# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the terms of the Qwt License
# Copyright (c) 2002 Uwe Rathmann, for the original C++ code
# Copyright (c) 2015 Pierre Raybaut, for the Python translation/optimization
# (see LICENSE file for more details)
.. autoclass:: QwtLegend
from qwt.legend_data import QwtLegendData
from qwt.dyngrid_layout import QwtDynGridLayout
from qwt.painter import QwtPainter
from qwt.legend_label import QwtLegendLabel
from qwt.qt.QtGui import (QFrame, QScrollArea, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QPalette,
from qwt.qt.QtCore import Signal, QEvent, QSize, Qt, QRect, QRectF
import numpy as np
class QwtAbstractLegend(QFrame):
def __init__(self, parent):
QFrame.__init__(self, parent)
def renderLegend(self, painter, rect, fillBackground):
raise NotImplementedError
def isEmpty(self):
return 0
def scrollExtent(self, orientation):
return 0
def updateLegend(self, itemInfo, data):
raise NotImplementedError
class Entry(object):
def __init__(self):
self.itemInfo = None
self.widgets = []
class QwtLegendMap(object):
def __init__(self):
self.__entries = []
def isEmpty(self):
return len(self.__entries) == 0
def insert(self, itemInfo, widgets):
for entry in self.__entries:
if entry.itemInfo == itemInfo:
entry.widgets = widgets
newEntry = Entry()
newEntry.itemInfo = itemInfo
newEntry.widgets = widgets
self.__entries += [newEntry]
def remove(self, itemInfo):
for entry in self.__entries[:]:
if entry.itemInfo == itemInfo:
def removeWidget(self, widget):
for entry in self.__entries:
while widget in entry.widgets:
def itemInfo(self, widget):
if widget is not None:
for entry in self.__entries:
if widget in entry.widgets:
return entry.itemInfo
def legendWidgets(self, itemInfo):
if itemInfo is not None:
for entry in self.__entries:
if entry.itemInfo == itemInfo:
return entry.widgets
return []
class LegendView(QScrollArea):
def __init__(self, parent):
QScrollArea.__init__(self, parent)
self.gridLayout = None
self.contentsWidget = QWidget(self)
def event(self, event):
if event.type() == QEvent.PolishRequest:
if event.type() == QEvent.Resize:
cr = self.contentsRect()
w = cr.width()
h = self.contentsWidget.heightForWidth(cr.width())
if h > w:
w -= self.verticalScrollBar().sizeHint().width()
h = self.contentsWidget.heightForWidth(w)
self.contentsWidget.resize(w, h)
return QScrollArea.event(self, event)
def viewportEvent(self, event):
ok = QScrollArea.viewportEvent(self, event)
if event.type() == QEvent.Resize:
return ok
def viewportSize(self, w, h):
sbHeight = self.horizontalScrollBar().sizeHint().height()
sbWidth = self.verticalScrollBar().sizeHint().width()
cw = self.contentsRect().width()
ch = self.contentsRect().height()
vw = cw
vh = ch
if w > vw:
vh -= sbHeight
if h > vh:
vw -= sbWidth
if w > vw and vh == ch:
vh -= sbHeight
return QSize(vw, vh)
def layoutContents(self):
tl = self.gridLayout
if tl is None:
visibleSize = self.viewport().contentsRect().size()
margins = tl.contentsMargins()
margin_w = margins.left() + margins.right()
minW = int(tl.maxItemWidth()+margin_w)
w = max([visibleSize.width(), minW])
h = max([tl.heightForWidth(w), visibleSize.height()])
vpWidth = self.viewportSize(w, h).width()
if w > vpWidth:
w = max([vpWidth, minW])
h = max([tl.heightForWidth(w), visibleSize.height()])
self.contentsWidget.resize(w, h)
class QwtLegend_PrivateData(object):
def __init__(self):
self.itemMode = QwtLegendData.ReadOnly
self.view = None
self.itemMap = QwtLegendMap()
[docs]class QwtLegend(QwtAbstractLegend):
The legend widget
The QwtLegend widget is a tabular arrangement of legend items. Legend
items might be any type of widget, but in general they will be
a QwtLegendLabel.
.. seealso ::
.. py:class:: QwtLegend([parent=None])
:param QWidget parent: Parent widget
SIG_CLICKED = Signal("PyQt_PyObject", int)
SIG_CHECKED = Signal("PyQt_PyObject", bool, int)
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QwtAbstractLegend.__init__(self, parent)
self.__data = QwtLegend_PrivateData()
self.__data.view = LegendView(self)
gridLayout = QwtDynGridLayout(self.__data.view.contentsWidget)
self.__data.view.gridLayout = gridLayout
layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
[docs] def setMaxColumns(self, numColumns):
Set the maximum number of entries in a row
F.e when the maximum is set to 1 all items are aligned
vertically. 0 means unlimited
:param int numColumns: Maximum number of entries in a row
.. seealso::
tl = self.__data.view.gridLayout
if tl is not None:
[docs] def maxColumns(self):
:return: Maximum number of entries in a row
.. seealso::
tl = self.__data.view.gridLayout
if tl is not None:
return tl.maxColumns()
return 0
[docs] def setDefaultItemMode(self, mode):
Set the default mode for legend labels
Legend labels will be constructed according to the
attributes in a `QwtLegendData` object. When it doesn't
contain a value for the `QwtLegendData.ModeRole` the
label will be initialized with the default mode of the legend.
:param int mode: Default item mode
.. seealso::
... note::
Changing the mode doesn't have any effect on existing labels.
self.__data.itemMode = mode
[docs] def defaultItemMode(self):
:return: Default item mode
.. seealso::
return self.__data.itemMode
[docs] def contentsWidget(self):
The contents widget is the only child of the viewport of
the internal `QScrollArea` and the parent widget of all legend
:return: Container widget of the legend items
return self.__data.view.contentsWidget
[docs] def updateLegend(self, itemInfo, data):
Update the entries for an item
:param QVariant itemInfo: Info for an item
:param list data: Default item mode
widgetList = self.legendWidgets(itemInfo)
if len(widgetList) != len(data):
contentsLayout = self.__data.view.gridLayout
while len(widgetList) > len(data):
w = widgetList.pop(-1)
for i in range(len(widgetList), len(data)):
widget = self.createWidget(data[i])
if contentsLayout is not None:
if self.isVisible():
if not widgetList:
self.__data.itemMap.insert(itemInfo, widgetList)
for i in range(len(data)):
self.updateWidget(widgetList[i], data[i])
def updateTabOrder(self):
contentsLayout = self.__data.view.gridLayout
if contentsLayout is not None:
w = None
for i in range(contentsLayout.count()):
item = contentsLayout.itemAt(i)
if w is not None and item.widget():
QWidget.setTabOrder(w, item.widget())
w = item.widget()
[docs] def sizeHint(self):
"""Return a size hint"""
hint = self.__data.view.contentsWidget.sizeHint()
hint += QSize(2*self.frameWidth(), 2*self.frameWidth())
return hint
[docs] def heightForWidth(self, width):
:param int width: Width
:return: The preferred height, for a width.
width -= 2*self.frameWidth()
h = self.__data.view.contentsWidget.heightForWidth(width)
if h >= 0:
h += 2*self.frameWidth()
return h
[docs] def eventFilter(self, object_, event):
Handle QEvent.ChildRemoved andQEvent.LayoutRequest events
for the contentsWidget().
:param QObject object: Object to be filtered
:param QEvent event: Event
:return: Forwarded to QwtAbstractLegend.eventFilter()
if object_ is self.__data.view.contentsWidget:
if event.type() == QEvent.ChildRemoved:
ce = event #TODO: cast to QChildEvent
if ce.child().isWidgetType():
w = ce.child() #TODO: cast to QWidget
elif event.type() == QEvent.LayoutRequest:
if self.parentWidget() and self.parentWidget().layout() is None:
return QwtAbstractLegend.eventFilter(self, object_, event)
def itemClicked(self, widget):
# w = self.sender() #TODO: cast to QWidget
w = widget
if w is not None:
itemInfo = self.__data.itemMap.itemInfo(w)
if itemInfo is not None:
widgetList = self.__data.itemMap.legendWidgets(itemInfo)
if w in widgetList:
index = widgetList.index(w)
self.SIG_CLICKED.emit(itemInfo, index)
def itemChecked(self, on, widget):
# w = self.sender() #TODO: cast to QWidget
w = widget
if w is not None:
itemInfo = self.__data.itemMap.itemInfo(w)
if itemInfo is not None:
widgetList = self.__data.itemMap.legendWidgets(itemInfo)
if w in widgetList:
index = widgetList.index(w)
self.SIG_CHECKED.emit(itemInfo, on, index)
[docs] def renderLegend(self, painter, rect, fillBackground):
Render the legend into a given rectangle.
:param QPainter painter: Painter
:param QRectF rect: Bounding rectangle
:param bool fillBackground: When true, fill rect with the widget background
if self.__data.itemMap.isEmpty():
if fillBackground:
if self.autoFillBackground() or\
QwtPainter.drawBackground(painter, rect, self)
# const QwtDynGridLayout *legendLayout =
# qobject_cast<QwtDynGridLayout *>( contentsWidget()->layout() );
#TODO: not the exact same implementation
legendLayout = self.__data.view.contentsWidget.layout()
if legendLayout is None:
left, right, top, bottom = self.getContentsMargins()
layoutRect = QRect()
numCols = legendLayout.columnsForWidth(layoutRect.width())
itemRects = legendLayout.layoutItems(layoutRect, numCols)
index = 0
for i in range(legendLayout.count()):
item = legendLayout.itemAt(i)
w = item.widget()
if w is not None:
painter.setClipRect(itemRects[index], Qt.IntersectClip)
self.renderItem(painter, w, itemRects[index], fillBackground)
index += 1
[docs] def renderItem(self, painter, widget, rect, fillBackground):
Render a legend entry into a given rectangle.
:param QPainter painter: Painter
:param QWidget widget: Widget representing a legend entry
:param QRectF rect: Bounding rectangle
:param bool fillBackground: When true, fill rect with the widget background
if fillBackground:
if widget.autoFillBackground() or\
QwtPainter.drawBackground(painter, rect, widget)
label = widget #TODO: cast to QwtLegendLabel
if label is not None:
icon = label.data().icon()
sz = icon.defaultSize()
iconRect = QRectF(rect.x()+label.margin(),
sz.width(), sz.height())
icon.render(painter, iconRect, Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
titleRect = QRectF(rect)
label.drawText(painter, titleRect) #TODO: cast label to QwtLegendLabel
[docs] def itemInfo(self, widget):
Find the item that is associated to a widget
:param QWidget widget: Widget on the legend
:return: Associated item info
return self.__data.itemMap.itemInfo(widget)
def isEmpty(self):
return self.__data.itemMap.isEmpty()