFrame.Box, QFrame.HLine, QFrame.VLine, QFrame.StyledPanel, QFrame.Panel): opt.lineWidth = self.lineWidth() opt.midLineWidth = self.midLineWidth() else: opt.lineWidth = self.frameWidth() if frameShadow == self.Sunken: opt.state |= QStyle.State_Sunken elif frameShadow == self.Raised: opt.state |= QStyle.State_Raised, opt, painter, self) else: self.drawFrame(painter)
def resizeEvent(self, event): QFrame.resizeEvent(self, event) self.updateStyleSheetInfo()
[docs] def drawFocusIndicator(self, painter): """ Draw the focus indication :param QPainter painter: Painter """ margin = 1 focusRect = self.contentsRect() focusRect.setRect(focusRect.x()+margin, focusRect.y()+margin, focusRect.width()-2*margin, focusRect.height()-2*margin) QwtPainter.drawFocusRect(painter, self, focusRect)
[docs] def replot(self): """ Invalidate the paint cache and repaint the canvas """ self.invalidateBackingStore() if self.testPaintAttribute(self.ImmediatePaint): self.repaint(self.contentsRect()) else: self.update(self.contentsRect())
def invalidatePaintCache(self): import warnings warnings.warn("`invalidatePaintCache` has been removed: "\ "please use `replot` instead", RuntimeWarning) self.replot()
[docs] def updateStyleSheetInfo(self): """ Update the cached information about the current style sheet """ if not self.testAttribute(Qt.WA_StyledBackground): return recorder = QwtStyleSheetRecorder(self.size()) painter = QPainter(recorder) opt = QStyleOption() opt.initFrom(self), opt, painter, self) painter.end() self.__data.styleSheet.hasBorder = not recorder.border.rectList.isEmpty() self.__data.styleSheet.cornerRects = recorder.clipRects if recorder.background.path.isEmpty(): if not recorder.border.rectList.isEmpty(): self.__data.styleSheet.borderPath =\ qwtCombinePathList(self.rect(), recorder.border.pathlist) else: self.__data.styleSheet.borderPath = recorder.background.path self.__data.styleSheet.background.brush = recorder.background.brush self.__data.styleSheet.background.origin = recorder.background.origin
[docs] def borderPath(self, rect): """ Calculate the painter path for a styled or rounded border When the canvas has no styled background or rounded borders the painter path is empty. :param QRect rect: Bounding rectangle of the canvas :return: Painter path, that can be used for clipping """ if self.testAttribute(Qt.WA_StyledBackground): recorder = QwtStyleSheetRecorder(rect.size()) painter = QPainter(recorder) opt = QStyleOption() opt.initFrom(self) opt.rect = rect, opt, painter, self) painter.end() if not recorder.background.path.isEmpty(): return recorder.background.path if not recorder.border.rectList.isEmpty(): return qwtCombinePathList(rect, recorder.border.pathlist) elif self.__data.borderRadius > 0.: fw2 = self.frameWidth()*.5 r = QRectF(rect).adjusted(fw2, fw2, -fw2, -fw2) path = QPainterPath() path.addRoundedRect(r, self.__data.borderRadius, self.__data.borderRadius) return path return QPainterPath()